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User:JTereick/Marie-Louise Boëllmann-Gigout

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Marie-Louise Boëllmann-Gigout, May 1922

Marie-Louise Boëllmann, (French: ; 18 June 1891 – 31 July 1977), was a French organist and organ teacher. She was the daughter of composer Léon Boëllmann. Composer Louis Niedermeyer was her maternal great-grandfather. Having been raised by her maternal great-aunt Caroline-Mathilde Gigout and her great-uncle-in-law Eugène Gigout, who had adopted her father, she was most commonly known as Marie-Louise Boëllmann-Gigout.



Marie-Louise Boëllmann was born in Paris in the 17th arrondissement). Boëllmann was the first[1] child of organist and composer Léon Boëllmann and his wife Louise Lefèvre. Gustave Lefèvre, her father's organ teacher, was Marie-Louise Boëllmann's maternal grandfather. The family lived in the household of Eugène Gigout, who also taught Léon Boëllmann and had adopted him, having no children of his own with his wife Caroline-Mathilde, née de Niedermeyer d'Altenbourg, who was Gustave Lefèvre's sister and thereby Louise Lefèvre's aunt. When her parents died shortly after eachother, her father in , and her mother in, she and her younger siblings, twins Jeanne and Jean Boëllmann, were raised by the Gigouts.

During the Second World War, elle fonde avec Claude Delvincourt l'orchestre des cadets du conservatoire, afin de soustraire ceux-ci au STO.

She taught, Marie-Louise Boëllmann-Gigout taught, amongst others, Alain de Chambure and Pierre Brousseau.

Par disposition testamentaire, elle lègue une partie de sa fortune à la ville de Strasbourg, afin que celle-ci organise un concours d'orgue portant son nom.

She was a friend of composer Jean Roger-Ducasse. Their correspondence is archived in the Bibliothèque nationale de France.[2]

She died aged 86 in [[Zurich], Switzerland.

The city of Strasburg in her name, the Prix international d’orgue Boëllmann-Gigou for organ improvisation

French Article: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie-Louise_Gigout-Bo%C3%ABllmann

Orgue en France : https://es-la.fcb.com/orgueenfrance/posts/1781931452083286/

Price: http://www.ffao.com/annonces/1570811844.pdf

Article (listed in Gabriel Faure: A Guide to Research): https://www.google.de/books/edition/Gabriel_Faure/732p69PAG74C?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Marie-Louise+Gigout-Bo%C3%ABllmann&pg=PA148&printsec=frontcover


  1. ^ https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5320180n/f83.image.r=(prOx:%20%22Marie%20Louise%22%201%20%22Bo%C3%ABllmann%22)?rk=85837;2
  2. ^ Roger-Ducasse: Lettres à son ami André Lambinet. Edited by Jacques Depaulis. ISBN: 9782870097762 2001. p. 224

Catégorie:Organiste classique française Catégorie:Pédagogue en musique classique Catégorie:Naissance en juin 1891 Catégorie:Naissance dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris Catégorie:Décès à Zurich Catégorie:Décès en juillet 1977 Catégorie:Décès à 86 ans