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User:Ian Paulsen

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Ian Paulsen[edit]


Ian Paulsen is Distinguished Professor at Macquarie University [1]  and Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology  [2] He is also Deputy Director of the Macquarie Biomolecular Discovery and Design Centre. [3]



1990-1994 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Ph.D. (Medicine) “Molecular Analysis of Multidrug Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus”

1985-1989 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,

B.Sc. (Hons), First Class Honours (H1) in Microbiology

Career and impact[edit]


Ian is an ARC Laureate Fellow and an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. Thomson Reuters identified him as one of the world's 3000 most influential scientific minds in 2014. In 2020, he was featured in The Australian as one of the top 40 research superstars in Australia. Indicative of his scientific esteem, he received a Macquarie University Research Excellence Award in 2014.  He received a PhD from Monash University and was an NHMRC C.J. Martin Fellow at the University of California at San

Diego.  He then took a faculty position at the Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), where he led many microbial genome sequencing

projects. Ian returned to Australia in 2007 as a Professor at Macquarie University and received a Life Science Research Award from the NSW Office of Science and Medical Research. He is the founder and Director of the new Synthetic Biology

Laboratory at Macquarie University and the founding director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology. His published work has received significant press attention, including two interviews on the Channel 7 news in the last two years, as well as numerous radio and newspaper interviews, including in the Washington Post and New York Times.

Select Professional Activities[edit]


·      Senior Editor for the Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (2000-present)

·      Editor for the journal Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2008-2009)

·      Editor for the journal Microbial Ecology (2007-2008)

·      Editor for the journal BMC Microbial Informatics and Experimentation (2010-2013)

·      Editor for the journal Mobile Genetic Elements (2010-present)

·      Deputy Director of the Centre for Biomolecular Frontiers, Macquarie University (2007-present)

·      Member of the Management Committee for Genes to Geoscience, Macquarie University (2012-present) Member of the Management Committee of the Ramaciotti Centre for Gene Function Analysis

·      Member of the Executive Committee of Australasian Genomic Technologies Association (AGTA)  (2010-present).  

·      Co-founded the Joint Academic Microbiology Seminars (JAMS) at the Australian Museum in Sydney

·      Member of the Faculty of 1000 in 2001-2004 (http://www.facultyof1000.com/)

·      Member and Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology (2006-present)

·      Ad hoc reviewer for more than 100 papers over the last five years for a plethora of journals including Science, Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, PLoS Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, PNAS, Molecular Microbiology    , Journal of Molecular Biology, and Journal of Bacteriology

·      Member of a working group that drafted the Genomes to Life Roadmap, a major funding initiative of the US Department of Energy

·      Developed the TransportDB (http://www.membranetransport.org/) database of membrane transporters

·      Collaborated on the development of the EcoCyc database of E. coli biology (http://www.ecocyc.org/)



Professor Paulsen has published more than 300 papers in leading journals. He has published more than 300 journal papers, which have received more than 85,000 citations. Currently his H-index is 118 (Google Scholar, Nov 2020).

Awards and Fellowships[edit]


Life Science Research Award, NSW Office of Science and Medical Research (year)

Macquarie University Research Excellence Awards (2015).

C.J. Martin Fellowship, National Health and Medical Research Council (1995-1999)

Sir Ernest Field Memorial Scholarship (1990-1994)

NSW OSMR Life Science Research Award (2007-2011)

Fellowship of the Australian Society for Microbiology Fellowship (2018)]

Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science (2020)


[1] https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/ian-paulsen

2 https://coesb.com.au

3 https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/organisations/biomolecular-discovery-research-centre