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User:Huy Quoc Nguyen Dang/Wordbee Translator

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Wordbee Translator
Original author(s)José Vega  ; Stephan Böhmig
Initial release03/2008 [1]
TypeComputer-assisted translation

Wordbee Translator is a web-based translation platform, developed by Wordbee, a translation software company based in Luxembourg. Applying the cloud-computing technology, it combines a traditional TMS product (Computer Aided Translation) with real-time collaboration and flexible, intuitive project workflows.

Besides, the implementation is remarkably straightforward, with no servers to purchase, complex migration steps or consultants needed to be up and running rapidely.



Wordbee has been created in March 2008 from a ‘clean sheet’ spec by José Vega and Stephan Böhmig, linguistic and technology professionals, with a passion for translation technology.

Supported document formats


Wordbee Translator supports the following files [2]

Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, ASP, Microsoft.NET resources, Web pages, Code files (c#, Java), Microsoft Suite, multilingual Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Visio, resources Open Office, Plain text, PO/POT files, RTF files, TTX files, Web pages, XLIFF files, XML files, XSL files, searchable PDF to Word conversion, …

The Wordbee’s licensing model


Wordbee Translator is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution and proposes Fixed, Concurrent/Floating and Pay-per-use licenses or combination thereof.

Fixed Licenses: In this model, the client subscribes to a set of licenses used by a fixed number of users.

Concurrent Licenses: With the concurrent license model, also commonly known as a floating license model, a pool of licenses are shared among all users. The number of concurrent licenses defines how many users can work concurrently at any given time: When a user starts working with Wordbee Translator, a license from the pool will be assigned to the user and made unavailable to others till this user logs-out. Whereas the Fixed License Model requires manually re-assigning access rights, the Concurrent License Model does this automatically based on user activity.

Pay-per-use: The Pay-per-use model is an option to Concurrent License model. Whenever, the number of licenses is not sufficient at a specific moment, the system allocates pay-per-use licenses to the users in excess. Pay-per-use access is dynamically and automatically assigned to these users and is valid during 24 hours.



Client & Supplier management

  • Supplier, client and staff database management (languages, domains, workload, agenda)
  • Pricelist and cost management
  • Access rights and roles management

Project management

  • Portal function for translation requests, deadlines & orders management
  • Full task lifecycle management
  • Real-time work progress indicator
  • Invoicing and financial reporting
  • CoDyt (Continuous and Dynamic translations) for workflow automation

Linguistic Resources

  • Terminology database support
  • User defined attributes (meta-data) are added to terminology databases and TM
  • Multilingual and multi-directional translation and project memories
  • Global search within all linguistic resources
  • Access to online dictionaries
  • Import/export formats: TMX, XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV

Translation and revision

  • Preview of translated documents
  • Document version management
  • Quality control, scoring and analysis
  • Concurrent access to one text by multiple users
  • Exchange of information in real-time and comments history
  • Virtual split of large documents into several parts
  • Text revision tracking and history
  • Spell check using the browser plug-in
  • Machine translation and post editing

API and other

  • API for 3rd party software integration
  • Single Sign-on (SSO)
  • Secure connection (SSL)
  • And more…

See also



  1. ^ "Wordbee Translator - Wordbee primé au Cebit".
  2. ^ "Supported File Formats in Wordbee Translator".

Category:Translation software Category:Internet properties established in 2008 Category:Software-localization_tools