A James Joseph* is rare to come across. When one does, it is easily recognized by its moss colored green corduroys and slithery walk. Attached to its delicate keyboard and guitar picking fingers, there is another unique attribute..."the moose." Now, "the moose” is a necessity to all James Josephs, its Meh language is not that common in this English speaking world, so it resorts to humming noises. As well, "the moose" has been known as an opera singer, yet during its spare time it likes to make fun of really really ridiculously good looking girls. A James Joseph is a hard worker and is not seen in the wild often because it LOVES to perform on paperwork years before the pages are even due. To get close to a James Joseph, one needs the following: a sturdy and open sense of humor and an undying infatuation with ice cream and/or funnel cake. Matching colored sweaters also attracts a James Joseph, though one will discover that their closets are continually locked for the survival of their species. Furthermore, one could say that James Josephs are great friends, ones that would make you turn to them in the midst of a deep deep conversation and declare..."WHAT THE CRAP?!"
- Not a fan of Crunch Bar pillows or Rihanna