
Hello there. I'm a wikipedian based in New Orleans. I mostly edit categories on pages, perhaps due to the fact that I'm professionally trained as as librarian, even if I do other sorts of work at present. (I added almost all of the categories to the entry for Subrata Dasgupta, for example.) I also hold a doctorate in cognitive science, specializing in scientific reasoning and philosophy of science, as well as undergraduate degrees in philosophy and biblical studies.
I edit pages according to my academic training, personal interests, cultural backgrounds, and ethnicity. Two articles I've put a good bit of work into, though I am not the originator of either, are the entries for John Marenbon and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Check those out!
In a deep sort of way, I'm from Louisiana, and am a person of First Nations and Louisiana Creole ancestry. I have an interest in the following topics on here, in no particular order:
- Chess and chess players.
- All things Louisiana.
- For whatever reason, I seem to edit a good number of pages about British people, perhaps because I'm somewhat of an Anglophile.
- Pages of people I personally know, though not for pay or anything like that. Sometimes if you know someone, it's easier to identify citable sources, etc.
- Universities and scholars.
- Leftism in general.
Thanks for reading, and thank you for editing wikipedia. I think wikipedia is why the Internet exists. When I think of people whose ideas contributed to the Internet, such as Vannevar Bush in "As We May Think", I am struck by how much wikipedia fulfills the original vision of bringing knowledge to the people, and especially to underserved communities.