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List of Transformers: Armada episodes (Season 1)


The following is a list of episodes in the Transformers series, Transformers Armada. They tell the story of part 1 of the Unicron Trilogy: The Autobots race against the Decepticons to find the Mini-cons.

Season 1


1. First Encounter (Part 1 of 3)


The episode opens with a brief history of the Transformers' War. 'A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away…' there were two races of the rational mechanical beings named the Transformers. They were at war with each other from the times immemorial. The opposing forces were approximately equal, and nobody could gain the upper hand… till the third party appeared. These were the Mini-Cons. They were tiny but very mighty robots which could strengthen any Transformer by combining with him. Then both the Autobots and Decepticons made a truce and decided to send the Mini-Cons away by a spaceship. But the ship had met the disaster on the Moon, and the "sleeping" Mini-Cons had been scattered all over the Earth. So the story begins…

It then goes to two teenagers — Rad and Carlos — heading out after school to check out a cave they'd spotted, the one that was supposed to be haunted. Two other schoolboys — Billy and Fred — arrange with each other to follow Rad and Carlos secretly and get there, too.

While advancing deep into the cave, Carlos treads on a stone plate by accident. It begins to come down rapidlly. At the bottom the boys find themselves within a strange artificial building of an unknown purpose. There they discover a glowing green stone. Rad bends down and touches it. At once the sparks of different colours begin to flash all over the cave, and then Rad and Carlos feel an earthquake. The bright coloured rays burst out of the ground straight to the space. It is a signal that informs the Autobots and Decepticons on Cybertron about the Mini-Cons' activation. The best warriors of the opposing sides teleport to Earth to seek the Minis.

After the earthquake the boys' schoolmate Alexis feels anxiety for them and rushes in to seek them.

Running outside the cave the boys see a strange purple halo in the sky. Then the warp gate open with an immense robot inside. This is Megatron. In this moment Alexis shows up and tells boys not to be panic-stricken, but it is too difficult task for them. When Megatron moves towards Rad, the boy drops the plate which turns out to be the Mini-Con named High Wire. He scans Rad's BMX bike and becomes transformed into it. The kids try to escape on High Wire but Megatron blocks their path and demands them to give him back «his own thing» (he means the Mini-Con). When he tries to catch High Wire, Optimus Prime warps in and the two old sworn enemies square off to battle.

2. Metamorphosis (Part 2 of 3)


The two robots battle it out for the Mini-Cons while the kids and High Wire decide to make their escape. As they try to outrun the two Decepticons, Demolishor and Starscream materialize in front of them, while on their other side the two Autobots, Red Alert and Hot Shot appear. The children are led back to the cave by High Wire, and Optimus manages to hit Megatron hard enough to send the Decepticons into retreat.

On the Moon Base, Cyclonus takes naps when Megatron and the others warp in. He sees that they come back empty-handed and declares to Megatron that he can find the Mini-Cons easily. Megatron orders him to set out in search of them at once.

Back on Earth High Wire brings the children to the Mini-Cons' ancient spaceship. Rad voices a supposition that the Mini-Cons had arrived to Earth ages ago in search of safety. He discovers the images of Megatron and Optimus Prime in the on-board computer and learns who are the Autobots and the Decepticons exactly. Then Carlos and Alexis awaken their own Mini-Cons. Carlos' Grindor turns into a skateboard, and Alexis' Sureshock becomes an electric scooter. Some time later the children decide to take the Minis out for a spin.

On the Moon Megatron finds his own old Mini-Con partner (named Leader-1) quite near the Decepticons' base, and demands why Cyclonus didn't see it. After giving him a wigging, he tells Leader-1 to show his power, much to the Decepticons' astonishment. Just in this moment Demolishor enters and reports on the awakening of another two Mini-Cons on Earth. Megatron orders Cyclonus to take the lead in the expedition for these Mini-Cons. Then he demonstrates to his subordinates their new Earth vehicle modes. Starscream now can be altered into a supersonic jet-fighter, Demolishor can become a self-propelled gun, Cyclonus looks like a military helicopter. Megatron himself is transformed into a tank. And now they leave for Earth again.

Meanwhile the kids have a good time with their Mini-friends. But when they come over a rise they find Megatron and his guys there. They try to run away, but the Decepticons encircle them. It seems to be no escape for them… Unexpectedly a large red-and-blue track drives up to them. It knockes Megatron and Demolisher down and takes the children and the Mini-Cons away from under the ’Cons' very nose. This is Optimus Prime. He and the other Autobots are disguised as the Earth cars. They are ready to fight the Decepticons.

3. Base (Part 3 of 3)


The Autobots and the Decepticons are fighting each other while Rad and his friends run for cover. Thanks to his Mini-Con partner, Megatron's fire power increases greatly, and his single shot causes a vast landslide which nearly buries both the kids and the Mini-Cons. Hot Shot and Red Alert save them, however. But this shot throws Megatron himself back on the mountainside, and the way in a cave opens here. Alexis notices the strange sparkles in the cave, and everybody runs there. They find the Mini-Cons for Hot Shot and Red Alert and would've got more if it were not Cyclonus. Though the Decepticons have to retreat again, he gets a Mini-Con panel and brings it to his chief (later, Megatron gives this Mini-Con, whose name is Blackout, to Demolishor, as his "little evil partner").

On the D-Base, Starscream and Demolishor have an argument about their rank, and they end up fighting. But Megatron orders them to stop their duel immediately and not to waste their energy. He is displeased very much that his warriors fight each other instead of seeking the Mini-Cons. He says that the Decepticons must find as many Mini-Cons as possible, otherwise all their battles against the Autobots shall always end in a draw.

On Earth, the Autobots settle their base at the crashed Mini-Con ship. The kids ask Optimus Prime why the Autobots are at war with the Decepticons and why all of them want to capture the Mini-Cons. Optimus Prime explains that the ’Cons strive for the Universe domination and treat the Mini-Cons as their slaves, and the ‘Bots want the Universe (and the Mini-Cons too, of course) to live in peace and freedom. Then Rad, Carlos and Alexis introduce themselves to the 'Bots and offer them their help. Optimus Prime rejects this proposal at first, because he fears to expose the children to danger. But the kids get their way, and Prime makes up his mind at last. The episode ends with everyone rushing to the control room and Rad comments on all the Mini-Cons coming online.

4. Comrade


This episode picks up where the last one left off. The Autobots are about to head out to find a Mini-Con, when the kids come and beg to go with them. They are given special suits to help protect them, climb into Optimus's cab, and get their first taste of 'warping'. They arrive in a mountain valley where they suppose to find a Mini-Con. Here the team splits up into three groups in order to broaden the area of the quest. Carlos goes off with Red Alert, Optimus Prime stayes with the Mini-Cons, Rad and Alexis become the passengers of Hot Shot. What a trip! Hot Shot is a crazy racer indeed, and the kids feel themselves highly bleaky in his cab.

Little flying robot Lazerbeak discovers a Mini-Con panel in the rock, but before the 'Bots have time to take it, the 'Cons attack them in their usual way named «divide et impera». Demolisher pursues Red Alert, Cyclonus chases Hot Shot and succeedes in making him trapped among the stones. Optimus Prime meets face to face with Megatron himself. Thanks to his Mini-Con partner Megatron gains the upper hand and wounds Prime. Just as he is about to finish the Autobots' leader, Starscream (who had got an order to stay at the Base) suddenly appears. He declares himself to be mighty enough to destroy Prime. The kids are horrified because Optimus seems to be doomed to the death. But then High Wire, Sureshock and Grindor unite and form a new strong and rapid robot named Perceptor. He strikes Megatron and Starscream and defends Optimus Prime till the new Mini-Con awakes. This Mini-Con turns out to be Optimus' old partner, named Sparkplug. He unites with Optimus and gives him a strength to attack both Megatron and Starscream and send them packing. Megatron is forced to retreat to the Decepticon Base. He is in great fury. By his order Starscream gets a severe chastisement for his disobedience.

5. Soldier


Hot Shot and Red Alert are having a disagreement about their battle techniques аs well as about their style of life. Red Alert asks Hot Shot to help him in his never-ending housekeeping job on the Autobots' base, but Hot Shot likes more to play with the kids than to work. Optimus Prime tells him that Red Alert was a brave soldier while on Cybertron and that his cares are quite necessary for every member of the Autobots' team, but Hot Shot seems to be not convinced of this. Soon, however, the conversation ceases because a new Mini-Con signal is detected in Antarctica. All the Autobots and their children partners set off there. But so do the Decepticons, too.

Megatron sends his soldiers to seek a Mini-Con. Starscream sees it the first while flying along the crevasse. He wants to take the Mini-Con himself for he has no a Mini-Con partner yet. When he notices Hot Shot (with Carlos in his cab) coming nearby, he attacks him. But Hot Shot knockes him off so that Starscream is seemingly severely damaged. Megatron, Demolisher and Cyclonus appear in this moment. They mock at Starscream and attack Hot Shot themselves. Megatron succedes in catching Hot Shot, but Red Alert saves Hot Shot's life by a power ring which he ejects from his breast. This ring hits Megatron and forces him to release Hot Shot. Meanwhile Starscream recovers and tries to break the ice wall of the crevasse and to take the Mini-Con. Red Alert, however, prevents him to do this, so that the Autobots get this Mini-Con too and return to their Base victoriously. Though the new Mini remains "sleeping", nevertheless, Rad is glad that Red Alert and Hot Shot are good friends again and are working as one team now.

6. Jungle


This episode begins with the firing of the Autobots and the Decepticons. Starscream orders Demolisher and Cyclonus to attack the Autobots from the flanks; then he becomes transformed into the jet-plane and attacks them from the air. However, Optimus Prime shoots him down and prepares to make the final 'control shot' right to his forehead... But suddenly the Autobots turn out to be sheer holograms. This battle was only a simulation. However, Megatron is very angry with his soldiers and especially with Starscream. Starscream promises Megatron to fight more effectively if he gives him a Mini-Con. Just in this time a signal of a Mini-Con is detected. The Autobots receive it, too.

This Mini-Con is somewhere in the large forest. It is hard for the Autobots to drive here, and Hot Shot wants to cut a passage through a wood, but Rad asks him to spare the trees because it is necessary to protect the nature. Optimus Prime agrees with Rad. Suddenly the Autobots face with the Decepticons, and a new battle begins. Starscream goes strafing the Autobots, but Cyclonus is on his way, and Starscream's shot misses the target and sets the wood on fire. The Autobots together with the kids and the Mini-Cons do their best to put out the conflagration.

Meanwhile Demolishor finds the Mini-Con on the top of the huge old tree. Starscream begs Megatron to give this Mini-Con to him, but Megatron denies his request (really, he doesn't want Starscream to have any Mini-Con). Starscream doesn't dare to argue further, but he has something in mind. Soon the Autobots return and the battle resumes. Accidentally Starscream has no enemy to fight. He takes this opportunity to catch the Mini-Con. He is extremely happy to have a Mini-Con partner at last and names him Swindle.
Starscream decides to demonstrate his new extraordinary power immediately. He almost decimates both the Autobots and Decepticons, as well as a good portion of the forest, by a single fire of his plasma gun. None-too-pleased Megatron orders the Decepticons to retreat. Before following his chief through the warp gate, Starscream warns the Autobots that they must not to take their eyes off him from now on. And Optimus Prime considers that he is right.

At the end of the episode the Decepticons have a battle practice again. But now Starscream alone annihilates all the 'enemies' easily. He begins to wonder if he is stronger than Megatron himself when it comes to being leader. But Megatron has quite opposite point of view on this question…

7. Carnival


Rad and Carlos decide to take Highwire and Sureshock to the town carnival. Then the rest of the Mini-cons show up, all in their natural forms, attracting the attention everyone there, particularly that of Fred and Billy. Billy sees Highwire and Sureshock transform and hatches a plan to catch the Mini-cons. A chase ensues with the 'Bots wrecking the fair. Alexis arrives with Hot Shot, saying she knew about everything because 'a little birdie told me,' while pointing at Laserbeak. In the end, Hot Shot saves Billy and Fred when his Mini Jolt carries them to the top of a balloon.

8. Palace


The new stage of the Mini-Con hunting opens when Optimus Prime and his team arrive to a desert to search for the next Mini-Con location. Demolishor lays an ambush there and shells the Autobots. The children set off to clear the matter up. Unexpectedly a sandslide begins. Both the children and Demolishor fall down a mysterious ancient underground palace. There is a picture of a Mini-Con on the wall. Rad, Carlos and Alexis discuss this fact. Suddenly they find themselves surrounded by the terrible metal spider-like creatures. They are within a hairbreadth of death, but Demolishor (unwillingly, of course) saves them. While the ′Con deals with the metal spiders, the kids go farther and get into a splendid and stately throne room with a Mini-Con panel lying on the throne. Soon Demolishor comes here, too, and sees the Mini-Con. But when he tries to catch it, the palace begins to collapse… They all have a miraculous escape… just to find themselves in the thick of a just another battle of the Autobots and the Decepticons. Later, after the battle, Megatron demands from Demolishor to give the new Mini-Con to him. Demolishor attempts to object to his master, but Megatron forces him to obey very soon. Starscream witnesses the scene; though he is not a friend of Demolishor, he understands that Megatron treats him unjustly.

9. Confrontation


Bill and Fred are kidnapped by Cyclonus and when the Autobots try to rescue them Megatron captures all the kids and holds them for ransom.Megatron was thinking keeping the children as pets.the autobots were going to send their Minicons to the Decepticons,Megatron needs those humans for the future,

10. Underground


A new Mini-Con appears and the Autobots and Decepticons go after it. The signal comes from a large town. In order to obtain the new Mini-Con the two races will have to go underground. The Decepticons send their Minis to investigate the underground tunnels. The kids together with their Mini-Cons do the same. During their quest they get into a derelict subway station. Here they find a Mini-Con panel which is walled up in the ceiling (meanwhile somebody watches them). They succeed in pulling the panel out and decide to return to the ’Bots as soon as possible. While going through a tunnel the kids spot somebody (seemingly a Decepticon) chasing them. They run away but are faced with the Decepticons' Minis. The kids seek safety in flight again. Now they are in a strange natural tunnel. Rad sends Lazerbeak to Optimus Prime for help. However, the Decepticons find their shelter well before the Autobots have time to get there. Suddenly an unknown Transformer comes to children's aid and fights the Decepticons. Just in this time the tunnel collapses and buries both the kids, the Minis and their defender. When Optimus Prime and his guys come at last it seems to them that it's all over. Cyclonus takes the new Mini-Con, and the ’Cons warp out. But it appears very soon that everybody is alive. The mysterious Transformer turns out to be an Autobot warrior named Smokescreen. All the ’Bots are happy to see their old chap again.

11. Ruin


The Autobots receive a new strange signal. It is a picture of a beautiful blonde girl. Carlos is charmed by her. He is sure that she is in danger and demands his friends to leave for rescuing her. But the signal appears to be received from under the Ocean. Red Alert explains that it is a Mini-con signal in reality, but Carlos doesn't believe to him. The Autobots submerge to the Ocean depth (with Rad, Alexis and Carlos in Optimus Prime's cab). There they see the ruins of an ancient town (Rad thinks that it is Atlantis). While they drift under the sea the Decepticons attack them. The Optimus' cab is damaged and the children almost sink. But Optimus Prime, with the aid of his comrades, succeedes in breaking through the gate of a central tower, where he finds a kind of an air bell so that the kids can breathe well again. Optimus then returns to his guys who fight the 'Cons.

While the robots face off, the kids find a hologram of the girl with whom Carlos is greatly taken. She tells them about the three Mini-cons which had fallen on the Earth at one time. They could form a mighty weapon named Star Saber which ruined the country and its people after all. She begs them never to wake these Minis and never to use the Star Saber. But at this time Megatron breaks through a wall and gets the Mini-con (it proves to be one of the Air Defense Team). Now the tower is completely demolished together with all the remains of the ancient civilisation.

The Autobots and their children partners return to the Base. But Carlos is upset very much because he knows now that the blonde beauty is only a hologram, and Rad comforts him.

12. Prehistory


At the Autobot base, Rad had figured out how the people who had the Star Saber destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, Megatron is infuriated that the Mini-con panel he caught would not activate. He tried once more but did not succeed.

Rad asks Optimus how to end the transformers war. Optimus explains that though both Decepticons and Autobots are the same, the Decepticons desire to rule the universe. They created an army to begin conquest of Cybertron but their progress was halted by the Autobots who sprang into action. After years of fighting, both sides ruled one half of the planet. Then, the Mini-cons came in. No one knew how they were created but they were used as power sources. Eventually, the Mini-cons wanted to leave, something the Autobots agreed on. They protected the ship holding the Mini-cons. As they escaped, the Mini-cons went into stasis in the form of panels. Through use of a diversion, the Mini-cons made it to Earth.

Optimus says it might be luck or destiny that the kids found High Wire in the first place. It is what drew the Autobots and Decepticons to Earth.

Suddenly, the base's alarms find another Mini-con using Laserbeak. They travel to the remains of an amusement park and began searching. They are then ambushed. While the two sides fought, the kids went searching for the Mini-con. The other Mini-cons fought against the Decepticons while the kids locate the Mini-cons. Suddenly, the volcano erupts, burying Optimus. While Hot Shot got the kids to safety, Smokescreen digs a trench to move the lava. Just as Megatron got the panel, Optimus came in. Cyclonus got the panel but is barraged by the Street Action team. With the panel safe in Autobot hands, the Decepticons retreat.

Later at headquarters, Red Alert theorizes that the Mini-cons are trying to achieve peace in the universe.

At Decepticon headquarters, Megatron succeeds in activating the Mini-con panel and orders the reawakened Mini-con named Sonar to lead him to the others.

13. Swoop


Cyclonus was sweeping the area for the Autobot base. Megatron is certain of it because of Sonar, the awakened Mini-con has confirmed. Finally, Cyclonus finds the base.

At that moment, Rad, Alexis and Carlos are showing Billy and Fred the base. Suddenly, the alarms go off. Unaware of where everyone was, Fred and Billy aimlessly go off. Just then, the Decepticons warp in. They are attacked by the A-Base's defense system. However, the Autobots had to shut off because Fred and Billy are caught in the crossfire. Seeing Sonar, the Autobots formulate a plan. Hot Shot, however, goes off recklessly. The kids go off to save Billy and Fred, disobeying Optimus' orders.

Hot Shot faces off against Megatron but gets rescued by Optimus while Smokescreen goes good to his namesake. After closing a blast door, Optimus gives the inactive Mini-cons to Hot Shot. Demolisher is lassoed by Smokescreen while Starscream is played by Red Alert who is just using a decoy panel to trap the Decepticon.

The kids find Billy and Fred but are also found by Cyclonus. They lure him to the transportation room where Rad sends Cyclonus to a snowy mountain.

Hot Shot lures Megatron into an electrical trap but he breaks free and has Sonar awaken his brethren, forming the Star Saber. Optimus manages to blast it out of Megatron's hands and it lands in Hot Shot's hands. Hot Shot recklessly charged into the fold but is thrown back by a barrage from Megatron. Rad tells Hot Shot to believe in the power of the Mini-cons. Through luck, Hot Shot succeeded in maiming the Decepticon leader, forcing all the Decepticons to retreat. Optimus grants Hot Shot the Star Saber.

Megatron, repaired, is furious and vows to get revenge.