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I have watched a lot of videos about physicists talking about extra dimensions, about new, more dimensional particles and their searches, Nowhere have I heard that those extra dimensions are somehow defined or named. Everyone simply states that – if only we could succeed in finding them, we could prove something, invent something conceptually new. However, nowhere is there any definition, specifying what exactly they are looking for, and how. They just hope to discover this in some magical way, that the particle will just appear before their eyes. But in my opinion, even if it happens, they will not even notice it, and if they will notice it, they will not understand what it is and what to do with it... Because in order to discover something – you need to know what you are looking for, what it looks like, or at least how it may look like. After all, if you want to discover a dog – you need to know at least some parameters of the dog, because otherwise you can walk between the dogs and do not even know it; in order to know it, it is necessary to set at least some parameters of the “dog” – 4 legs at the sides, head at one end, tail – at another, but even here countless other animals fall within the description, it is conceivable how detailed the description of the “dog” must be in order to find it; however, physicists, in this case, while looking for new particles with potentially new dimensions, do not even have their basic parameters – as in the case of the 4-legged dog.. So, how will we find those new particles? Maybe we should immediately set up some basic parameters, make a description of each dimension, and see what makes them different and what each new dimension adds to the previous one?

A particle from one dimension is a point that has neither a left nor a right side, nor a top or a bottom, it is just a point in space. If there is another point, another one-dimension particle, it would also try to shout – “Hey. I am here! Does anyone hear me?” The first particle would not understand this, because it could not imagine that there might be something without itself, because the entire dimension is only itself – neither left nor right, bottom or top of it exists for it, therefore, it could not discover the other particles.

Let’s take a two-dimensional space – two, three, or more points connected to each other at one level; let’s take a sheet of paper, for example, here we have the left and right, however, still without the top and bottom, because there is no such thing in the two-dimensional space. And how are they different from one-dimensional space? Continuing that idea of speaking particles as from the example of single-dimensional particles, here, that two-dimensional particle would say to a single-dimensional particle – “Hey. I am around you, you are a part of me! I am on the left and on the right.” Obviously, for a single-dimensional part, it is a concept that is incomprehensible: how can anything exist around you when you are everything that can actually exist, it would not imagine such a thing as “around”. However if we draw a triangle or square (a two-dimensional particle) and put a point in it (a single particle), it will be so. In this case, it differs from the one-dimensional part because the concept emerges, the concept – around, and it arises from the fact that we have simply introduced a new one dimension.

Now let’s imagine a three-dimensional particle, that would be anything you can imagine, because we live in a three-dimensional world. What is the difference between the three-dimensional particle and the two-dimensional one? It has an extra dimension. What does it give? Speaking in a simple mortal language, the three-dimensional particle would say to a two-dimensional one – “Hey! I’m around you! I am above and below you!” And again, the two-dimensional particle would not understand it. There is left and right, there is nothing above it or below! An example of this would be a triangle placed in a sphere.

Now the difficult part..

Here we have to use imagination and continue the intended course. Each particle with an extra dimension differed from a particle with fewer dimensions in that it had a concept – around. What would it look like with a 4-dimensional particle? After all, if we have any three-dimensional particle and say that something is around it, we would just imagine a bigger three-dimensional particle, like the small ball in a larger ball! Therefore, it’s not that simple here. It is already necessary to use the deeper knowledge of physics, such as photons, theory of dualism of particles, quantum entanglement, superposition, etc.

Let’s start with what a photon is – an electromagnetic wave, like a particle, like an electron, they behave in exactly the same way and it was proved and shown in many experiments, which led to the emergence of a theory of dualism of the particles. It contradicts itself, but it is like that in reality. If we emit a photon, it will propagate as a wave in all directions, unless we physically restrict it and let it propagate in one direction. All electromagnetic waves are propagating in exactly the same way, they propagate to all directions, like a stone thrown into the water causing a wave that propagates 360 degrees around it, if that wave could travel an infinite distance, then upon dropping a stone into the Atlantic Ocean we would see THE SAME wave both on the French coast and in North and South America, although it would be difficult to link them to the same stone. The same is true with all the stars we see in the sky. If the photons were particles going straight, at a certain distance we would stop seeing the stars because the photons would just separate and we would be between the photons. However, it is not like this because there are waves and propagate in all directions, therefore, there is no such thing as “getting between the photons” when it doesn’t get into your sight or your observation device and you couldn’t see the star. It would be easier to draw it than to explain.

But what do the dimensions have to do here?

If we look simpler then we would see that a photon is a wave propagating in all directions, however, it is one derivative, one particle. Likewise, when an electron was used in experiments to determine whether an electron is a wave or a particle, it was found to be both a wave and a particle. Only that the electron is much larger than the photon. It is in this case that by taking a photon as a potentially 4-dimensional particle, we see that it behaves in the same way as the particles described above with respect to each other, i.e., the +1 dimension creates the concept “around” for the particle of a fewer dimension, because the photon emitted without any restriction propagates in space around it to all directions, at the same time being 1 particle, no matter how hard it is to imagine, a photon propagating to the left and to the right obviously cannot be the same particle, even though it is. Confirmation of this would be the endless experiments performed to demonstrate quantum entanglement. If 2 photons were emitted in different directions during the same event, and we forced one of them to rotate in a certain direction, then the rotation of another photon would also change, everyone knows that. Why is this happening – explanation is not easy, because it is contrary to all the dogmas of physics. And if you follow the idea that it is one and the same particle, then, I think, everything comes into its place – upon changing the state of one particle it changes in the entire particle at the same time, even if that particle is of the size of the universe, and no speed of light is involved here; this is exactly what is currently the big problem why it is not possible to explain why the “second” particle changes its state at the same time, although it seems that it should change at least a little bit later when you add the speed of light into an equation. This, in my opinion, would be an explanation for quantum coherence, as it would simply fall from physics if we would accept the concept of one of the 4-dimensional particle.

Likewise, we could eliminate the concept of superposition, because it has become a natural state of 4-dimensional particles. The electromagnetic wave emitted to the environment without restrictions would occur in all parts of that environment at a certain time; only here the light speed would be switched on, because it is the speed at which that wave is emitted from the source of radiation. This superposition should insert the speed of light in its equation, because being in all possible positions would differ only because of time.

This is a description of only one 4-dimensional particle. It is very difficult to imagine a body made up of such particles, but space-time could be the best candidate. However, all experiments show that this is exactly some kind of “matter”, let’s take that experiment with gyroscopes directed to one star, they moved equally, as if they were placed on something. In addition to the described properties, bodies of different dimensions have other properties that are unique to them.

The one-dimensional body has only one property, it is a point, it can be defined as a number 1, because there is nothing more; there could be its coordinates, but it is already a space of 3 dimensions. If we take a two-dimensional body, then the length and width already appear here, from which it is possible to define the area etc. To define the three-dimensional body, another dimension emerges like depth, therefore, it also appears volume and all other possible properties, such as density, weight, etc. Taking only the differences in dimensions that describe the differences, we see that with each new dimension, we get several new properties. Those properties are appropriate for bodies that have an the existing number of dimensions and for bodies with more dimensions, but not the ones with less dimensions, for example, if we take the property of area of a 2-dimensional body, we will not apply the same properties to a 1- dimensional body, but we could apply it to a 3-dimensional body. Where is it all going... The 4-dimensional body must have extraordinary characteristics that we cannot see or feel unless it is mathematically approved. And what do we have at the moment?

When physicists try to understand why space-time and the universe behave exactly as they behave, all this does not fit into all the equations and theories we have. Mathematicians have calculated many dimensions, but it all looks very dry and unconvincing because there is only an extra digit added to the coordinates of the point, and we cannot draw any greater conclusions from that. However, looking at all the differences in dimensions that they gain from an extra dimension, it can be said that after acquiring the 4th dimension, the body acquires one or even more additional properties that we do not know about, but this should play a role in calculating the properties of our universe. We still do not know what dark matter or dark energy, which form the largest part of our universe, are; maybe these are the extraordinary qualities of a 4-dimensional body that we don’t understand. Perhaps putting this 4-dimensional pattern on top of our known knowledge of physics would reveal certain regularities and coherence between quantum physics and astrophysics. Perhaps this would be the single field theory that one genius was looking for. Such thoughts...