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User:Ichthyovenator/Restoration of the Byzantine Empire

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Charles VIII's crusade



Crusade beneficiaries;

  • Andreas Palaiologos
  • Constantine Komnenos Arianites
  • Leonardo III Tocco

Russian attempts


Catherine the Great's Greek Plan

Left: Catherine the Great's Greek Plan. Red marks the planned borders of the restored Byzantine Empire under her grandson Konstantin Pavlovich, blue marks the planned borders of the "Kingdom of Dacia" under Grigory Potemkin. The compensations for the Habsburg Monarchy are marked with yellow and the compensations for Venice are marked with blue-green.
Right: Close-up of the intended approximate borders of the restored Byzantine Empire (red) and the Kingdom of Dacia (blue).


Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829






  • Setton, Kenneth M. (1978). The Papacy and the Levant (1204–1571), Volume II: The Fifteenth Century. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. ISBN 0-87169-127-2.