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User:Helioptile/List of Drawn to Life characters

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This is a list of characters from the video games Drawn to Life and Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. This article does not list any characters from the spin-off game Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition, as a majority of characters from that game are already covered by the List of SpongeBob SquarePants characters article instead.

There is hidden text copypasted from the main Drawn to Life article hidden on this page. Said info will be updated and rewritten.

Main Characters


The Creator


The Creator (かみさま, Kami-sama, literally God) is an unknown deity worshiped by the Raposa, and is the omnipotent being who created the world, nature, and Raposa themselves. The Creator has an avatar in the form of The Hero, whose appearance and name can be customized by the player. The Creator has a parental bond with the Raposa and responds to their prayers. They can interact with the Raposa world and speak directly to individuals. In the first game, The Creator supposedly abandons the Raposa after Wilfre tore up the Book of Life, however; The Creator responds to a prayer from Mari by sending The Hero to the village to help. By using the eternal flame, The Creator gradually clears away the shadow consuming the village.

The Hero


The Hero is the avatar of The Creator. The Hero's appearance is drawn by the player and imposed onto a mannequin in Creation Hall. Outside of the set list of replies to the Raposa's questions, The Hero remains silent. Being The Creator's avatar, The Hero protects the Raposa from threats, and will help them with even the smallest of tasks. Whenever The Hero is damaged, part of them will fall off, exposing it's mannequin body.



Mari (マリ) is the Mayor's daughter, and the only Raposa who still believes in The Creator prior to the events of the first game. She is next in line to become the mayor of the village, but feels like she isn't ready yet to accept the responsibilities, even in training. She cares deeply for her childhood friend Jowee. Mari eventually becomes the mayor of the village after her father is killed by Wilfre, and after Wilfre's defeat adds the last page back to the Book of Life. In the second game, Mari dissapears after the Watersong chapter, prompting Jowee to search for her. She later tears up the Book of Life and asks Jowee and the others to go back to the village before dissapearing once again. It is later revealed that she had sided with Wilfre after learning why he had been draining the colour from the world. Near the end of the game she once again sides with The Hero and prompts them to defeat Wilfre. At the end of The Next Chapter, it is revealed in real life, Mari, alongside Jowee, are actually a pair of dolls that Mike and his sister had won from a carnival.



Jowee (ジヨーイ, Jiyoi) is Mari's childhood friend. His most defining feature is the blue goggles he always wears. Jowee often serves the purpose of comic relief in contrast to Mari's more serious tone. After The Hero is created, they and Jowee become fast friends. He is later entrusted to take care of Heather after The Hero rescues her from Frostwind. At the end of the first game, he passes up an opportunity to go on an adventure across the ocean on Pirate Beard's ship to stay with Mari.

The Mayor


The Mayor (ちょうちょう, Town Mayor) is an old Raposa who is the mayor of the village and Mari's father. He wears a monocle, a blue coat, a brown hat and has a cane. He is wise and knows how to deftly deal with all the other villager's daily issues. Late in the game, he is ultimately killed by Wilfre. During the ending his spirit is seen standing on a hill alongside The Hero, watching over Mari and Jowee. In the second game, he appears in Wilfre's Wasteland and instructs The Hero to retrieve the pages necessary for creating the three pillars and the orbs in order to shatter the barrier guarding Wilfre's castle.



Mike is a human boy who somehow ended up in the Raposa world. The Raposa often comment on his ears, which upsets him. He wishes to return to his own world. Two younger Raposa in the village mention that Mike is a "Computer Snogrammer" or a "Snogrammotron", probably mispronunciations of "programmer". In the DS version of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, Mike plays a major role regarding the events of the story, and is the only being left behind after The Creator destroys the Raposa world. It is later revealed that the Raposa world was a figment of Mike's imagination and that he, in the real world, had fallen into a coma following a car crash.



Heather is a young Raposa girl whose face is half engulfed in shadow goo, the same substance that Wilfre is consumed by. After being rescued from Frostwind, the Mayor assigns Jowee to take care of her, and the two develop a close friendship. She doesn't speak during the game, but in the ending sequence she approaches Crazy Barks and mimics him. During the events of the DS version of The Second Chapter, she is abducted by Wilfre after picking up a staff in a beached treasure chest. Her pendant is later used by Jowee to mark locations on the map and is later tossed into the ocean by a then-disguised Wilfre. After Wilfre is defeated, Heather's face returns to normal. In the ending sequence, it is revealed that in real life, Heather is actually Mike's sister.





Wilfre (ウィル, Uiru) serves as the primary antagonist of both Drawn to Life and the DS version of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. He is a Raposa covered by a shadowy goo-like substance, and as demonstrated in the second game, has the ability to shapeshift at will. His Japanese name may be derived from virus (ウィルス, uirusu). Wilfre was once a regular Raposa who tried to usurp The Creator by using the Book of Life. However, all his attempts at creating objects in the book were black and twisted. Out of frustration at his failed creations, he tore the Book of Life up and was later driven out the village by the Mayor, Cricket, and another unknown individual. In the first game, he attempts to cover the world in darkness. In the DS version of second game, he attempts to drain colour from the world in an attempt to stop The Creator from destroying the world. He kidnaps most of the Raposa, transporting them to various locations, and drains the village of colour. In the Wii version of The Next Chapter, it is revealed he and Circi were lovers at one point.



Salem is a Phantom of the Opera-esque figure and one of the two guises Wilfre takes during the events of the DS version of The Next Chapter. He first appears in Watersong, as reveals that he challenged Rose to a singing competition, and is revealed to have used a promise conch to ensure she would permanently lose her voice. Salem later reveals himself to be Wilfre. [1] He later appears during the Lavasteam chapter and awakens the Giant Rabosa. Salem is mentioned by Click in the Galactic Jungle chapter but Wilfre doesn't use this disguise after the Lavasteam chapter.



Sock was supposedly transported to Watersong after being kidnapped by Wilfre[2], and initially believes The Hero is an alien. He follows the remaining villagers onboard the Turtle Village and follows Jowee and The Hero. After the Galactic Jungle chapter, he throws Heather's pendant into the sea and reveals himself to be Wilfre. His hat is later used to get to the final island, Wilfre's Wasteland.



Circi serves as the antagonist of the Wii version of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, where she initially plays the role of Mari's assistant. It is later revealed that she and Wilfre where at one point lovers and she attempts to recreate him, however, she cannot remember what he looks like. Her failed attempts at recreating Wilfre combine and transform into the final boss.



The Baki are a race of small creatures wearing scarves that serve as the The Hero's, as well as the Raposa's main enemy. They appear in many varieties in both games. The Next Chapter introduces two Baki of interest: Bakibeard, who serves as the boss of the Watersong chapter, and a Baki dressed as a S.P.U.D officer, who must be rescued by The Hero during the Galactic Jungle chapter. "Baki" is often used as an insult by the Raposa, and "scaredy Baki" is used as a substitute to the phrase "scaredy cat".

Other Characters




The Raposa (often abbreviated as "Rapo") are a species of bipedal, fox-like beings, and the dominant species of The Creator's world. The word Raposa is Portuguese for fox. Much like real-life foxes, their fur comes in many colours, such as orange, brown, and grey. Raposa have tall, upright ears. The main difference between male and female Raposa is that males have shorter ears than the females. Female Raposa also have hair, much like humans.



Isaac (イサシク, Isashiku) is a Raposa who wears glasses, and serves the purpose of shopkeeper in both of the DS games. He and his family were the last Raposa to leave the village in the first game, and he is amongst the first Raposa to be rescued by The Hero. Isaac often feuds with Chef Cookie. He has a daughter called Cindi (シンテイ, Shintei) who also appears alongside her father in both games, using the generic Rapogirl sprite in both her appearances. Interestingly, Isaac is referred to as Wilheim in the internal data for Drawn to Life. This was probably changed later in development to prevent confusion with the game's antagonist.

Farmer Brown


Farmer Brown (ブラウン, Buraun)) is, like his name suggests, a farmer who grows Banya crops, the indigenous food source of the village. He is kidnapped in the second game by Wilfre.


Chef Cookie (クキー, Kuki) is the village chef and owns the only restaurant in the village. He speaks with a French accent and enjoys cooking. He often feuds with Isaac. He is kidnapped in the second game, alongside many other Raposa, by Wilfre.



Zsasha is a thief and Cricket's rival. At the end of the first game, he gets arrested by Cricket, only to reveal he has been taking care of a young Raposa girl. In the second game, he is kidnapped by Wilfre alongside Cricket and Unagi and ends up in the Galactic Jungle. However, he is quickly arrested by S.P.U.D for running.



Cricket is the policeman and detective of the village. He often feuds with Unagi, who considers his views on security "old-fashioned". During the game, he attempts to arrest the "legendary" thief Zsasha, and succeeds in doing this at the end of the first game, only to let him go after finding out Zsasha has been taking care of a young Raposa. During the second game, Cricket is kidnapped by Wilfre and ends up in the Galactic Jungle alongside Zsasha and Unagi. After seeing Zsasha getting arrested by a S.P.U.D officer, he begins eating a donut and later gets arrested himself for breaking one of the many laws of the Galactic Jungle.


Navy J is a singer, songwriter, and performer designed after Elvis Presley. After being rescued, he performs in the village festival alongside The Hero. In the second game, he is kidnapped by Wilfre and ends up in Watersong.

Crazy Barks


Crazy Barks is a crazy yet harmless Raposa who speaks in third-person, and who has no spaces between words in his in-game dialogue. After being rescued in the first game, he stands guard near his prized possession, a large rock. He is one of the few villagers who wasn't kidnapped by Wilfre in the second game. During the second game, he uses a sail to help Pirate Beard steer the Turtle Village, and after Sock reveals his true identity, abandons the old blanket he was using as a sail in favor of Sock's hat.



Indee is a treasure hunter and, as his name suggests, an Indiana Jones spoof. Jowee is revealed to idolize him. In the second game, he is kidnapped by Wilfre and ends up in Watersong, alongside Navy J and Samuel. He finds a colour bottle buried in the sand and gets into a dispute with a Raposa girl over it.

Pirate Beard


Pirate Beard, as his name suggests, is a Raposa pirate who originally was set to plunder the village with his crew, however he later stays in the village after being given a pirate ship by the Mayor. During the end of the game, he sets off with crew and returns sometime before the events of The Next Chapter. He becomes the captain of the Turtle Village after his old ship was stolen. In the Wii version of The Next Chapter, Pirate Beard is heavily redesigned to resemble a stereotypical pirate.

Tubba and Bubba


Tubba and Bubba are twin brothers who love to eat. The only thing that distinguishes one twin from the other is that Bubba wears a hat. Tubba is fond of Chef Cookie's cooking, and protects his restaurant before the village festival. Both of them are kidnapped by Wilfre in the second game.



Galileo is an astronomer named after the 16th century astronomer Galileo Galilei. He works at the village observatory. He does not appear in the DS version of The Next Chapter, although he does appear in the Wii version.



Samuel is a Raposa who dresses similarly to a Sistine monk. He is quiet, but gives wise advice. He is rescued by The Hero from inside Deadwood. He is later kidnapped by Wilfre and sent to Watersong. He ends the dispute between Indee, Navy J, and a young Raposa [3] after picking up a colour bottle that the girl had found and returns it to her.

Count Choco


Count Choco is a wannabe vampire who speaks in a cliché Transylvanian accent, however he cannot stand the sight of blood, let alone drink it. Instead he prefers to drink tomato juice. He, alongside the other villagers, was kidnapped by Wilfre in the second game.

Dr. Cure


Dr. Cure is the resident doctor of the Raposa village. She is rescued alongside her husband and an assistant. After Wilfre kills the Mayor, she attempts to resuscitate him, but to no avail. Dr. Cure also suggests that Mike wears fake Raposa ears after she is unable to diagnose what is wrong with his ears. She opens up a hospital sometime between the events of the first game and The Next Chapter, however this hospital is never seen in any games. She is one of the Raposa kidnapped by Wilfre in the second game.



Unagi is a secret agent dressed in a black suit, and is always seen talking into a phone. He is assigned to protect the Mayor, and considers Cricket and his security methods "old-fashioned", resulting in the two of them having a feud. He is kidnapped and ends up in the Galactic Jungle during the plot of the second game, however is quickly arrested by a S.P.U.D officer for talking.



Rose is the mayor of Watersong, and plays a key role during that chapter. She has a son called Miles. It is revealed that she became mute after losing a bet with Salem, and that without her voice, she would perish and Watersong would fall into ruin[4], and her butler tells Mari, Jowee and The Hero that the only way to restore her voice would be to find the promise conch Salem had used and destroy it.[5]






  1. ^ 5th Cell. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS). THQ. Salem: Grr... I've endured this ruse long enough!/ Mari: Wilfre!!!{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ 5th Cell. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS). THQ. Sock: Oh yeah... I'm not... all I can remember is getting sucked through some white portal.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ 5th Cell. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS). THQ. Samuel: Now now... A wise man once told me to resolve a conflict, one must learn patience. One must become the tree.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ 5th Cell. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS). THQ. Butler: With Rose's voice gone, so too is the future of this village...{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ 5th Cell. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Nintendo DS). THQ. Mari: Surely there must be something we can do. /Butler: I'm afraid not. Unless we find the conch that holds the promise, her voice is lost forever. Rose grows weaker by the day, and without the voice, her life hangs by a thread.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)