User:IPLRecordsUpdateBot/Version 1.0 source/update.php
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('max_execution_time', 2500);
function($code, $msg, $file, $line) {
if ( strpos($msg, 'DOMDocument') !== false ) { # Do not log HTML parsing warnings
return false;
$code . '|' . (str_replace(['&', '|', "\r\n", "\n"], ['&', '|', '<br />', 'br />'], $msg)) . '|' . $file . '|' . $line . "\r\n",
# Delete the status and error logs and backup file if any (not if using resume)
if ( ! @$_GET['resume'] ) {
if ( file_exists('status.txt') ) {
if ( file_exists('error_log.txt') ) {
if ( file_exists('edit_failed_backup.txt') ) {
function queryWikiAPI($method, $headers = [], $getdata = [], $postdata = []) {
$wikiAPIPath = '';
# Add a request ID
if ( $method == 'POST' ) {
$postdata['requestid'] = mt_rand();
else {
$getdata['requestid'] = mt_rand();
# Additional headers for POST requests
if ( $method == 'POST' && $postdata ) {
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
$headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(http_build_query($postdata));
$streamContextOptions = [
'http' => [
'method' => $method,
'header' => implode("\r\n", $headers),
'content' => http_build_query($postdata),
# For non-POST requests, delete the request body
if ( $method != 'POST' ) {
$uri = $wikiAPIPath . ($getdata ? ('?' . http_build_query($getdata)) : '');
$result = file_get_contents($uri, 0, stream_context_create($streamContextOptions));
return $result;
$wikiAPIRequestHeaders = [
'Accept: text/xml',
'DNT: 1',
'User-Agent: ', # Sensitive information removed
$startTime = time();
# Log in
function IPLRecordsUpdateBot_login() {
global $wikiAPIRequestHeaders, $wikiAPIEditToken, $username, $password;
# Username and password
$username = 'IPLRecordsUpdateBot';
$password = ''; # Password removed
$obtainLoginTokenResult = queryWikiAPI('POST', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'format' => 'xml',
'action' => 'login',
'lgname' => $username,
'lgpassword' => $password,
if ( $obtainLoginTokenResult === false ) {
die('Failed to log in: Query to Wikipedia API failed');
$XMLDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
if ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->length ) {
$errorCode = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
$errorMessage = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('info');
die("[{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}");
$loginInfo = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('login')->item(0);
$cookiePrefix = $loginInfo->getAttribute('cookieprefix');
$sessionID = $loginInfo->getAttribute('sessionid');
$loginToken = $loginInfo->getAttribute('token');
# Construct the sessionID cookie
$wikiAPIRequestHeaders['cookie'] = "Cookie: {$cookiePrefix}_session={$sessionID}";
# Use a uinque 'cookie' key rather than a numeric key, so that additional headers can be added to $wikiAPIRequestHeaders
# without deleting this one. It does not break the implode() function used to assemble the headers
# Send a second request with the login token
$loginWithTokenResult = queryWikiAPI('POST', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'format' => 'xml',
'action' => 'login',
'lgname' => $username,
'lgpassword' => $password,
'lgtoken' => $loginToken,
if ( $loginWithTokenResult === false ) {
die('Failed to log in: Query to Wikipedia API failed');
$XMLDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
if ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->length ) {
$errorCode = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
$errorMessage = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('info');
die("[{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}");
$loginInfo = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('login')->item(0);
$loginResult = $loginInfo->getAttribute('result');
if ( $loginResult != 'Success' ) {
die("Login unsuccessful (result: {$loginResult})");
$loginUserName = $loginInfo->getAttribute('lgusername');
$loginUserID = $loginInfo->getAttribute('lguserid');
$loginToken = $loginInfo->getAttribute('lgtoken');
# Set additional cookies after login
$wikiAPIRequestHeaders['cookie'] .= "; {$cookiePrefix}UserName={$loginUserName}; {$cookiePrefix}UserID={$loginUserID}; {$cookiePrefix}Token={$loginToken}";
# Once logged in, automatically log out when the execution of the script terminates
function() {
global $wikiAPIRequestHeaders;
queryWikiAPI('GET', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'format' => 'xml',
'action' => 'logout',
# Get the text of the page, the latest revision timestamp and edit token
$PageTitle = 'List of Indian Premier League records and statistics';
function IPLRecordsUpdateBot_getPageInfo() {
global $wikiAPIRequestHeaders, $wikiAPIEditToken, $PageTitle, $PageText, $PageLatestRevisionTS, $username, $password;
# Before proceeding, check for any new messages on the user talk page
$hasNewMessagesResult = queryWikiAPI('GET', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'format' => 'xml',
'action' => 'query',
'meta' => 'userinfo',
'uiprop' => 'hasmsg',
if ( $hasNewMessagesResult === false ) { # Don't stop the script here, only give a warning
trigger_error('Cannot get info about new talk page messages: Query to Wikipedia API failed', E_USER_WARNING);
$XMLDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
if ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->length ) {
$errorCode = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
$errorMessage = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('info');
trigger_error("Cannot get info about new talk page messages: Error: [{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}", E_USER_WARNING);
elseif ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('userinfo')->item(0)->hasAttribute('messages') ) {
die('New message on user talk page (<a href="' . urlencode($username) . '" target="_blank">view</a> | '
. '<a href="' . urlencode($username) . '&diff=cur" target="_blank">last edit</a>)');
$getPageInfoResult = queryWikiAPI('GET', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'action' => 'query',
'format' => 'xml',
'prop' => 'info|revisions',
'titles' => $PageTitle,
'intoken' => 'edit',
'rvprop' => 'content|timestamp'
if ( $getPageInfoResult === false ) {
die('Failed to obtain page text: Query to Wikipedia API failed');
$XMLDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
if ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->length ) {
$errorCode = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
$errorMessage = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('info');
die("[{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}");
$pageInfo = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('pages')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('page')->item(0);
# Stop if the page is missing
if ( $pageInfo->hasAttribute('missing') ) {
die('Failed to obtain page text (page does not exist or has been deleted)');
# Get the edit token
$wikiAPIEditToken = $pageInfo->getAttribute('edittoken');
if ( $wikiAPIEditToken == '+\\' || strpos($wikiAPIEditToken, '+\\') === false ) {
die('Bad edit token obtained');
$revisionInfo = $pageInfo->getElementsByTagName('rev')->item(0);
$PageText = $revisionInfo->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
$PageLatestRevisionTS = $revisionInfo->getAttribute('timestamp');
# Stop the script if the page obtained is a redirect
if ( preg_match('/^#\s*+REDIRECT\s*+\[\[.*\]\]/isu', $PageText) ) {
die('Redirect page obtained');
# Check for any {{bots}} or {{nobots}} templates
if ( preg_match('/\{\{\s*+(?:[Nn]obots|[Bb]ots\s*+\|(?:.*?\|)?(?:deny\s*+\=\s*+all|allow\s*+\=\s*+none))/su', $PageText)
|| preg_match('/\{\{\s*+[Bb]ots\s*+\|(?:.*?\|)?deny\s*+\=(?:[^\|]*?,)?\s*+IPLRecordsUpdateBot\s*+(?:,|\||\}\})/su', $PageText)
|| (
preg_match('/\{\{\s*+[Bb]ots\s*+\|(?:.*?\|)?allow\s*+\=[^\|]*?(?:\||\}\})/su', $PageText)
&& ! preg_match('/\{\{\s*+[Bb]ots\s*+\|(?:.*?\|)?allow\s*+\=(?:[^\|]*?,)?\s*+IPLRecordsUpdateBot\s*+(?:,|\||\}\})/su', $PageText)
) ) {
die('A {{bots}} or {{nobots}} template does not allow IPLRecordsUpdateBot to edit this page');
# If the "resume" GET parameter is true, get the text of the backup file and use it to edit.
# This backup file is saved in the event of an edit conflict or other error when editing
# so that all updates do not have to be redone in the next attempt.
if ( @$_GET['resume'] ) {
$PageText = file_get_contents('edit_failed_backup.txt');
if ( $PageText === false ) {
die("Cannot find the backup file");
$PageLatestRevisionTS = date('Y:m:d\TH:i:s\Z', $startTime); # Set the edit confilct detection time to the start time of the script
# Encode areas wich should not be edited
# These will be decoded with html_entity_decode() before the wikitext is sent back to the server
# HTML comments
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/\<\!--(.*?)--\>/us',
function($match) {
return '<!--' . str_replace(['&', '<', '>', '{', '}', '|', '!', '='],
['&', '<', '>', '{', '}', '|', '!', '='],
$match[1]) . '-->';
}, $PageText);
# Tags where wikitext is not parsed
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/(\<(nowiki|pre|math|source|syntaxhighlight)(?(?=\s)[^\>]*+)\>)(.*?)\<\/\2\>/us', # Allow attributes only if there is a space after the tag name
function($match) {
return $match[1] . str_replace(['&', '<', '>', '{', '}', '|', '!', '='],
['&', '<', '>', '{', '}', '|', '!', '=' ],
$match[3]) . '</' . $match[2] . '>' ;
}, $PageText);
# Characters in template calls which may conflict with header and table syntax
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/\{\{(?:[^\{\}]++|(?<!\{)\{|\}(?!\})|(?R))*?\}\}/u',
function($match) {
return str_replace(['&', '|', '!', '='], ['&', '|', '!', '='], $match[0]);
}, $PageText);
# Page text is obtained and encoded, now update it
$updateStartTime = time();
include 'StatsUpdateFunctions.php';
# Filter the stats GET parameter
# Remove non-existent function names and place valid ones in correct order
$StatsToUpdate = array_values(array_intersect(
explode('|', $_GET['stats'])
# Start updating
foreach ( $StatsToUpdate as $funcName ) {
try {
$funcCallResult = call_user_func($StatsUpdateFunctions[$funcName]);
catch ( Exception $error ) {
trigger_error('Exception thrown: <div class="exception-msg">' . $error->getMessage() . "</div>in function {$funcName}", E_USER_WARNING);
$funcCallResult = false;
file_put_contents('status.txt', $funcName . '|' . ((int) $funcCallResult) . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
unset($funcName, $funcCallResult);
# Decode encoded comments, nowiki tags etc. before commiting the edit
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/\{\{(?:[^\{\}]++|(?<!\{)\{|\}(?!\})|(?R))*?\}\}/u',
function($match) {
return html_entity_decode($match[0], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
}, $PageText);
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/(\<(syntaxhighlight|source|math|pre|nowiki)(?(?=\s)[^\>]*+)\>)(.*?)\<\/\2\>/us',
function($match) {
return $match[1] . html_entity_decode($match[3], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') . '</' . $match[2] . '>' ;
}, $PageText);
$PageText = preg_replace_callback('/\<\!--(.*?)--\>/us',
function($match) {
return '<!--' . html_entity_decode($match[1], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') . '-->';
}, $PageText);
# Updating finished, now edit
$endTime = time();
function IPLRecordsUpdateBot_editPage() {
global $wikiAPIEditToken, $wikiAPIRequestHeaders, $PageTitle, $PageText, $PageLatestRevisionTS, $startTime, $endTime;
# Get the update results (to be used in the edit summary)
$updateResults = file('status.txt');
if ( $updateResults !== false ) {
$updateResults = array_map( function($line) {
return explode('|', trim($line));
}, $updateResults);
$totalUpdates = count($updateResults);
$successfulUpdates = count(array_filter($updateResults,
function($result) {
return $result[1] == 1;
$failedUpdates = count(array_filter($updateResults,
function($result) {
return $result[1] == 0;
$updateTime = ((int) (($endTime - $startTime) / 60)) . ':' . str_pad(($endTime - $startTime) % 60, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$editSummary = "[[WP:BOT|Bot]]: Updating statistics ({$successfulUpdates} updates successful, {$failedUpdates} failed, {$updateTime})";
else { # Use a generic edit summary if the status file is not available for some reason
$editSummary = "[[WP:BOT|Bot]]: Updating statistics";
# Edit the page
$editPageResult = queryWikiAPI('POST', $wikiAPIRequestHeaders,
'format' => 'xml',
'action' => 'edit',
'title' => $PageTitle,
'summary' => $editSummary,
'text' => $PageText,
'basetimestamp' => $PageLatestRevisionTS,
'nocreate' => true,
'md5' => md5($PageText),
'token' => $wikiAPIEditToken,
if ( $editPageResult === false ) {
die('Failed to edit: Query to Wikipedia API failed');
$XMLDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
if ( $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->length ) {
$errorCode = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
$errorMessage = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('error')->item(0)->getAttribute('info');
# Save the wikitext to a backup file before ending. Can be retreived by adding &resume=1 in the URL
file_put_contents('edit_failed_backup.txt', $PageText);
die("[{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}");
$editInfo = $XMLDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName('edit')->item(0);
if ( $editInfo->getAttribute('result') != 'Success' ) {
file_put_contents('edit_failed_backup.txt', $PageText);
die('Failed to edit: Unknown error');
$oldRevision = $editInfo->getAttribute('oldrevid');
$newRevision = $editInfo->getAttribute('newrevid');
echo "#{$oldRevision}|{$newRevision}";