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also need to study:

  • DIP joint of hands and feet
  • sleep apnea
  • review frequently used med acronyms in a soap note
  • electrolytes and fluid balance (in blood or extrastitial space?..)
  • dislocation changing to 'finger dislocation joint reductiion'
  • ototoxic ..see also Ménière Syndrome
  • saccadic/saccades
  • HFHL.. see also otohinolaryngology
  • idiopathic - without reason or MOI?
  • SNHL.. HL= hearing loss
  • hearing test & presence of tinnitus that competes with the audiometric pure tones that are presented?
  • ear nerve vs ear bone damage? - review nerves - vestibulocochlear nerve
  • (ears/hearing) TTS & PTS
  • NIHL (other acronyms connecting
  • cialis and high cholesterol - vasodilator.. Does it detach the cholesterol from vessels? ..or localized? Does the cholesterol on vessel walls limit vasodilation? Calcification...
  • rheumatology
  • hand foot mouth
  • Spine, vitamin D , acupuncture
  • ear nerve vs ear bone damage? - review nerves - vestibulocochlear nerve
  • SNHL.. HL= hearing loss
  • 2) LDL vs HDL ( statins? target all cholesterol.. no bueno) -- why does LDL form instead of HDL? is LDL incomplete HDL? -- different transport functions
  • 1) Prostaglandins / NSAIDS/ COX - stop inflammation (response) process ? so infection still occurs but body doesnt repond with pain and necessary inflammation ... idu
  • 4) cardiac silhouette, focal consolidation , cardiac hypertrophy,hyperplasia
  • I&0
  • bilirubin, bile pigment, heme
  • radiolucency??
  • cystic change
  • osteochondrosis
  • refractory - not repsoonding to ...
  • Nexium - proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
  • review cysts more - an abnormal closed epithelium-lined sac in the body that contains a liquid or semisolid substance. Most are harmless, but they should be removed when possible because they occasionally may change into malignant growths, become infected, or obstruct a gland. There are four main types of cysts:
  • 3) Urobilinogen/
  • CPPD - calcium pyrophosphate deposition, these crystals form deposits in the joint and surrounding tissues
  • periarticular - Surrounding a joint.
  • saccadic/saccades
  • Arnold-Chiari malformation in brain
  • hyperemic and edematous
  • class of medications called phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors
  • OA - osteoarthritis of the hip
  • (mostly left hip) subchondral (
  • sildenafil citrate & PAH or Viagra? -
  • Below or under a cartilage) cyst/geodes
  • Xray or CT?
  • tumor mimic = non-neoplastic lesions (that is to say, not true tumors) that may look and act like bone tumors
  • Size greater than 2 cm is an unusual finding
  • cyst is treated in the usual manner of treatment for arthritis. Some of these lesions can be eliminated with a minimally invasive procedure.
  • Fluid-filled sacs that form inside the marrow at the ends of bones as part of the development of OA.
  • this type of cyst occurs in the joints of bone.
  • In essence, sensing the increasing pressure and inflammation, the bones harden (sclerose) and enlarge their defensive perimeter of bone tissue.
  • These pockets are called subchondral cysts.
  • As the bones enlarge and become sclerotic, fluid-filled pockets can form beneath them.
  • In addition to inflammation, damage to the bones is ongoing in osteoarthritis.
  • Bone tumor mimics: avoiding misdiagnosis......Due to its lytic appearance and epiphyseal location, a geode may be confused with tumors such as chondroblastoma, giant cell tumor, clear cell carcinoma and other lytic malignancies, or metastases... They should not demonstrate features that would be considered aggressive (wide zone of transition, cortical destruction, interrupted periosteal reaction
  • The new hard surface created by the bone becomes a further source of irritation, rubbing and scratching the structures around it and perpetuating the cycle of inflammation and damage.
  • believed that they are caused by elevated joint pressures that lead to synovial protrusion from the joint space into the subchondral bone. Subchondral cysts contain proteinaceous material and may not contain an epithelial lining
  • lytic appearance and epiphyseal location

New topics/info/research since Pizzagatewiki page is down


as of 29Aug2017 the Pizzagatewiki page is down - here is an archive from may2017 [1]

note: the wiki page was started 18Dec2016 -29Aug2017 and had 15,953 URLs (wayback machine: [2])

New Topics

  • Huma Abedin FOIA emails (case number: F-2016-07895) released 1Sept2017 [3]
- validating WikiLeaks DNC leaks: Huma FOIA email found in Wikileaks DNC dump, thus validating the authenticity of the DNC leaks
- Huma Abedin FOIA emails Reveals further Clinton / Rothschild Connection, Soros, Human Trafficking etc [4]
- Huma had/has 50 email accounts [5]
- HRC quote from emails day after she was sworn in as Secretary of State 1/22/2009 - "You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time! And today was one of those times" [6]
  • addition to list of mysterious deaths
- Kurt Smolek [7]
  • Updates to Awan case/investigation
- (compilation post with research on Awan case) George Webb's Trello page: [8] - note: he is currently in/undertaking a court case (against whom?)
- Imran Awan Pleads ‘Not Guilty’, Asks for Ankle Monitor to Be Removed
- uber driver? [9]
- Clinton Foundation's Elite Lawyer Obtains Judges Protective Order to Halt Access to Imran Awan's Passport(s), Visas, Aliases & Bank Records [10]
- Awan Still Has Active Gov't Email Account [11]
  • McCabe and McAuliffe
- Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent (Represented By Judicial Watch) Sues Justice Department for Records Concerning Top FBI Official Andrew McCabe's Ties to Top Clinton Ally Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe As They Relate To Hillary's Email Scandal [12]
- Andrew McCabe and "the cancer inside the FBI" - a former special agent speaks out on FBI abuses [13]