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User:Hungrydog55/sandbox/military/mediterranean/1942-11 OperationTorch oob

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Map of Torch

On 8 November 1942, Allied forces undertook Operation Torch, a phase of World War II. Torch was the first major amphibious operation carried out by the Allies in the European Theatre as well as the first commitment of United States troops against those of Nazi Germany.

Umbrella naval forces


For Western Naval Task Force

Covering Group (TG 34.1)
Rear Admiral Robert C. Galen
Fire support group
1 fast battleship (9 × 16-in. main battery): Massachusetts
2 heavy cruisers (9 × 8-in. main battery): Wichita, Tuscaloosa
Screen, Captain Don P. Moon[b] (Comdesron 8)
2 Benham-class destroyers (4 × 5-in. main battery): Mayrant, Rhind
1 Sims-class destroyer (4 × 5-in. main battery): Wainwright
1 Fletcher-class destroyer (5 × 5-in. main battery): Jenkins
1 tanker: Chemung

For Eastern and Center Naval Task Forces

Adm. Cunningham's flagship battleship Nelson

Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, RN in Nelson

Combat vessels
2 fleet carriers: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
3 battleships: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
1 battlecruiser: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
4 light cruisers: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
17 destroyers

Landings in Morocco


Western Task Force, United States Army: Major General George S. Patton Jr.
Western Task Force, United States Navy: Rear Admiral H. Kent Hewitt

Landings at Mehedia


Northern Attack Group – Ground


Brig. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott (9,099 officers and enlisted)

60th Infantry Regiment (reinf.) / 9th Infantry Division
1st Battalion / 66th Armored Regiment / 2nd Armored Division
1st Battalion of 540th Engineers

Northern Attack Group – Naval (TG 34.8)


Rear Admiral Monroe Kelly

Fire Support Group
1 old battleship (10 × 14-in. main battery): Texas
1 light cruiser (15 × 6-in. main battery): Savannah
Northern Attack Group Transports, Captain Augustine A. Gray (Comtransdiv s)
6 transports: Henry T. Allen, John Penn, George Clymer, Susan B. Anthony, Florence Nightingale, Anne Arundel
2 cargo ships: Electra, Algorab
Screen, Commander D. L. Madeira (Comdesron 11)
1 Sims-class destroyer (4 × 5-in. main battery): Roe (also fire support)
2 Gleaves-class destroyer ( × 5-in. main battery): Livermore, Kearny (also fire support)
1 Benson-class destroyer ( × 5-in. main battery): Ericsson (also fire support): Parker
1 beacon submarine: Shad
Air Group
2 escort carriers
VGS-26: 9 TBF-1 ( Avenger), 9 SBD-3 (Dauntless), Lt. Cdr. J.S. Tracy
VGF-26: 12 F4F-4 (Wildcat) , Lt. Cdr. W. E. Ellis
Carrying 76 USAAF Curtiss P-40F Warhawks
Screen, Captain Charles Wellborn Jr. (Comdesdiv 19)
2 Gleaves-class destroyer ( × 5-in. main battery): Hambleton, Macomb
Special Units
1 Gleaves-class destroyer ( × 5-in. main battery): Eberle
1 Clemson-class destroyer ( × 5-in. main battery): Dallas
1 oiler: Kennebec
2 minesweepers: Raven, Osprey
1 freighter: SS Contessa (Honduran)
1 seaplane tender: Barnegat

Landings at Fedhala


Center Attack Group – Ground


Maj. Gen. J.W. Anderson (18,783 officers and enlisted)

3rd Infantry "Rock of the Marne" Division
7th Infantry Regiment (reinf.)
15th Infantry Regiment (reinf.)
30th Infantry Regiment (reinf.)

Center Attack Group – Naval (TG 34.9)


Captain Robert R.M. Emmet in Leonard Wood

Fire Support Group
1 heavy cruiser (9 × 8-in. main battery): Augusta
1 light cruiser (15 × 6-in. main battery): Brooklyn
Control and Fire Support Destroyers, Commander E.R. Durgin (Comdesdiv 26)
3 Gleaves-class destroyers ("Type I" 5 × 5-in. main battery): Wilkes, Swanson, Ludlow
1 Benson-class destroyers ("Type II" 4 × 5-in. main battery): Murphy
Center Attack Group Transports, Captain Emmet
2 transports: Leonard Wood, Thomas Jefferson
Transdiv 3, Captain R.G. Coman
1 attack transport: Charles Carroll
6 transports: William P. Biddle, Joseph T. Dickman, Tasker H. Bliss (sunk by submarine[c]), Hugh L. Scott (sunk by submarine[d]), Joseph Hewes (sunk by submarine[e]), Edward Rutledge (sunk by submarine[f])
Transdiv 9, Captain W.M. Quigley
3 transports: Ancon, Elizabeth C. Stanton, Thurston
3 cargo ships: Procyon, Oberon, Arcturus
Screen, Captain John B. Heffernan (Comdesron 13)
2 Gleaves-class destroyers ("Type I" 5 × 5-in. main battery): Woolsey, Edison
2 Gleaves-class destroyers ("Type II" 4 × 5-in. main battery): Bristol, Tillman
1 Benson-class destroyer ("Type II" 4 × 5-in. main battery): Boyle
1 Benham-class destroyer (4 × 5-in. main battery): Rowan
Minecraft, Commander A.G. Cook Jr. (Cominron 7)
3 fast minesweepers: Palmer, Hogan, Stansbury
1 minesweeper: Auk
1 fleet minelayer: Terror
1 coastal minelayer: Miantonomah
Air Group (TG 34.2)

Rear Admiral Ernest D. McWhorter

1 fleet carrier
Air Group 9, Commander D.B. Overfield
VF-9:   27 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters
VF-41: 27 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters
VS-41: 18 Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless scout bombers
1 auxiliary aircraft carrier
Suwannee Air Group
VGF-27: 11 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters
VGS-27:   9 Grumman TBF Avenger scout bombers
VGF-28: 12 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters
VGS-30:   6 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters
1 light cruiser (12 × 6-in. main battery): Cleveland
1 Gleaves-class: Ellyson
Desdiv 20, Captain T. L. Wattles
4 Gleaves-class destroyers: Forrest, Fitch, Corry, Hobson
2 beacon submarines: Gunnel[g], Herring
1 tanker: Winooski

Landings at Safi


Southern Attack Group – Ground


Maj. Gen. Ernest N. Harmon (6,423 officers and enlisted)

47th Regimental Combat Team / 9th Infantry Division
3rd and elements of 2nd Battalions / 67th Armored Regiment / 2nd Armored Division

Southern Attack Group – Naval (TG 34.10)


Rear Admiral Lyal A. Davidson in Philadelphia

Fire support group
1 old battleship (10 × 14-in. main battery): New York
1 light cruiser (15 × 6-in. main battery): Philadelphia
Control and Fire Support Destroyers, Captain C.C. Hanxnan (Comdesron rs)
3 Gleaves-class: Mervine, Knight, Beatty
Southern Attack Group Transports, Captain Wallace B. Phillips
4 transports: Harris, Calvert, Dorothea L. Dix, Lyon, Lakehurst
1 cargo ship: Titania
Screen, Cornmander H.C. Robison (Comdesdiv 30)
3 Gleaves-class: Quick, Cowie, Doran
Assault Destroyers
2 Wickes-class: Bernadou, Cole
Mine craft
2 fast minesweepers: Howard, Hamilton
1 coastal minesweeper: Monadnock
2 tankers: Housatonic, Merrimack
1 beacon submarine: Barb
Air Group
VGF-29: 14 F4F-4
VGS-29: 8 TBF, 9 SBD
2 Gleaves-class destroyers ("Type II" 4 × 5-in. main battery): Rodman, Emmons
1 ocean tug: Cherokee

Other Morocco forces


French ground forces


France French Army in Morocco

Fez Division (Maj. Gen. Maurice-Marie Salbert)
4th Moroccan Rifle Regiment
5th Moroccan Rifle Regiment
11th Algerian Rifle Regiment
1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment
Meknès Division (Maj. Gen. Andre-Marie-François Dody)
7th Moroccan Rifle Regiment
8th Moroccan Rifle Regiment
3rd Moroccan Spahis Regiment
Casablanca Division (Brig. Gen. Antoine Béthouart)
1st Moroccan Rifle Regiment
6th Moroccan Rifle Regiment
Colonial Moroccan Infantry Regiment
1st Hunters of Africa Regiment
Marrakech Division (Brig. Gen. Henry Jules Jean Maurice Martin)
2nd Moroccan Rifle Regiment
2nd Foreign infantry Regiment
4th Moroccan Spahis Regiment

Landings at Oran

Ground and naval commanders for Central Task Force
Maj. Gen. Lloyd R. Fredendall, USA

Oran ground forces

United States US II Corps
Major General Lloyd R. Fredendall, USA
Approx. 39,000 officers and enlisted
1st Infantry "Big Red One" Division
Combat Command B / 1st Armored Division
6th Armored Infantry Regiment
1st Ranger Battalion

Oran naval forces

United Kingdom Center Task Force
Commodore Thomas Hope Troubridge, RN
Combat ships
1 fleet carrier: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
2 escort carriers: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
1 battleship: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
1 anti-aircraft cruiser: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
13 destroyers
1 headquarters ship: Largs
8 minesweepers
6 corvettes
2 Coast Guard cutters[h]
various armed trawlers and motor transport vessels

Landings at Algiers

Ground and naval commanders for Eastern Task Force
Maj. Gen. Charles W. Ryder, USA
Rear Adm. Sir Harold M. Burrough, RN

Algiers ground forces

Major General Charles W. Ryder, USA[i]
Approx. 33,000 officers and enlisted
United Kingdom British (approx. 23,000)
78th Infantry Division, No. 1 Commando, No. 6 Commando
United States United States (approx. 10,000)
39th Infantry Regiment / 9th Infantry "Red Bull" Division
135th, 168th Infantry Regiments / 34th Infantry "Old Reliables" Division

Algiers naval forces

United Kingdom Eastern Task Force
Rear Admiral Harold M. Burrough, RN
Combat vessels
2 escort carriers: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
1 monitor: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
3 light cruisers: Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help), Error: {{HMS}} invalid control parameter: 4 (help)
3 anti-aircraft cruisers: HMS Palomares, HMS Pozarica, HMS Tynwald
13 destroyers
1 headquarters ship: HMS Bulolo
7 minesweepers
7 corvettes
3 sloops
various small craft


  1. ^ CG, US 34th Infantry Division
  2. ^ Committed suicide shortly before start of Operation Dragoon
  3. ^ U-130, 12-13 Nov
  4. ^ U-130, 12 Nov
  5. ^ U-173, 11 Nov
  6. ^ U-130, 12 Nov
  7. ^ Skippered by Lt. Cmdr. John S. McCain Jr., son of Vice Adm. John S. McCain Sr. and father of future Navy pilot and presidential candidate John McCain
  8. ^ Former US
  9. ^ CG, US 34th Infantry Division