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Ofuka is a place in Ohangwena region


There are various features that make this place to be so amazing within Ohangwena region. Most of of this features are as follow:there are lions in this place , there are different types of trees that make this place to be so attractive as most of our ancestors they were using this plase for farming purposes until now we are continuing to follow our ancestor's staps. They were farming their life stock there because there is enough food for were they can graze them,there is also Prentty of water for their animals.Omufitu is a beautiful attractive place in Ohangwena region. It is known by its natural resources i.e. Wild animals and many different types of species. You can find the most popular beautiful trees; some of these beautiful trees can be used for producing medicine for timba use and also used as duilding material build houses.

Its 879 km far from the town of Ohangwena.Tourists are also welcome at this particular place, for a lot of unknown species found in the place. The wild animals are protected up by the animal guards, mostly the big five’s i.e. Elephant, Lion, Rhino, etc. because those animals are too dangerous. For those that are willing to visit the place, they are more than welcome.this place is well protected in such way that it's resourse is not distroyed by the resident.Most of those resident they used to hunting this animals for food or to get meat and sell to earn them selves poket money to help their families or improve their farming tequinic i.e buying medicine for thier animals and fertileiser to improve thier soil. This place is where you will find the most dangerous snakes like Cobra, Black mamba etc.

There is diffrent tribs in this place here we include Ovakwanyama,Kavango,Kwangali and the ownner's of this place well know Kwanghala's. Most of this people were not born there but they went only with the purpose of farming and hurnting for their food in order to satisfied their physiological needs. This place is becoming populated becouse most people build their houses at that place . Now this place is divided in to different villages i.e Oshishoholo,Eendobe,Onaimbungu,etc.This place is becoming developed by the Government and there is more recreational areas now; where we include Okongo community forest project made to maintin and protect the resources of the area i.e the trees must not cuted down without a permissin pemit letter that allowed him/her to du so.



http://www.mawf.gov.na/Directorates/Forestry/reports/Okongo%20Report.pdf http://www.nnf.org.na/ENVDIR/pages/okongo.htm http://www.newera.com.na/articles/47328/Community-forest--on-growth-path http://trickleout.net/index.php/basededonneestrickle-uptop/namibia/okongo-community-forestry-project http://www.namibian.com.na/index.php?id=28&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=81756&no_cache=1 http://www.namibian.com.na/index.php?id=28&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=81756&no_cache=1 http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/X6694E/X6694E07.htm http://www.eduventures-africa.org/15_biodiv.htm http://m.sun.com.na/content/hundreds-celebrate-bio-diversity-day-community-forest