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The school is located some 30 kilometers in Shambyu east of the Rundu town in Namibia, along the Kavango River. The school accommodates learners all the way from kinder garden up to grade 10 and then learners have to continue with their education at other secondary school either in the same area or go to other areas[1].



St. Joseph Mission was established in 1930 by the Obtales of Immaculate. Later on in 1936, the Missionary Benedictine Sisters arrived and established the private mobile clinic that was made operational in the same year and helped the surrounding community of Shambyu in obtaining medical services[2].

The school


The school is assisted by a total of six sisters that help maintain the mission together with different priests that change from time to time.The school also has its own recreational facilities such as the football field, netball court and various basket courts that were established. The school also assists in the maintaining of the orchard that is used by the school; it has a variety of plantations that are going to be mentioned below:

  • green vegetables
  • fruits
  • wild plants

The school has good relation and ties with neighboring school St. Boniface College; A school located in the same proximity as St.Joseph School. The two Catholic schools sometimes interchangeably or shares commodities that the mission offers for example the use of the church services and the St Joseph clinic services. The two schools can also obtain help from the church delegations regarding belief and spiritual matters that needs to be addressed.

