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I'm a computer science student at https://cs.sfsu.edu/. I'm interested in the following topics:

I love to hole up on the weekends and contribute to open source software projects. I started programming on Raspberry Pi's, but branched out into some security geeking when Heartbleed hit. I'm a big fan of Eric Brewer's CAP theorem.

I really like Java (programming language) for distributed systems and have been playing with Go (programming language). Python (programming language) is my goto for data analysis work.

Recently I started playing with OpenALPR and trying to identify license plates from bicycle camera video. I got hit by a car on my bike commuting to school, and the driver took off. So you can say that I turn to technology to try and solve my problems! Despite OpenALPR being written in C++, I still think it is a neat piece of software :)

Articles/papers I find interesting:

I'm new at this Wikipedia thing, so still trying to learn how it all works.