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Ascyltus pterygodes is a cosmopolitan jumping spider of the Pacific. The spider belongs to the genus Ascyltus, a group of jumping spiders easily identified both by their relatively large size.



((original source))

Distinguishable from numerous other fissidentate Pacific genera especially by the antero-lateral "cheek" areas of the carapace, which are covered by iridescent scales. These areas are often broadened as well . They are usually detectable even in half-grown juveniles. Other diagnostic characters include the absence of lateral spines on first metatarsi, first coxae separated by more than the diameter of one of them, eyes in normal three row s instead of four (the second row midway between the first and third), pedicel concealed by abdomen in dorsal view, and cheliceral promargin in males with a large multicusped tooth.

Species limits are not clear and the actual number of distinct species is unknown. Palpal structures are rather similar in all species.

Ascyltus are relatively large to medium sized salticids. Distinguishable from other Pacific salticids by the antero-lateral carapace, which is iridescently colored. The antero-lateral carapace is widened in adults and late juveniles alike. The eyes in three rows instead of four and the first metatarsal spines being absent.

((original source)) Medium to very large-sized fissidentate (bicuspid) salticids. Retrolateral surface of male chelicera with stridulatory grooves. Prolateral margin in males with a large multicusp tooth (4–6 cusps), in females a row of separate teeth. Antero-lateral portion of carapace expanded into broad, seta - fringed cheeks in males and some females . Male palps long and slender, especially the tibia; cymbium small, little wider than other palpal segments . Legs long and slender. Cephalothorax broad, flattened, squarish in appearance, usually with prominent cheeks laterally, fringed by setae and covered by reflective scales. Cheeks more pronounced in larger specimens, less so in smaller ones . Abdomen elongate, narrowing posteriorly, dorsal surface in males with a scutum, usually with indistinct edges; no scutum in females. Dorsum with two broad brown bands separated by a lighter median area; covered with adpressed colorless or brown scales. Face very low, reduced almost to the diameter of AME, but broad, clypeus very low. Chelicerae in males (and in female A. pterygodes) very large, diverging, elongate and broad, extended diagonally forward, covered with short setae. There is a bicuspid retrolateral tooth at midlength; a ridge on the retrolateral surface of the paturon ends in a tooth near the base of the fang. Prolateral tooth in some species preceded by an additional conical tooth; fang long. In females chelicerae usually of normal size, vertical, slightly bulging basally. Legs long and brown; tibiae I and II normally with 3–3 ventral spines, plus 2 to 3 prolateral and one retrolateral. Pedipalps thin and long.

Male : (n = 5). Total length 13–19 mm (X = 15 .4)

Female : (n = 5). Total length 16–20 mm (x = 17.1)

Large big fangs sex differences



Pterygodes has the same seasonality through most parts of the years except for during spring where they have not been seen at all.

Figure _: Seasonality of A. pterygodes ==Hunting==



Pterygodes have been found to be opportunistic omnivores. Meaning they will eat plants or other insects depending on which presents itself first. A. pterygodes will not limit itself to just insects, rather it will eat insects, bugs and even its own kind. In its plant-based diet A. pterygodes prefers to eat nectar and pollen. Ascyltus pterygodes is also known to controlled the outbreak of coconut moths in Fiji.

[“It is my impression that this jumping spider or a relative was once cited as being of considerable economic importance as a control agent. It is said to be a predator on a certain moth in the Fiji Islands that does great damage to the coconut palms."]



Many found specimens of A. pterygodes have been found in the Laupahoehoe area. This area includes the forests of ‘ohi‘a and koa. These forests are wet and mountainous regions with some being poorly drained portions. Due to this, they contain wet grasslands and small montane lakes with numerous streams running throughout the forests. Laupahoehoe is located in the North Hilo District on the island of Hawaii and stretches from just above 1,600 feet to about 4,600 feet elevation. Hakalau National Wildlife Refuge is adjacent to Laupahoehoe Reserve and protects habitats for local wildlife Many of the A. pterygodes, when located, can be found on things like leaves and bushes. These include common shrubs and plants like the banana plant. They have also been found inside of people’s homes but this occurrence is not a common one.<Laupahoehoe. (2018, January 2). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from Laupahoehoe. (2018, January 2). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/ecosystems/nars/hawaii-island/laupahoehoe-2/>


Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
 Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
  Subphylum Chelicerata (Chelicerates)
   Class Arachnida (Arachnids)
    Order Araneae (Spiders)
     Infraorder Araneomorphae (True Spiders)
      No Taxon (Entelegynae)
       Family Salticidae (Jumping Spiders)
        Classification within the spiders (Araneae)

A. pterygodes is part of the order Araneae family Salticidae, and the genus Ascyltus. Ascyltus pterygodes is the type species of its genus, being the first one described by Ludwig Carl Christian Koch.



Previously named Hyllus pterygodes by L. Koch, genus renamed to Ascyltus



Laupahoehoe. (2018, January 2). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from Laupahoehoe. (2018, January 2). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/ecosystems/nars/hawaii-island/laupahoehoe-2/

(size and features) Berry, J., Beatty,J., Proszynski, J., (1997) The Journal of Arachnology, Salticidae of the Pacific Islands, Volume 1, Page 111



Category:Spiders described in 1865 Category:Taxa named by Ludwig Carl Christian Koch Category:Salticidae Category:Spiders of North America

https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Phidippus_audax https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Salticinae