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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who am I?

A Swedish resident grown up in Gothenburg but now living in Stockholm (since 1996). Has a family with wife and 4 kids. Works with IT in general with main focus on networks, some systems maintenance and software development related to systems and network management. Geek with interest in all kinds of tech stuff, but especially in anything related to the aerospace and space exploration field. Born 1969.

In an inappropriate fit of hubris, I have started to alter pages on Wikipedia in order to (as I see it) improve them. Crossing this border, I realize there is no turning back and no hope I ever will regain the innocence lost in the process. Also, unless stopped in time by the forces of reason and good judgement, I will most likely repeat these actions of page alterations.

Not a very colorful description. I have no idea what others at Wikipedia put into these pages (I have not checked it out) but I don't have any need to say more about me. Not for now. Not here at Wikipedia.