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Ramazan Sarı


ODTÜ İşletme bölümünde Profesör. Daha önce Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesin'de görev yapan Ramazan Sarı, Endüstriyel Organizasyon, Uluslararası Ticaret, Finans ve İstatistik alanlarında başarılı çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Yayın Performansına Göre Türkiye’nin En İyi İktisatçıları (2006-2011) sıralamasında üçüncü[1] ve "Environmental and ecological economics in the 21st century: An age adjusted citation [2] analysis of the influential articles, journals, authors and institutions" sıralamasında da 8. sırada yer almıştır. Kendi alanlarında ulusal ve uluslararası bir çok farklı akademik kaynakta makaleleri ve kitapları basılmış ve yayınlanmıştır. Kendi kişisel web sitesinden aldığım özgeçmişi aşağıdadır :[3]

Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri: Kuşça, Cihanbeyli, Konya

Medeni Durumu  : Evli – 2 Çocuk

Yabancı Dil:İngilizce

Mesleki Deneyim :

AİBÜ – Araştırma Görevlisi, 1993 – 2000
AİBÜ – Yardımcı Doçent, 2000 – 2004
AİBÜ – Doçent, 2004 – 2007
ODTÜ – Part-Time Öğretim Üyesi, 2003 – 2007
ODTÜ – Doçent, 2007 – 2010
ODTÜ – Profesör, 2010

II- EĞİTİM Lisans Eğitimi:Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İİBF, İktisat, 1989 Y. Lisans Eğitimi: Texas Tech University, Economics, 1996 Doktora Eğitimi: Texas Tech University, Economics, 2000

III- AKADEMİK ALANLARI (Fields) Birincil Alan: Endüstriyel Organizasyon, Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finans İkincil Alan: İstatistik

IV- ÇALIŞTIĞI KONULAR Eğitim Ekonomisi, Gelir Dağılımı ve Yoksulluk, Borsanın Getirisi ve Makro Değişkenler İlişkisi, Enerji Tüketimi ve Ulusal Gelir İlişkisi, İşgücü Piyasasında İçsel Pazarlık Gücü.

V- EDİTÖRLÜK-HAKEMLİK Akademik Dergi ve Proje Hakemliği Editor, IIBF Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (2006-2010) Editorial Board, Journal of Economic and Social Studies Editorial Board, The Open Environmental Sciences Editorial Board, International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education Editorial Board, AIBU SBE Journal

Hakemlikler: World Development*, Applied Energy*, Applied Economics*, Energy Economics*, Energy Journal*, Energy Policy*, Education Economics**, Global Review of Business and Economic Research**, TÜBİTAK, AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, METU Studies in Development**, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi**, AİBÜ İİBF Dergisi, GÜ SBE Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, Physica A, Journal of Applied Business Research.

Kitap Hakemliği Ø Pearson: Prentice Hall (Economics, R. M. Ayers and R. A. Collinge,1st Edition, 2004) Ø South-Western (Economics, R. E. Hall and M. Lieberman, 2nd Edition, 2001)

VI- YAYINLAR Makaleler ve Tebliğler

Hammoudeh, S. and Sari, R., "Forcing Variables in the Dynamics of Risk Spillovers in Oil-Related CDS Sectors, Equity, Bond and Oil Markets and Volatility Market Risks", Book Chapter, Springer Books invited paper forthcoming

Sari, R., Hammoudeh, S., Chang, C., and McAleer, M. "Causality Between Market Liquidity and Depth for Energy and Grains", Energy Economics, Volume 34, Issue 5, September 2012, Pages 1683-1692(SSCI). http://ssrn.com/abstract=1817022

Sarı, R., Uzunkaya, M., and Hammoudeh, S., "The Relationship between Disaggregated Country Credit Risk Ratings and Stock Market Movements: An ARDL Approach" Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (forthcoming-Yayınlanacak) (SSCI).

Soytas, U, Sarı, R, and Yılmaz, O., "Can infant mortality rates and real wages improve the forecasts of North American fertility decisions?" (Under review).

Hammoudeh, S., Sari, R., Uzunkaya, M. and Liu, T., "The Dynamics of BRICS’s Country Risk Ratings and Stock Markets, U.S. Stock Market, and Oil Price", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (forthcoming-Yayınlanacak) (SCI)

Hammoudeh, S. ve Sari, R., "Financial CDS, Stock Market and Interest Rates: Which Drives Which?", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance,  Volume 22, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 257-276, (SSCI)

Erol, İ. Sencer, S. ve Sarı, R. “A New Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Framework for Measuring Sustainability Performance of A Supply Chain”, Ecological Economics, 2011, 70(6), 1088-1100. (SSCI)

Sarı, R., Soytaş, U. ve Hacıhasanoğlu, E., "Do Global Risk Perceptions Influence World Oil Prices?", Energy Economics, 2011, 33(3), 515-524. (SSCI)

Sarı, R., Hammoudeh, S. ve Soytas, U., "Dynamics of Oil Price, Precious Metal Prices, and Exchange Rate", Energy Economics, 2010, 32(2), 351-362. (SSCI)

Hammoudeh, S., Sari, R., and Alesia, E., “GCC Petrodollar Surpluses and the US Current Account Imbalance”, Ekonomik Yaklasim, 2009, 73(20), 39-54.

Soytaş, U., Sarı, R., Hammoudeh, S., Hacıhasanoğlu, E., “World Oil Prices, Precious Metal Prices and Macroeconomy in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 2009, 37(12), 5557-5566 (SSCI)

Hammoudeh, S., Sarı, R., ve Ewing, B. T., "Relationships among Strategic Commodities and With Financial Variables", Contemporary Economic Policy, 2009, 27 (2), 251-264. (SSCI)

Erol, I, Çakar, N., Erel, D. ve Sari, R., "Sustainabilty in Turkish Retailing Sector, Sustainable Development, 2009, 17(1), 49-67. (SSCI)

Sarı, R., ve Soytas, U., "Are Global Warming and Economic Growth Compatible? Evidence from 5 OPEC Countries?", Applied Energy, 2009, 86(), 1887-1893. (SCI)

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Carbon Emissions: Challenges Faced by an EU Candidate Member", Ecological Economics, 2009, 68(), 1667-1675. (SSCI)

Sarı, R., Ewing, B. T. ve Soytas, U., "The Relationship Between Disaggregate Energy Consumption and Industrial Production in the United States: An ARDL Approach", Energy Economics, 2008, 30(5), 2302-2313. (SSCI)

S. Hammoudeh, Sarı R., ve Aleisa, E., "Do Oil-Rich GCC Countries Finance US Current Account Deficit", Middle East Economic Association 28th Annual Conference, January 2008, New Orleans.

S. Hammoudeh, Sarı R., ve B.T. Ewing, "Oil Price Behavior in Presence of Commodity prices and Financial Variables", CERI 2007 Oil Conference, Canada, April 2007.

S. Hammoudeh, Sarı R., ve B.T. Ewing, "Co-movements among Strategic Commodities, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate: a New Look", Western Economic Association 82nd Annual International Conference, Haziran 2007.

Sarı, R., Ewing, B. T. ve Aydın B., “Housing market and macroeconomic variables in Turkey”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2007, 43(5), 5-19. (SSCI) PDF

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "The Relationship between Energy and Production: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Industry", Energy Economics, 2007, 29(6), 1151-1165. (SSCI)

Sarı, R., Hammoudeh, S. ve Ewing, B. T., "Dynamic Relationships between Oil and Metal Commodity Futures Prices", Geopolitics of Energy, 2007, 29(7), 2-13.(invited paper) PDF

Sarı, R. ve Güven, A., "Kalkınmada Öncelikli Yöreler Uygulamasının İller Arası Gelir Dağılımı Üzerindeki Etkisi", METU Studies in Development, 2007, 34(1), s.77-96. PDF

Soytaş, U., Sarı, R. ve Ewing, B. T., “Energy Consumption, Income, and Carbon Emissions in the United States”, Ecological Economics, 2007, vol 62/3-4, pp. 482-489. (SSCI)

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., “The Growth of Income and Energy Consumption in Six Developing Countries”, Energy Policy, 2007, 35(2), pp.889 - 898. (SSCI)

Ewing, B. T., Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., “Disaggregate Energy Consumption and Industrial Output in the United States”, Energy Policy, 2007, 35(2), pp. 1274 - 1281. (SSCI)

Kucukkaya, E, Soytas, U., and Sari, R., “Assessing the Value of the (New) Turkish Lira”, The Ninth Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association in Taipei, Taiwan, July 3 – 7, 2007.

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., "The Relationship between Stock Returns, Crude Oil Prices, Interest Rates, and Output: Evidence from a Developing Economy", Empirical Economics Letters, 2006, 5(4), pp. 205-220.

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Can China Contribute More to the Fight Against Global Warming?”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 2006, 28(8), pp. 837-846. (SSCI)

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., “Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in G7 Countries”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 2006, 28(7), p. 739-750. (SSCI)

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., "Income and Education in Turkey: A Multivariate Analysis", Education Economics, 114 (2) June 2006, 181-196. PDF

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Carbon Emissions in Turkey", ICE-TEA (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu) Tebliğleri, 2006.

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., "Inflation, Stock Returns, and Real Activity in Turkey", Empirical Economics Letters, 4(3) May 2005, 181-192.

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., "Disaggregate Energy Consumption, Employment and Income in Turkey", Energy Economics, 2004, vol 26 (3), pp 335-344. (SSCI)

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Energy Consumption and GDP: Causality Relationship in G-7 Countries and Emerging Markets", Energy Economics, 2003, vol 25(1), pp 33-37. (En Etkili Çalışma, 2006 (Energy economics' most influential papers, R.S.J. Tol and J.P. Weyant)) (SSCI)

§ Bu makalenin özeti aşağıdaki kaynakta yeniden yayınlandı: "Energy consumption and GDP: causality relationship in G-7 countries and emerging markets : Soytas, U. and Sari, R. Energy Economics, 2003, 25, (1), 33–37", Fuel and Energy Abstracts, 44(4), July 2003, Page 266

Sarı, R. ve Malik, F., "Monetary Policy and Stock Returns: The Case of Turkey", Journal of Applied Business Research, Fall 2003, 19 (4), 81-86.

Sarı, R., "Kazançlar ve Eğitim İlişkisi: İl Bazında Yeni Veri Tabanı ile Kanıt", METU Studies in Development, 2003, 29 (3-4), s.367-380. PDF

Sarı, R., "Gelir Dağılımında Eğitim Faktörü: Kentsel Bazda Bir Örnek", AÜSBF Dergisi (The Review of The Faculty of Political Sciences), 2003, 58(2), s.177-189. PDF

Sarı, R., "Kamu Harcamalarının Dünyada ve Türkiye'deki Gelişimi ve Türkiye'de Ulusal Gelir ile İlişkisi", İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 2003, Sayı: 209(Ek), s.25-38. (SSCI) PDF

Sarı, R. ve Türkmen, Ç., "Türkiye'de 1980 Sonrası Dönemde Friedman Hipotezi'nin Geçerliliği Üzerine Bir Not", AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2001, Sayı:3, No: 2, s.111-117.PDF

Sarı, R. ve Soytaş U., "Purchasing Power Parity: New Evidence from Turkey", Economies and Business in Transition: Facilitating Competitiveness and Change in the Global Environment Proceedings, 2001, s. 813-818: Global Business and Technology Association. PDF

Soytaş, U. Sarı, R. ve Özdemir, Ö., "Energy Consumption and GDP Relations in Turkey: A Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Analysis", Economies and Business in Transition: Facilitating Competitiveness and Change in the Global Environment Proceedings, 2001, s. 838-844: Global Business and Technology Association. PDF

Kitaplar/ Raporlar

Sarı, R., "Gelir Dağılımı, Yoksulluk ve İstihdam" (Kitap), 2005, Düzce Valiliği ve DPT Ortak Basımı. PDF.

Sarı, R., "Gelir Dağılımı ve İstihdam"(Kitap), 2004, Bolu Valiliği ve DPT Ortak Basımı. PDF

Eser, U., Y. Tatar, M. Ulusoy, N. Y., B. Aydın, T. Can, M. K. Öke ve E. Yücetürk "Bolu İl Gelişme Planı (BİGEP), Ana Plan"(Kitap), 2004, Bolu Valiliği ve DPT Ortak Basımı.

Şerifoğlu-Sivrikaya, F., U.Eser, Y. Tatar, M. Ulusoy, N. Y., B. Aydın, T. Can, M. K. Öke ve E. Yücetürk, "Düzce İl Gelişme Planı (DİGEP), Ana Plan" (Kitap), 2004, Düzce Valiliği ve DPT Ortak Basımı.

McComb, R. P. ve Sarı, R., "Study of Defense Expenditure in Texas", 1997, Texas Department of Commerce Research Grant, (Proje Katılımcısı)

Kongre Sunuşları

Sari, R. "Causality Between Market Liquidity and Depth for Energy and Grains", The 14th China Chongqing International Investment and Global Sourcing Fair (CCISF 2011), Ministry of Commerce P.R.C. Chongqing Government and AP-CEO, China May 2011

Sari, R., “Inefficiencies in Outsourcing”, The 3rd International Services Trade (Chongqing) Summit And Service Outsourcing Conference, Chongqing, China, October 2010.

Sari, R., "Who Drives Who Daily: T-Bill Rate, Prices of Oil and Exchange Rate”, The Tenth Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association in Prague, Czech Republic, July 7 – 11, 2009.

Tekel, O and Sari, R., "Business Failure Predictions in Istanbul Stock Exchange”, The Eleventh Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association in Prague, Czech Republic, July 7 – 11, 2009.

Sarı, R., ve Soytas, U., "CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth in 5 OPEC Countries" Tenth Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association in Madrid, Spain, July 8 – 12, 2008.

Hammoudeh, S. and Sarı, R., “Do Oil-Rich GCC Countries Finance US Current Account Deficit?”, The Annual Conference of the Development Economics Research Committee of the German Verein fuer Socialpolitik, Zurich, 30-31 May 2008.S.

Hammoudeh, Sarı R., ve Aleisa, E., "Do Oil-Rich GCC Countries Finance US Current Account Deficit?", Middle East Economic Association 28th Annual Conference, January 2008, New Orleans.

S. Hammoudeh, Sari, R., and Ewing, B. T., “Oil Price Behavior in Presence of Commodity prices and Financial Variables”, CERI 2007 Oil Conference, Canada, April 2007.

S. Hammoudeh, Sari, R., and Ewing, B. T., “Co-movements among Strategic Commodities, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate: a New Look”, Western Economic Association 82nd Annual International Conference, June 2007.

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Carbon Emissions in Turkey", ICE-TEA (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu), Ankara 11-13 Eylül, 2006.

Sarı, R., “Kentsel Gelir Dağılımı Eşitsizliğinin Tespit Edilmesi ve Eşitsizliğin Düzeltilmesine Yönelik Politika Önerileri”, Türkiye Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ankara, 2003.

Sarı, R. ve Güven, A.,"Türkiye’de İlçeler Arası Gelir Dağılımını Belirleyen Faktörler," Book of Abstracts, METU/ERC 7th International Conference in Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Eylül 2003. Sarı, R. ve Malik, F., "ISE Returns and Monetary Policy," Book of Abstracts, METU/ERC 5th International Conference in Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Eylül 2001.

Sarı, R., "A Wage Determination Model: Theory and Evidence," Book of Abstracts, METU/ERC 4th International Conference in Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Eylül 2000.

Soytaş, U. Sarı, R. ve Özdemir, Ö., "Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption and GDP: Evidence from Top Ten Emerging Markets and G-7 Countries," Southwestern Economic Association Year 2000 Annual Conference in Galveston, USA, 2000.

Sarı, R. ve Özşahin, O., "Inflation, Economic Growth and Cultural Differences," Southwestern Economic Association Year 2000 Annual Conference in Galveston, USA, 2000. (Oğuz Özşahin ile)

Sarı, R. ve Özşahin, O., "Effect of Inflation on Economic Growth with Consideration of Religious Behavior", The Age of Transnationalism Interdisciplinary Conference, Lubbock, USA, 1999. (Oğuz Özşahin ile)

Soytaş, U. ve Sarı, R., "Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Error Correction and Cointegration Analysis," The Age of Transnationalism Interdisciplinary Conference, Lubbock, USA, 1999.

Veri Toplama

Sarı, R., Bolu Income Distribution and Employment Survey, 2001, Supported by Turkish State Planning Organization, Bolu Governorship and Bolu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (a database constructed and summaries reported in books listed bellow). Sarı, R., Duzce Income Distribution, Employment and Poverty Survey, 2002, Supported by Turkish State Planning Organization, Duzce Governorship and Bolu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (a database constructed and summaries reported in books listed bellow).

Dynamics of precious metals, oil prices and exchange rates, 2009, supported by METU scientific research grant.

The relationship between balance of payments of GCC countries, Turkey and Japan, 2008, supported by METU scientific research grant.

The analysis of sustainability in grocery retailing in turkey: problems and solutions, 2007, Supported by The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey.

The relationship between commodity prices in USA, 2006, Supported by AIBU scientific research grant.

Income Distribution, Poverty and Employment, 2002, Supported by Duzce Governorship and State Planning Organization.

Income Distribution and Employment, 2001, Supported by Bolu Governorship and State Planning Organization.

Bolu Development Plan (BIGEP): Master Plan, 2001, Supported by Bolu Governorship and State Planning Organization (committee member).

Duzce Development Plan (DIGEP): Master Plan, 2002, Supported by Duzce Governorship and State Planning Organization (committee member).

McComb, R. P. and Sari, R., "Study of Defense Expenditure in Texas", 1997, Research Grant by Texas Department of Commerce.

VII. ALDIĞI ATIFLAR (CITATIONS) (ISI'ye göre "Top 1%") Atıfta bulunan Review Makaleler (Review Articles) (PDF)

IX-ONURLANDIRMA Dünyada En Etkili 8nci Çevre ve Enerji İktisatçısı, 2012 (buraya tıklayınız) Dünyada Yayınları En Çok Etkili Olan 3ncü Çevre ve Enerji İktisatçısı, 2012, (buraya tıklayınız) Türkiye'de En Çok Yayın Yapan 3ncü İktisatçı, 2012 (buraya tıklayınız) En Etkili Çalışma, 2006 (Energy economics' most influential papers, R.S.J. Tol and J.P. Weyant) Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2006-… Listesinde yer alma. İzzet Baysal Vakfı Takdir Belgesi ve Uluslararası Yayın Teşvik Ödülü, 2004. Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu (YÖK) Yurtdışı Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Bursu, 1993-2000. The Development Economics Research Committee of the Germany, konferans desteği, 2008. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi ve TÜBİTAK tarafından çeşitli zamanlarda verilen yayın teşvik ödülleri.


Aytekin Güven, "Oyun Teorisi Çerçevesine Cournot Düopol Modeli", AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2003. Pinar Bahar Erdeniz, Industrial energy and the value added relationship. AIBU, SBE. Onur Tekel (2009, ODTÜ), Business Failure Predictions in Istanbul Stock Exchange. Bilge Bakın (2011, ODTÜ), The statistical analysis of the effects of foreign direct investment on sectors XI-VERDİĞİ DERSLER

A) Lisansüstü Dersleri Energy Policy and Finance (Middle East Technical University, ESS, ODTÜ KKK SEES) İleri İktisadi Modeller (Ekonometri) (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Business Forecasting (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, ODTÜ KKK) Business Economics (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Qualitative Decision Tools (Game Theory and Linear Programming) (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Macroeconomics (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Statistics (Middle East Technical University) Game Theory (Middle East Technical University)

B) Lisans Dersleri

İstatistik (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, ODTÜ KKK) İktisatçılar için İstatistik (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, KKK) İktisatçılar için Matematik (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Principles of Economics (Texas Tech University) Managerial Economics (Texas Tech University, Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Industrial Organizations (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, ODTÜ KKK) Mikroiktisat (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Makroiktisat (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Para Teorisi (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) İstatistik (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Endüstriyel Organizasyon (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Microeconomics for Business (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Business Forecasting (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi)


http://old.ba.metu.edu.tr/user/rsari/ http://adiloran.com/ODTU-isletme/ranking-EnvironmentalEcologicalEcon.pdf http://www.homoekonomikus.com/2012/10/yayin-performansina-gore-turkiye%E2%80%99nin-en-iyi-iktisatcilari-ve-iktisat-bolumleri-2006-2011-etki-faktoru-agirliklari-ile-bir-degerlendirme/