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Omakuku Village




Omakuku village is a village in the northern Namibia. The village is 2 Kilometres from Outapi . It is 90 Km northwest of Oshakati. it is found in Omusati region in outapi constituency. It is between Nakayale and DAPP. It receives an annual average rainfall of 440 millimetres. The name Omakuku in oshiwambo as ovambo people callit, means trees called omikuku. The village was surrounded all over by trees called omikuku and finally they named a village omakuku as only one tree was left after most of them were choped down. The village has approximately 600 people. The village is divided into two parts: Omakuku A and Omakuku B. The village is under the headman Mr abisai Shaningwa after his father Mr Gideon Shaningwa. Mr Gideon Shaningwa died in October 2011 and his son has to take over. The village is also near the canal that is connected to Kunene River that is Ruacana waterfalls. People use the canal for many purposes since the water is not that dirty and at one side is the only the source in the village and they have nowhere to get water, they use it for:

Cooking(human consumption)
Agriculture irrigation, watering the plants especially in dry seasons
For drinking for both people and animals
Municipal uses
Cleaning clothes ,dishes and many more



They also practice activities such as:




People do fishing in the canal and in oshana. This is done by everyone doesn't matter who you are. They use fishing lines. This activity is very important since fish is used as daily food, they also use to sell the fish to get money to make a living and also create job opportunity.



100% of the population of the people that resides in omakuku village do subsistence agriculture. This involves both crop production and keeping animals in short they do mixed farming. They produce crops such as: omahangu, maize, pumpkins, coconuts, beans and a lot more. They keep animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses and chickens.



Apart from agriculture and fishing, people also do hunting especially when there is no meat. omisaati are mostly found in Omakuku B but not Omakuku A. So, people have to walk from Omakuku A to omakuku B where there are omisaati to do hunting and collect fire wood thats what I iina-maria shiweva (kameekulu) do when i go for holidays. Rabbits, uunyenti, uunikitha hides in omisaati. Predator and people chase those animals out of omisaati using dogs. Omisaati as ovambo people use to call it, are trees that grow almost in all parts of omusati region hence the name omusati region.



The village has a lot of trees grown there of which some produce fruits that people eat or use them to produce ombike. This fruits are: eendunga, eembe, eenyandi, omakwa, eenkwiyu, eengongo and eembeke. Ombike is an alcoholic drink that people make out of eembe, eenyandi, eendunga, eenkwiyu. They crush them and then put them in water, they keep them there for days and that start cooking them. We get omakwa from omikwa, eenkwiyu from omikwiyu, eembe from omiye, eenyandi from omimwandi, eendunga from omilunga and eengongo from omigongo


  1. http://allafrica.com/stories/200709200294.html
  2. http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcas/downloads/.../cityrecord-3-3-11.pdf
  3. http://www.cel_wallingford.ac.uk/.../Marula%20Policy%Report.p
  4. http://www.shikumafarm.somee.com/contact_us.html
  5. Http://www.thenamibian.com.na/index.php?id=75&sword=omakuku+village&start_date=any&end_date=any&search=search
  6. Menges, Werner (26 may 2011”Rainy season was one for the record books” The Namibian
  7. http://enWikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_villages_and_settlements_in_Namibia
  8. http://fishinglineguide “difference between monofilament, fluorocarbon and braided lines”