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Research Journal Entry #1


Today in class, we created a Wikipedia account and learned how to create footnotes, reference and cite in 'Sandbox' using the different Wiki markup tools and heading procedures. We learned how to cite with MLA format on Wikipedia. I learned how to look at different formats and attach them to my Wiki entries and for what will be used in my different contributions towards Wikipedia.

Research Journal Entry #2


Exercised how to read and analyze certain passages to summarize information. Practiced writing in other 'talk' pages to brush up on user editing skills, while that included how to use a signature and 'sign' an edit or comment on Wikipedia talk.

Research Journal Entry #4

  • Lead Section :
  • Last thing people should write / Hardest thing to write.
  • Plot :
  • Summury of whats going on in novel..500 words - 800 words
  • Theme :
  • Hidden idea / Subtle / Message
  • Background :
  • How story comes to be / Making of...

Research Journal Entry #5


Continuing our summarize of articles and bullet pointing main ideas that are found in each article. Looking at how others interpret and discuss Butlers work. Class revolved around pin pointing certain ideas that may or may not be used in our papers. We learned how to cite an author as 'in text' citation if they have more than one piece of work, how to cite Bibliography and passages.

Jonas, Helford (Quote Gender roles) Spoke about how to read and understand wiki projects and style guildlines on how to format your wiki page and how to read and make a page more smooth.

Research Assignment #1


Octavia Estelle Butler was born 1947 in Pasadena, California. At an early age Butler was immensly shy combined with the fact that she was 6feet tall it was difficult to socialize and caused her to be insecure. As she young girl Butler was hooked on fairytales/science fiction, she wrote endlessly as her mother had bought her a type writer. Following a gradutation at John Muir Highschool Butler enorlled at Pasadena College where she had earned herself her first dollar amount for her actual writing. After graduating from Pasadena College Butler continued to work at jobs that would allow her to continue her writing After attending Clarion Science Fiction workshop in Pennsylvania, which would become a staple of her life, where her passion for writing would increase and be able to become more indulgent in. Butler during this time period had also sold her first two stories: 'Child Finder' & 'Crossover'. Butlers became famous after her 'Speech Sounds' story won the Hugo award following another Hugo award for 'Bloodchild'. Butler died in Washington on February 24, 2006 she was 58 years old.

Wild Seed, Chapters 1-4


The initial beginning of the book started out with a terrain that seemed almost indigenous to what could be considered Africa. The book brings about 2 distinctive/main characters named Doro and Anyanwu. Both seem to posses abilities that only others have dreamed of, these two individuals are not even fully Human anymore. While encountering each other it seems as if Doro is a spirit who is easily able to posses people at a whim and wear their flesh like his own, he has had no physical body for hundreds of years to call his own. While Anyanwu has been around for around three hundred years being able to mold her body into other creates and genders. Anyanwu is very unique and seems to be one of the only individuals who has this power, both talk and Doro convinces Anyanwu to become his wife and travel to him, where there will be others like her and himself in which she can freely express herself and not have to hide in the shadows from other human beings, which is something she had down for years. Along with Doro, there will be a community of 'special' people just like them in which they will prosper.("(Butler) Wild Seed")

Wild Seed, Chapters 5-6


As the bond between Doro and Anyanwu started to deepen, Anywanwu was hit with the reality that Doro incest behavior among his kinsmen. As her own kinsmen Okoye and Undenkwo marry each other without knowing that they come from the same blood, Anywanwu questions exactly what he has planned for her in the new settlement. Continuing their voyage to America, Anyanwu learns of the power, in which Doro sons posse. She is met with Lale who has the ability to enter your thoughts while Isaac has control over wind. Anyanwu learns of the sea and acquires the form of both a Dolphin and Shark becoming interested in the world in which she had not known was so grand and different. It seems as though Doro's abilities are as frightening to think then it is to witness, but there is a limit that he does not want Anyanwu to ever find out, in that he cannot posse animals. This idea is revolting to him as he has no means to control Anyanwu to his wishes if she is to every mold herself into an animal. Upon reaching their destination in New York Anyanwu continues her learning of the English language and their customs, she finds herself comfortable in their nice but body restraining clothes, having not been use their clothing she prepares herself to go up the river to Doro's settlement of Wheatley where he has proclaimed to her and the people amongst them that it is safe and that they can create and build there. Once reached the settlement of Wheatley Doro releases his plan that he instead will have Anyanwu marry his son Isaac instead and they will breed powerful children, with this information reaching Anyanwu she detests and warns Doro almost threateningly that she will kill herself then be procclamined as prisoner, her emotions get the better of her, as both she and Doro know that although he is calmly urging her, if she is to decline he will threaten her or kill her. Having no other option Doro leads out with Isaac who comforts her the best way he can with hes soft words and as she agrees that he may be different that in reality Doro plans for something of greatness for her and people like them. She softly, almost reluctantly agrees and lays with Isaac honestly while also becoming Doro's prisoner. ("(Butler) Wild Seed")

Wild Seed, Chapters 7-10


More than fifty years have past as the since Doro had left Wheatley the settlement Anyanwu and Isaac would call home, where they have built and where Anyanwu has birthed many children. Upon returning Doro meets with Isaac who recognizes his father like he recognizes water from soil, they discuss one of Anyanwu's children in particular Nweke who Doro felt had a very strong power within her. Appearing in a new body it became appeartent that Doro and Anyanwu both are great distaste for each other up to the point where Doro considers getting rid of her soon. It is learned that Nweke was born from a man named Thomas who Doro had forced Anyanwu to mate with while their relationship was at a point of constant battle. After becoming pregnant Doro killed Thomas to show Anyanwu that he was still to be obeyed and that she should fear him. As Isaac is one of the few reasons Anyanwy even bears Doro's constant enslavement of her and having her mate with other men. Nweke begins her transition, which is something that happens before the individual gets full access to their powers and at this stage they either die, go crazy or actually come out sane and well rounded. Anyanwu has never failed to help one of her or an other child going through transition as it is a very painful process. While Anyanwu bears with her daughters transition, Isaac talks with Doro that he should not kill her and that they should finally make peace because Anyanwu is do different, and while Doro doesn't agree Isaac settles an idea inside his mind so that his settlement can continue with Anyanwu. Near the final stages of Nweke's transition Doro and Isaac come to find a near dead Anyanwu on the floor and a mindless Nweke on the a bed, Isaac approaches Nweke and sees if he can snap her out of this state but his ejected to the floor where he barely grasping for life, as both are on the floor Doro comes to Nweke in order for her to snap out of her mindless state. In an instant Nweke is battered by Isaacs powers as he is nearly unconscious and is killed accidentally while Doro gets Anyanwu to regain conscious and try to help save a dying Isaac, her attempt fails and Isaac dies shortly after along with Nweke. A funeral is held for Isaac and Nweke and Doro cannot seem to sense Anyanwu who has now fled from the Wheatley settlement and shifted into a Dolphin where she makes the decision to leave and become an enemy of Doro. ("(Butler) Wild Seed")

"Orson Scott Card on Butler's craft in Wild Seed.


Orson reveals that not only is Octavia E. Butler's work very engaging as a science fiction writer but that, she gives us what we want as contemporary readers. It is displayed that Butler is able to use her words both to help keep the readers interest with small examples from the start of her novel 'Wild Seed' in which she describes a word the reader will not understand yet will procure their interest in the context of what is being read. Orson continues that in 'Wild Seed' Butler drops the right words at the right time not to confuse the reader, and specific examples are given to uphold the true nature of how Bulter writes her stories. Described by Orson who praises Bulter's work on allowing enough information for the reader to than make assumptions that are extreme or overly radical to the point where the reader would assume off point to the contrary of the story. How is the story able to grasp the reader by only a few pages into the book where, Orson claims that word usage is key while involving specific point of views of the characters introduced by Bulter are important. Not overly confusing the reader is what helps keep them enticed by how the beginning of the book unfolds. Butler details certain character attributes for start as to make it clear that neither of these individuals are completely human or mortal. Orson goes through simple fundamentals that make writing science fiction, in which hes identifies different ideas that Butler exploits to give the readers ideas. he identifies, Abeyance, implication, pique of interest, Literalism and exposition.

Citation practice


Octavia Butler was shy as a child.[1] [2] [3][4]


  1. ^ Butler, Octavia E. "Positive obsession Bloodchild and other stories. New York: seven stories, 2005
  2. ^ Clute, John. "Butler, Octavia E." The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Eds. John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight. Gollancz, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 21 Sept. 2015. <http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/entry
  3. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Sept. 2015
  4. ^ Wikipedia contributors. "Octavia E. Butler." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Sep. 2015. Web. 28 Sep. 2015.