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Alexandru Darida, born May 15, 1955, is an artist best known for his pioneering social activist art.[1] Darida recognizes that it is his obligation as an artist to communicate the most pressing social and ethical issues of our time through his artwork in order to stimulate dialogue. His work includes oil paintings, drawings, and acrylic sculpture that speak to such diverse subjects as the promotion of stem cell research and the politically charged relationship of man with nature. [1] [2]

Early years


The childhood of painter Alexandru Darida sounds more like something from a fairy tale than from reality. Born to an Italian father and Romanian mother, he grew up amidst breathtaking medieval castles in Transylvania, in the city of Satu Mare - the region famous as the birthplace of the Dracula legend. The romantic imagery of his youth and the artistic talents of his older brother Ioan, a specialist in art restoration and conservation, with a PhD in the subject and an art advisor for ALIS Auction House Bucharest, provided the framework for Darida’s own artistic endeavor [3] . After graduating from the University of Arts and Design in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 1978, Darida struggled as an artist with the restraints on creative freedom imposed by the communist regime. Behind the forbidding iron curtain, he was limited to painting what the government told him to paint, and was denied permission to paint anything else. Overwhelmed by the restrictions imposed upon him, he realized that he had to escape the tyranny of communism in order to fully pursue his artistic passion. In 1985, Darida made a courageous escape to Italy, where he was determined to pursue his new-found artistic freedom in the city of Rome. He enrolled for studies at the then small private Benedetti Liberal Academy of Art in Rome. Savouring his artistic freedom, Darida traveled extensively through the museums of Western Europe, seeing masterpieces for himself that he could never have seen in communist Romania. He visited museums in Venice, Florence, Sienna, Bologna, Naples and elsewhere, finding particular inspiration in the work of Botticelli, Rembrandt and Modigliani. By 1987 Darida was tired of being pursued by the Romanian government. He sought the help of Clelio Darida (no relation), undersecretary of the Minister of the Interior, former Mayor of Rome and an admirer of the artist’s work. Darida immigrated to the United States that year, going to Chicago where he continued his studies at the American Academy of Art under the influential teacher and watercolor artist Irving Shapiro, who ventured out into nature for his inspiration. [4]

Artistic style and influences


Darida considers art to be “the soul of the people” and feels that “if you touch people’s hearts then that art will stay forever”[4] . His style is closely associated with the chiaroscuro technique initially pioneered by Leonardo da Vinci, further developed by Caravaggio, and finally perfected by Rembrandt, to achieve a dramatic intensification of action or atmospheric mood with a dimension of psychological depth.

The post-romantic art of Alexandru Darida harks back to the radiance of medieval illuminations. Claudia Moscovici in "Romanticism and Postromanticism,” writes: ""Darida's women are allegorical phantasms that populate our childhood fantasies and dreams. His application of paint is both delicate and rough; soft plays of light and shadow highlight the luminosity of gold. At the same time, the vitality of heavy, swirling paint applied with a palette knife endow his paintings with a modern feel." [4]

Darida’s style has become refined over the years, with many of his works featuring, or even being applied to, musical instruments and/or incorporating natural and man made objects as part of what has become to be known as “Vibrant Expression.” Darida exhibits a seamless transition from one medium and subject to another, and he sees a correlation between the message he seeks to convey and the medium of the art form. Hence, he chooses the medium of acrylic for his sculptures that are influenced in their form by the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuși (1876-1957), [1] because it is transparent, just as you can see through the many layers of thin glazes that he applies in his paintings. The contemporary vibrant expression is described by Sarah Seamark, Editor in Chief of Art World, in the May 2008 issue: "Darida utilizes found objects that merge elements of abstract and sculptural forms that represents a reconciliation with self and our surroundings. Their use, in combination with Darida's classic painting technique, is designed to create a distinguished, forward-looking style.”[5]

Due to his passion for music and philosophy, as well as his restless temperament and craving to discover an ideal of purity, his subjects are in a state of constant flux. Darida tackles such controversial issues as stem cell research, renewable green energy sources, man's place in relation to nature, and music related to the cosmic forces. The color - or absence of color - shape and meaning of his work all has its roots in a certain universal energy. This force runs through all of Darida’s work as he extends his earlier artistic exploration of man and nature [6] to the hot issues of the environment, global warming, and green energy. [2] He sees the subjects as interlinked with stem cell research in that the quality of the future of mankind, indeed all of life on earth, is at stake on these fronts. In the process of addressing powerful philosophies and ideals on such topics he seeks through his artwork to create a buzz and encourage dialogue – hence his moniker of artist as social activist. [1]

Awards, recognition and the love of music and art


Darida’s museum placements include the Powerhouse Museum and the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia, and his work had been featured at Municipal Galleries across Romania, in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC [17], Illinois State Museum. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Formello-Roma International Prize for Painting, [4] and the Award for Excellence in the Multimedia Miniatures Show in Romania. [7] Alexandru is heavily involved with music - which he finds inspirational, soothing and even a bit magical. He paints to music and often finds inspiration in the voice of his wife, Marianna, an accomplished opera singer. He is an experienced Madrigal conductor, and plays the piano (adding with self-effacing charm that he is “not very good” but finds it relaxing, nonetheless.) “Between painting and music,” he says, “that is my life!” [1]

Awards, Charities and affiliations

  • President’s Award American Electrology Association, 2012
  • Holiday Fundraiser for Romanian Cultural Exchange, 2012
  • Award of Excellence, City of Chicago, 2010
  • The Art of Human Rights, benefiting Heartland Alliance, 2010
  • Chicago Symphony Orchestra Bridges between Art & Music - benefiting CSO’s outreach programs targeting all segments of the Chicago community. Ref: “Painted Violins: Bridges Between Art & Music” by Lori Dana, 2010
  • Benefit night for Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Foundation, 2009
  • Misericordia Heart of Mercy, Chicago, provides a continuum of care and network of services for people with developmental disabilities. Darida worked as a teacher, helping children to prepare an art show where their artworks were auctioned as a fundraiser, 2008
  • Art against Aids - Heartland Alliance, 2008
  • Sotheby's Legends of our Time Art Show and Auction benefiting The Rett Syndrome Research Foundation, 2001


  • Portrait of Mircea Eliade, Romanian historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher, and professor at the University of Chicago. Commissioned by Chicago University in collaboration with George Predescu, Romanian Consul General in Chicago, 2009
  • Benefit night for Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Foundation, 2009
  • Portrait of Nicolae Titulescu, well-known Romanian diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs for Romania 1927-1928, commissioned by Dr. Eliot Sorel director of the SiMARC Foundation and professor at George Washington University, 1999

Portraits and artwork in private and corporate collections

  • Michael, the last King of Romania, reigned 1927-1930 and again 1940-1947
  • Emil Constantinescu president of Romania 1996-2000
  • The current president of Romania Traian Băsescu
  • Mircea Geoană, Ambassador of Romania in Washington DC
  • Yo-Yo Ma, American cellist and virtuoso, 2009
  • Opera singer Angela Gheorghiu, 2004
  • French tenor Roberto Alagna, 2004
  • Dr.Richard Byrne, MD, chairman of the neurosurgery department at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
  • Dr. Marilyn Kessler and her husband, Dr. John A. Kessler, MD, a Northwestern University neurologist who is researching the potential of stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries, as well as Alzheimer's disease
  • Andre Watts, the great pianist, 1993

Copyrighted and published pieces listed in order of year of publication in the United States

  • "Stem cell research" 2008
  • "New Life" 2008
  • "Forever " 2007 Allegro Moderato" 2005
  • " Interlude" 2006
  • "Double violin concerto" 2005
  • "Viaggio Musicale" 2005
  • "Wedding Dream "2005
  • "Concertino" 2004
  • "La Donna Con Fiori" 2004
  • "The Old Mask" 2004
  • "Thoughts of an Angel" 2004
  • ”A Mid-Summer Night's Dream" 2004
  • "Beethoven " 2004
  • "Falling in Love" 2004
  • "Carnavale di Venetia" 2003
  • "Symphonic Poem" 2003
  • "The whisper of Spring" 2003
  • "Autumn in Toscana" 2002
  • " Whisper" 2001
Darida’s work was exclusively represented by Masterpiece Publishing, 2000-2010.

National and international publications reviews and articles

  • National Register's Who's Who | Library of Congress | ISBN 0-9702264-3-8
  • Watch Alex Darida la TVRi | RTN Chicago Episodes | Blip, May 2012
  • www.Clipa.com/Darida. “Pictura Lui Darida.” Key words: Clipa.com/ artist Darida
  • "Occidentul Romanesc -Alexandru Darida" May 22, 2011 Review - Art Show Chicago. Magazine in Romanian language edited in Spain.
  • Romania USA Gandacul de Colorado Alexandru Darida - Review for the City Hall Chicago Art Show April 20, 2010
  • Romania Libera, March 20, 2010 review: Alexandru Darida City Hall Chicago Exhibition
  • Romanticism and Postromanticism by Claudia Moscovici, Lexington books, hardcover 2007, paperback 2010 - " The Iconic Art of Alexandru Darida"
  • Art World News, September 2009 - "Darida, Pioneer and Social Activist," article by Sarah Seamark, Editor in Chief
  • Art Business News, January 2009 - "Artist Rides the Green Wave,” article by Gabriel Kiley
  • Romanian Tribune, July 11, 2008 - Review of the art of Alexandru Darida in relation to nature
  • Art World News, May 2008 - "Darida's Work a Catalyst to Preserve Nature," article by
  • Sarah Seamark, Editor in Chief
  • Alexandru Darida's artwork appears in "Wurzeln im Licht Sathmar 2006 -Helmut Berner " Zeitgenossische Rumanische Lyrik Antologie de poezie Romaneasca- Radacini in Lumina This is a bilingual Romanian -German Anthology of Romanian poetry. The book is illustrated with art of Romanian artists from all over the world
  • Arbus, December 2006, North Florida's Arts & Business magazine - "Painter Alexandru Darida - Venetian Dreams," review by Madelaine Peck
  • Art World News, July 2005 - " Darida's Painted Musical Sculptures.” Key words: Darida’s musical sculptures. www.shareholder.com
  • Art World News, May 2001, Artist Vitae - "Alexandru Darida: The Pursuit of Artistic Freedom," article by Joelle Blaskey
  • America- Newspaper September 1999, “Powerful Call to Fight Breast Cancer,” article by Mariana Cuceu MD.


  • 2012- Shanghai Art Fair
  • 2011- Illinois State Museum, Southern Illinois Art & Artisans Center, Whittington IL
  • 2011- Steven Lucas Fine Arts, Laguna Beach, CA
  • 2011- Griffith Art Gallery Pelham, AL
  • 2010- City Hall of Chicago
  • 2010- River East Art Center, Chicago
  • 2010- Dali-Lamb Museum, Chicago
  • 2009- The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago
  • 2009- Art Masterpiece, Laguna Beach, CA
  • 2009- REpose Gallery, Chicago, “Global Consciousness”
  • 2008- River East Art Center, Chicago
  • 2007- International Artexpo New York
  • 2007- C. Anthony Gallery, Beaver Creek, CO, “Wings of Dreams”
  • 2007- James Coleman Signature Gallery, St. Augustine, FL
  • 2006- International Artexpo New York
  • 2006- Lavon Art Gallery, Morganville, NJ
  • 2006- Premiere Collection Fine Art Gallery, Chicago
  • 2005-International Artexpo New York
  • 2005- Gallery One, Cherry Creek, Denver, CO
  • 2005- Mozart Gallery, Chicago, “Celebration of Music”
  • 2005- Gallery One, Cherry Creek, Denver, CO
  • 2005- Masters Gallery, Vail, CO
  • 2004- International Artexpo New York
  • 2004- Visions Fine Art Gallery, Sedona, AZ
  • 2004- Millan Gallery, Fort Worth, TX
  • 2004- C Anthony Gallery, Beaver Creek, CO
  • 2004- Nese Gallery, New Port Beach, CA
  • 2004- Galleria di Sorrento, Las Vegas
  • 2003- Fine Art Forum, Metropolitan Pavilion, Chelsea District of New York City
  • 2003- Marshall Galleries, Laguna Beach, CA
  • 2003- Masters Gallery, Greenwood Village, CO
  • 2003- Gallery Zueger, Aspen, CO
  • 2003- Galleria di Sorrento, Las Vegas
  • 2002- International Artexpo New York
  • 2002- C, Anthony Gallery Beaver Creek, CO
  • 2002 - Monsoon Gallery, Bethlehem, PA
  • 2002 - Addi Galleries Maui, Lahaina, HI
  • 2001- International Artexpo New York
  • 2000- International Artexpo Las Vegas
  • 1999- Smithsonian Folklife Festival Art Show, Washington, DC
  • 1997- Lake Forest Art Gallery, Lake Forest, IL
  • 1993- Florence Art Gallery, Lake Forest, IL


  1. ^ a b c d e Seamark, Sarah (September 2009). "Darida, Pioneer and Social Activist" (PDF). Art World News: 38.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  2. ^ a b Kiley, Gabriel (January 2009). "Artists Ride the Green Wave". Art Business News. 36 (1): 32.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  3. ^ Blaskey, Joelle (May 2001). "Alexandru Darida: The Pursuit of Artistic Freedom". Art World News: 24–25.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  4. ^ a b c d Moscovici, Claudia (2007). Romanticism and Postromanticism. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. pp. 105–106. ISBN 13-978-0-7391-1674-6. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: length (help)
  5. ^ Seamark, Sarah (May 2008). "New Directions, Darida's Work a Catalyst to Preserve Nature". Art World News, May 2008: 53.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  6. ^ Cuceu, MD, MPH, Mariana. "His painting Darida - reflection of contemporary ecological imbalance". CLIPA , the oldest Romanian magazine circulation in the United States. Retrieved 13 February 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ Art Philadelphia. "Picasso: The Artist as Sculptor -- Coming to Art Philadelphia". Retrieved 14 February 2013.


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Category:Romanian artists