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User:Impru20/sandbox/Results breakdown of the 1914 Spanish general election (Senate)

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Spain Main: 1914 Spanish general election
22 March 1914

This is the results breakdown of the Senate election held in Spain on 22 March 1914. The following tables show detailed results in each of the country's 49 provinces and in the special districts of the universities, the economic societies of Friends of the Country, the royal academies and the archdioceses, as well as a summary of constituency and regional results.[1][2]

Electoral system


180 members of the Senate were indirectly elected by the local councils and major taxpayers, with electors voting for delegates instead of senators. Elected delegates—equivalent in number to one-sixth of the councillors in each local council—would then vote for senators using a write-in, two-round majority voting system. The provinces of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia were allocated four seats each, whereas each of the remaining provinces was allocated three seats, for a total of 150. The remaining 30 were allocated to special districts comprising a number of institutions, electing one seat each—the archdioceses of Burgos, Granada, Santiago de Compostela, Seville, Tarragona, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid and Zaragoza; the Royal Spanish Academy; the royal academies of History, Fine Arts of San Fernando, Exact and Natural Sciences, Moral and Political Sciences and Medicine; the universities of Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Oviedo, Salamanca, Santiago, Seville, Valencia, Valladolid and Zaragoza; and the economic societies of Friends of the Country from Madrid, Barcelona, León, Seville and Valencia. An additional 180 seats comprised senators in their own right—the Monarch's offspring and the heir apparent once coming of age; Grandees of Spain of the first class; Captain Generals of the Army and the Navy Admiral; the Patriarch of the Indies and archbishops; and the presidents of the Council of State, the Supreme Court, the Court of Auditors, the Supreme War Council and the Supreme Council of the Navy, after two years of service—as well as senators for life (who were appointed by the Monarch).[3][4][5]

Voting was on the basis of compulsory, universal manhood suffrage, which comprised all national males over 25 years of age, having at least a two-year residency in a municipality and in full enjoyment of their civil rights. Those older than 70, the clergy, first instance judges and public notaries were exempt from this obligation.[6][7]


Summary of the 22 March 1914 Senate of Spain election results
Parties and alliances Seats
Liberal Conservative Party (PLC) 95
Liberal Party (PL) 41
Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) 12
Regionalist League (LR) 6
Jaimist–Integrist Coalition (CTPI) 4
Reformist Party (PRef) 3
Republican–Socialist Conjunction (CRS) 2
Republican Coalition (PRRUFNR) 1
Social Defence Committee (CDS) 1
Independents (INDEP) 6
Archbishops (ARCH) 9
Total elective seats 180




Summary of constituency results in the 22 March 1914 Senate of Spain election
% S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S
Álava 3
Albacete 2 1
Alicante 2 1
Almería 2 1
Ávila 3
Badajoz 3
Balearics 3
Barcelona 1 3
Biscay 3
Burgos 2 1
Cáceres 2 1
Cádiz 3
Canaries 2 1
Castellón 2 1
Ciudad Real 1 2
Córdoba 2 1
Cuenca 2 1
Gerona 1 2
Granada 2 1
Guadalajara 3
Guipúzcoa 2 1
Huelva 3
Huesca 3
Jaén 3
La Coruña 2 1
León 3
Lérida 1 1 1
Logroño 1 2
Lugo 2 1
Madrid 2 1 1
Málaga 2 1
Murcia 2 1
Navarre 1 2
Orense 1 1 1
Oviedo 2 1
Palencia 2 1
Pontevedra 2 1
Salamanca 2 1
Santander 2 1
Segovia 1 2
Seville 3
Soria 2 1
Tarragona 1 1 1
Teruel 3
Toledo 2 1
Valencia 2 1 1
Valladolid 2 1
Zamora 2 1
Zaragoza 2 1
U. of Barcelona 1
U. of Granada 1
U. of Madrid 1
U. of Oviedo 1
U. of Salamanca 1
U. of Santiago 1
U. of Seville 1
U. of Valencia 1
U. of Valladolid 1
U. of Zaragoza 1
Economic Societies
E. S. of Barcelona 1
E. S. of León 1
E. S. of Madrid 1
E. S. of Seville 1
E. S. of Valencia 1
R. Spanish Academy 1
R. A. of History 1
R. A. of Fine Arts 1
R. A. of Sciences 1
R. A. of Moral Sciences 1
R. A. of Medicine 1
A. of Burgos 1
A. of Granada 1
A. of S. de Compostela 1
A. of Seville 1
A. of Tarragona 1
A. of Toledo 1
A. of Valencia 1
A. of Valladolid 1
A. of Zaragoza 1
Total 95 41 12 6 4 3 2 1 1 6 9


Summary of regional results in the 22 March 1914 Senate of Spain election
% S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S % S
Andalusia 20 3 1
Aragon 5 1 3
Asturias 2 1
Balearics 3
Basque Provinces 3 2 1 3
Canaries 2 1
Castile (New) 7 8 1
Castile (Old) 15 7 2
Catalonia 2 3 5 1 1 1
Extremadura 5 1
Galicia 7 3 1 1
León 4 2 3
Murcia 4 2
Navarre 1 2
Valencia 4 4 1 1
Universities 5 3 2
Economic Societies 2 1 1 1
Academies 4 2
Archdioceses 9
Total 95 41 12 6 4 3 2 1 1 6 9




Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Álava Carlos Ajuria y Urigoitia DV (INDEP)
Juan Cano y Aldama DV (INDEP)
Juan Manuel de Urquijo y Ussía DV (INDEP)


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Albacete Joaquín Chico de Guzmán y Chico de Guzmán PLC
Damián Flores Díaz PL
Juan Pérez-Seoane y Roca de Togores PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Alicante Agustín Bullón de la Torre PLC
Alfonso de Sandoval Bassecourt PLC
Álvaro Valero de Palma PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Almería Joaquín Díaz Cañabate PLC
Lorenzo Gallardo Tovar PL
Gustavo Ruiz de Grijalba y López-Falcón PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Ávila Diego de Alcázar y Guzmán PLC
Félix de Gregorio y Hernández-Mozo PLC
César Jiménez Arenas PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Badajoz Manuel María Albarrán y García-Marqués PLC
José Gutiérrez de la Barreda y Silva PLC
Jerónimo Valdés González PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Balearics Pedro Cotoner y Veri PLC
Antonio Martín Nebot PLC
José de Olives Magarola PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Barcelona Miguel Arcángel Fargas y Roca LR
Juan Rosell y Rubert PL
Luis Sedó y Guichard LR
Leoncio Soler y March LR


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Biscay Benigno Chávarri y Salazar PLC
Luis de Salazar y Zubía PLC
Tomás de Zubiría e Ibarra PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Burgos Rafael Bermejo y Ceballos-Escalera PLC
Ramón Cuesta y Cobo de la Torre PLC
Antonio Martínez del Campo y Acosta PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Cáceres Manuel Grande de Vargas PLC
Ramón Jordán de Urríes y Ruiz de Arana PLC
Juan Muñoz Chaves PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Cádiz Ramón de Carranza y Fernández de la Reguera PLC
José María Núñez de Reynoso PLC
Fernando de Soto y González de Aguilar PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Canaries Pedro del Castillo-Olivares y Matos PLC
Juan García del Castillo PLC
Antonio Izquierdo Vélez PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Castellón Juan de Melgar y Álvarez de Abreu PL
Tomás Romero y Martín-Toledano PRef
Rafael Urbina y Ceballos-Escalera PL

Ciudad Real

Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Ciudad Real José Cendrero y Díaz PL
Mariano Frías y Pérez de los Cobos PLC
Ramón Gasset y Chinchilla PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Córdoba Francisco Ruiz Frías PLC
Florentino Sotomayor y Moreno PLC
Francisco Rafael de Uhagón y Guardamino PLD


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Cuenca Arturo Ballesteros Rubio PL
Pedro José Cobo Jiménez PLC
Tomás Montejo y Rica PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Gerona Fernando Fabra y Puig LR
José Enrique de Olano y Loyzaga PLC
Federico Rahola y Tremols LR


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Granada Mariano de Atienza y Ramírez-Tello de Valladares PLC
Modesto Franco Flórez del Corral PLC
Federico Gutiérrez y Jiménez PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Guadalajara Santos López Pelegrín y Bordonada PL
Juan Pérez-Caballero y Ferrer PL
Juan de Ranero y Rivas PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Guipúzcoa José Itarte y Eguino PI (J–I)
Bernardo Rengifo y Tercero PL
José Juan Romero y Sein PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Huelva José Espina Soldán PLC
Valentín Menéndez San Juan PLC
Mariano Vázquez de Zafra PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Huesca José Almuzara Cerezo PLD
Celestino Armiñán Coalla PLD
Maximo Escuer y Velasco PLD


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Jaén Antonio José Fernández de Villalta y Uribe PLC
Antonio Marín de la Bárcena PLC
Fernando Puig y Mauri PLC

La Coruña

Constituency Elected member Allegiance
La Coruña Federico Carlos Bas y Vassallo PLC
Francisco Prieto Mera PL
Eduardo de Torres Taboada PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
León Leopoldo Cortinas y Porras PLD
Eduardo García-Bajo y Gullón PLD
Álvaro Saavedra y Magdalena PLD


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Lérida José Agelet y Garrell PL
Emilio Junoy y Gelbert PRef
Juan Moles Ormella UFNR (CR)


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Logroño Faustino Archilla y Salido PLC
Perfecto García de Jalón y Vea-Murguía PLD
Víctor del Valle y Martínez PLD


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Lugo Federico Carlos Bas y Vassallo PLC
Lorenzo del Busto y García Rivero PLC
Pegerto Pardo Belmonte y Gil PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Madrid Luis Gonzaga Bahía y Urrutia CDS
Juan de Ortueta y Murgoitio PL
Carlos Prats y Rodríguez de Llano PLC
Eduardo Yáñez Carballés PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Málaga José Álvarez Net PLC
Eduardo Gómez Llombart PL
Leopoldo Larios y Sánchez de Piña PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Murcia Joaquín García y García PLC
Tomás Maestre y Pérez PL
Rafael Mazarredo Tamarit PLC
Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Navarre Elio Elío y Magallón PI (J–I)
Luis Elío y Magallón PLC
Romualdo Cesáreo Sanz y Escartín CT (J–I)


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Orense Clemente Alvira y Martín PL
Gustavo Bauer Morpurgo INDEP
Cesar Luaces Alonso-Magadán PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Oviedo Ricardo Duque de Estrada Martínez de Morentin PLC
Vicente González-Regueral y Arenas PLC
Antonio Landeta Ezcurdia PRef


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Palencia Enrique Alba y Ruiz del Árbol PL
Ignacio Martínez de Azcoitia Herrero PLC
Juan Polanco y Crespo PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Pontevedra Ángel Elduayen y Mathet PLC
José Rodríguez de Morales y Chacón PLD
José de Santos y Fernández Laza PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Salamanca Nicolás Oliva Rodríguez PL
Jacinto Orellana-Pizarro y Avecía LA (PLC)
Manuel Sánchez Tabernero PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Santander Gregorio de Mazarrasa y Pardo PLC
Ramiro Pérez y de Eizaguirre PLC
Melquiades Enrique Pico y Martínez PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Segovia Francisco Javier Gil Becerril PLC
Mariano Matesanz de la Torre PL
Raimundo Ruiz de la Torre PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Seville José Santiago Mendaro de la Rocha PLC
Anselmo Rodríguez de Rivas y Rivero PLC
Agustín Ternero e Ibarra PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Soria Ramón Benito y Aceña PLC
José Antonio Parres y Sobrino PL
José San Miguel y de la Gándara PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Tarragona José Balcells Cortada PL
Pedro Cobos Roa PRep (CRS)
José Elías de Molins PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Teruel Bartolomé Estevan Marín PLC
Pablo Martínez Pardo PLC
Antonio Santa Cruz y Garcés de Marcilla PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Toledo Manuel Escrivá de Romaní y de la Quintana PLC
Julián Francisco García-Patos y Bejarano PLC
Buenaventura Muñoz y Rodríguez PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Valencia Vicente Calabuig y Carrá PLC
Antonio Lázaro Tensa PLC
Manuel Polo y Peyrolón CT (J–I)
Carlos Testor y Pascual PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Valladolid Moisés Carballo de la Puerta PLC
Antonio Jalón y Jalón PLC
Antonio Royo Villanova PL


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Zamora Francisco García Molinas PL
Mateo Silvela y Casado PLC
Leopoldo Travesedo y Fernández-Casariego PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Zaragoza Manuel Castillón y Tena PLC
Antonio Motos y Martínez PL
Luis Pérez Cistué PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Barcelona José Daurella y Rull PLC
Granada José Rodríguez Carracido PL
Madrid José Gómez Ocaña PLD
Oviedo Fermín Canella y Secades PL
Salamanca Luis Maldonado y Fernández de Ocampo PLC
Santiago José Casares Gil PLD
Seville Francisco Pagés y Belloc PL
Valencia Vicente Calabuig y Carrá PLC
Valladolid Joaquín Fernández Prida PLC
Zaragoza Ricardo Royo Villanova PLC

Economic Societies

Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Barcelona Raimundo de Abadal y Calderó LR
León Rafael María de Labra y Cadrana PRep (CRS)
Madrid Luis Federico Guirao y Girada PLC
Seville Manuel Hoyuela y Gómez PL
Valencia Elías Tormo y Monzó PLC


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Royal Spanish Academy Francisco Commelerán y Gómez PLC
History Eduardo de Hinojosa y Naveros PLC
Fine Arts of San Fernando Ángel Avilés y Merino PLC
Exact and Natural Sciences Daniel Francisco de Paula Cortázar y Larrubia INDEP
Moral and Political Sciences Severino Eduardo Sanz y Escartín PLC
Medicine Eugenio Gutiérrez y González INDEP


Constituency Elected member Allegiance
Burgos ARCH
Granada ARCH
Santiago de Compostela ARCH
Seville ARCH
Tarragona ARCH
Toledo ARCH
Valencia ARCH
Valladolid ARCH
Zaragoza ARCH


  1. ^ "Real decreto declarando disuelta la parte electiva del Senado; que las Cortes se reunan en Madrid el día 2 de Abril próximo, y que las elecciones de Diputados a Cortes se verifiquen en todas las provincias el día 8 de Marzo del año actual y las de Senadores el día 22 de dicho mes" (PDF). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish) (46). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado: 417. 15 February 1914.
  2. ^ "Senadores y candidatos a senador entre 1834 y 1923". Senate of Spain (in Spanish). Retrieved 19 August 2022.
  3. ^ Constitución de la Monarquía Española (PDF) (Constitution) (in Spanish). 30 June 1876. Retrieved 19 August 2022.
  4. ^ Ley electoral de Senadores (PDF) (Law) (in Spanish). 8 February 1877. Retrieved 19 August 2022.
  5. ^ "Real decreto disponiendo el número de Senadores que han de elegir las provincias que se citan" (PDF). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish) (76). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado: 1021. 16 March 1899.
  6. ^ García Muñoz 2002, pp. 107–108.
  7. ^ Carreras de Odriozola & Tafunell Sambola 2005, p. 1077.
  8. ^ "La elección de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Imparcial. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  9. ^ "Datos oficiales". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Liberal. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  10. ^ "Después de la elección". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Heraldo de Madrid. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  11. ^ "Elecciones de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El País. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  12. ^ "Las elecciones de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). La Correspondencia Militar. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  13. ^ "Las elecciones de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Globo. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  14. ^ "Resultado de la elección de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). La Correspondencia de España. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  15. ^ "Las elecciones de senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Siglo Futuro. 23 March 1914. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  16. ^ "Marzo de 1914. Día 22. Elecciones de Senadores". National Library of Spain (in Spanish). El Año Político. 1 January 1915. Retrieved 9 March 2023.

