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Hello everyone, this is gxroh and i am Everett community college student joined last year. my hobbies are listening to music and watching movie. I am currently majoring applied mathematics. my academic goals are taking all the classes are required until the end of the year and finishing my research in math and computer science fields.

my currently interesting subject is searching about someone when it is coming as an issue, and also i liked to search information that i am interested instantly. sometimes i search movie stars, actor, actress, and sometimes about the game info. and also when i need an information for the assignment i used to get info from Wikipedia as many as i can.

thank you for visiting my user page.

Article Critique


For this assignment, I was finding a source what to write for the Article critique, I have been interested in looking up the Wikipedia page article about my city. the name of the city where I born and raised is 'Sejong city.' I visited the Sejong city page on Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on its completeness, its lack of citations, and its age of the article.



I have noticed that this article was focused on explaining the historical point of view that had arisen. This part was described and written correctly in consideration of political circumstances. However, only historical descriptions are recorded in this article, and nothing is written about what structure the city has and what role it plays as an administrative city. For example, there is a lack of accurate and systematic explanations about exactly what rules to divide administrative districts.



There are some citations on the page. However, some of the data used in the presentation did not contribute much to describing this article. For example, if you look at the reference item at the bottom of the article, they provide you a link about the article related with tv show program casting, which is not much related to the article, and some of the links for the citations are dead. These facts indicate that the sources used to write this article are not reliable.

age of the article


The last time this article was edited was in November 2018 three months ago, and most of the references cited when this article was written contain mostly articles from six years ago, except for public institutions directly related to the city.



Overall, I would rate this page as "poor." they provided information based on the reasonable backgrounds and sources, but they did not use many sources to provide complete information about the article. Some part they need to describe is missing, and they did not use a reliable source, and some of the references are hard to tell it is related with the article.

As a part of this assignment, I posted a question on the talk page of the Sejong city page here. I added more details about the administrative division part.