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Tartilocks is a female who is attractive and promiscuous. She is more of a tease and a flirt who puts out. She will have random sex with 3-4 men or even a dozen or even more. She is spontaneous and open for erotic new experiences. With a thirst for adventure a tartilocks is down to try consexual sex acts with several individuals.

A tartilocks is a free spirit sex voyager who has no barrier to her count of sexual partners however she may or may not always engage in sex. She will flirt spontaneously with men by feeling their cock and body up. She has the ability to get down on her knees to give a man a blowjob and play with his cock in public. Her enquiring mind sets her free to engage in various sex positions as well as have multiple male partners to pleasure her all at the same time. Been the tease who she is she loves good oral penetration on her specially fingering, tongue play and nipple twists

The word tartilocks does not imply as prostitude or female of less moral like the oldern days; it is simply a word for a modern a girl or woman who is a dreamer, she sets her imagination free in quest for constant change and new experiences from everyday life