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User:House of Sextazy

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Good Day and Greetings from 'THE HOUSE'......What should Be The Will of The World and it's DESIRE?, Is it Great Riches and Opulence to which We ASPIRE?, Or Faith and Iniquity that Lights A FIRE?...Human Beings want Everything that Life can PROVIDE, And are Quick to Lay Judgement when from the Straight Line another May SLIDE...And so Often it's FORGOTTEN, When Pain and Bitterness makes Us ROTTEN...That Our Wealth IS Our JOY, The Innocence We held as a Girl or BOY...For We come to The World when We Are PURE, Bringing the Light of Belief which is Our CURE...But with Maturity's Twist of FATE, We learn to Adapt to Church and STATE...And the Original Memories of What We Came To DO, Float around out There Somewhere in The BLUE...And The Consciousness of Knowing Our Special TASK, Is Deep in Our Soul if Only We'd ASK...But Sometimes We forget to Ask At ALL, So hopefully We're Listening when We get The CALL...For it is not like a Bell Will TOLL, When The Truth of Knowing breaks Into Our SOUL...But The Sound of Light that Shatters Our HEART, Putting Us back Together after it's Torn Us APART...And This is The Freedom We hold So DEAR, To Live as Light and of Darkness Not FEAR...So Value Your Freedom of Liberty As THUS, The Sound of Light Calling to You and To US...And No Matter Your Country or Faith or FORM, Let Peace and Love be like A STORM, For This is what We Mean when We Say THOUGHT BECOMES FORM....