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User:Graeme Bartlett/indide

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A indide is an inorganic chemical compound containing anions composed of indium atoms. Indium is right of the Zintl border in the periodic table, so indides are not Zintl compounds. They are a kind of intermetallic compound.

Related compounds include the thallides and gallides.

Indides contain clusters of indium atoms. There are compounds with 4, 5, 6, 8 11 atoms.[1] Four-atom clusters are tetrahedral and have interatomic distance of 3.171 Å, more dense than in indium metal.[2]



Indides can be prepared by melting metals together under an inert atmosphere. For some combinations of metal, the boiling tmeperatuire of one may exceed the melting point of another, so the reaction is done in a sealed tantalum, niobium or molybdenum capsule.[3] An alternative is to use excess indium and crystallise from a molten indium flux.[3]

ref dump


more from intro of https://doi.org/10.1002/zaac.202300112 https://doi.org/10.1002/zaac.200700358 http://dx.doi.org/10.5012/bkcs.2013.34.6.1656 https://doi.org/10.1515/znb-2007-1214 The Gold-rich Indide Sr I Mutsa, UC Rodewaldb, Z Vasyl'I, R Pöttgenb https://doi.org/10.1021/ic2016275 https://doi.org/10.1021/ic701127f https://doi.org/10.1515/znb-2011-1003 https://doi.org/10.5012/bkcs.2013.34.12.3847 https://doi.org/10.1515/znb-2011-1104 https://doi.org/10.1021/ic8019765 https://link-springer-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/article/10.1134/S0020168523040106/tables/3 (melting points) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1674-1056/ac0a60/meta https://doi.org/10.1039/C4DT03783A https://doi.org/10.1515/zkri-2020-0012 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2011.07.029 https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.174411 https://doi.org/10.1021/cg301532b https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12039-013-0499-2 https://openurl.ebsco.com/EPDB%3Agcd%3A16%3A20871808/detailv2?sid=ebsco%3Aplink%3Ascholar&id=ebsco%3Agcd%3A93596039&crl=c https://doi.org/10.1021/ic401171v https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.10.170 https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2015.1052859 https://doi.org/10.1515/zkri-2022-0024 https://doi.org/10.1515/znb-2011-0414 https://doi.org/10.1002/zaac.201600228 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2015.10.032 review https://doi.org/10.1021/cg401864p https://doi.org/10.5560/znb.2014-4192 https://journals.jps.jp/doi/abs/10.7566/JPSJ.88.074702 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/592/1/012047/meta https://journals.jps.jp/doi/abs/10.7566/JPSJ.86.084710 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.10.047 https://journals.jps.jp/doi/abs/10.7566/JPSCP.38.011099 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/592/1/012007/meta https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.1660


formula system space group unit cell volume density comment Reference
LiIn [4][5] lots of referencs for these
Li13In3 [5]
Li2In [5]
Li3In2 [5]
NaIn [4]
Na7KIn4 Pbam a=b=16.3283 c=11.3094 Z=8, 3015.25 [In4]8− tetrahedra [1]
Ca54In13B1.6H25.4 cubic Im3 a = 16.3608 Z = 2 4376.7 2.768 [6]
(Ca4N)[In2] tetragonal I41/amd a = 4.9114 c = 29.077 [7]
(Ca7N4)[In] a=11.68 b=12.13 c=3.64 bronze colour [8]
(Ca19N7)[In4]2 cubic a = 14.7165 [7]
Ca8In2SiN4 orthorhombic Ibam a = 12.904 b = 9.688 c = 10.899 Z = 4 nitridosilicate [9]
ScNi4In cubic F43m a=6.872 [3]
ScNi2In cubic Fm3m a=6.256 [3]
Sc2Ni2In tetragonal P4/mbm a=7.1679 c=3.33154 [3]
KCo2In9 hexagonal P6/mmm a=8.7915 c=4.2364 [10]
KNi2In9 hexagonal P6/mmm a=8.7915Å c=4.238 [10]
SrIn4 [5]
SrIn2 [5]
Sr3In11 [5]
SrIn [5]
Sr11In7 [5]
Sr5In3 [5]
Sr2.33In0.92 [5]
Sr6In4(In0.32Li0.92)N2.49 cubic a = 14.3752 Z=8 2959.4 4,744 [11]
(Sr19N7)[In4]2 cubic a = 15.610 [7]
Li2Y5In9 tetragonal P4/nmm a = 10.1242 c = 15.109 Z+4 [12]
YMnIn hexagonal P63/mmc a=5.741 c=9.345 [3]
YNi9In2 tetragonal P4/mbm a=8.222 c=4.827 [3]
YNi4In cubic F43m a=7.034 [3]
YNiIn hexagonal P62m a=7.486 c=3.784 [3]
YNiIn2 Cmcm a=4.314 b=10.406 c=7.276 [3]
YNi1–0.50In1–1.50 hexagonal P62m a=7.474–7.566 c=3.773–3.805 [3]
Y2Ni2In orthorhombic Cmmm a=3.900 b=14.186 c=3.694 [3]
Y2Ni2-xIn tetragonal P4/mbm a=7.365 c=3.679 [3]
Y12Ni6In cubic Im3 a=9.711 [3]
Na8K23Cd12In48 hexagonal P6/mmm [5]
BaIn4 [5]
BaIn2 [5]
BaIn [5]
Ba9In4 [5]
Ba9[In]4[H] tetrahedral I4/m a = 13.973 c = 5.918 Z = 2 [13]
Ba6In4.78N2.72 cubic Fd3m a=15.216 Z=8 [11]
(Ba6N)[In5] trigonal R3c a = 8.234 c = 44.12 Z = 6 2590.6 metallic grey [14]
(Ba38N18)[In5]2[In8] monoclinic C2/m a=57.334 b=7.9101 c=10.1991 β=97.237° Z=2 [15]
BaLi2.1In1.9 hexagonal P63/mmc a=10.410 c=8.364 Z=6 785.0 [5]
BaLi1.12In0.98 hexagonal P6/mmm a=17.469 c=10.6409 Z=30 2813.5 [5]
BaLi1.06In1.16 rhombohedral R3c a=18.894 c=85.29 Z=276 26368 [5]
Li35In45Ba39N9 tetragonal I42m a=15.299 c=30.682 Z=2 7182 [5]
LiIn2Ba3N0.83 cubic Fd3m a=14.913 Z=8 3316.7 [5]
Ba11In6O3 tetragonal I4/mcm a = 15.558 c = 11.216 Z = 4 indide oxide [16]
LaNi7In6 orthorhombic Ibam a=8.066 b=9.248 c=12.465 [3]
LaNi9In2 tetragonal P4/mbm a=8.339 c=4.877 [3]
LaNi3In6 orthorhombic Pmmn a=4.388 b=12.11 c=7.574 [3]
LaNi5In hexagonal P63/mmc a=495.7 c=19.969 [3]
LaNi3In2 hexagonal P6/mmm a=9.334 c=4.356 [3]
LaNiIn4 orthorhombic Cmcm a=4.484 b=16.885 c=7.199 [3]
La4Ni7In8 orthorhombic Cmmm a=14.757 b=24.187 c=4.398 [3]
La5Ni6In11 orthorhombic Cmmm a=14.640 b=14.674 c=4.439 [3]
LaNi2In orthorhombic Pmma a=5.254 b=4.131 c=7.169 [3]
LaNiIn hexagonal P62m a=7.613 c=4.035 [3]
LaNi0.5In1.5 hexagonal P6/mmm a=4.837 c=4.036 [3]
La2Ni2In tetragonal P4/mbm a=7.611 c=3.918 [3]
La12Ni6In cubic Im3 a=10.209 [3]
La4RuIn cubic F43m a=14.241 Z=12 2888.4 superconductor Tc=0.61K [2][17]
CeCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.601 c=7.540 superconductor Tc=2.3 [3][18]
Ce2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.640 c=12.251 [3]
Ce4RuIn cubic F43m a=13.963 Z=12 2722.5 [2]
Ce23Ru7In4 hexagonal P63mc a = 9.861 c = 22.52 melt congruently 683°С [19]
CeRhIn5 [3]
CeIrIn5 [3]
Pr6Fe13In tetragonal I4/mcm a = 8.103 c = 2352.7 [3]
PrCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm A=4.596 C=7.503 [3]
Pr2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.605 c=12.193 [3]
PrCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=5.119 B=4.089 c=7.197 [3]
Pr12Co6In Im3 a=9.920 [3]
Pr4RuIn cubic F43m a=13.999 Z=12 2743.4 [2]
Pr23Ru7In4 hexagonal P63mc a = 9.9260 c = 22.4109 melt incongruently 756°С [19]
Pr21Ru8.2In5 tetragonal I4/mcm a=11.979 c=25.326 Z=4 3634.1 7.972 [20]
NdMnIn cubic Fd3_m a = 8.325 [3]
Nd6Fe13In tetragonal I4/mcm a = 8.088 c = 23.431 [3]
NdCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.590 c=7.502 [3]
Nd2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.608 c=12.172 [3]
NdCo2In orthorhombic Pmma A=5.096 b=4.082 c=7.158 [3]
Nd12Co6In Im3 a=9.866 [3]
Nd4RuIn cubic F43m a=13.911 Z=12 2692.2 [2]
Nd26Ru8In9 tetragonal P4/mbm a=12.1415 c=16.2303 Z=2 2392.6 7.762 melt 812°С [20]
Sm6Fe13In tetragonal I4/mcm a = 8.065 c = 23.202 [3]
SmCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.577 c=7.463 [3]
Sm2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.583 c=12.101 [3]
SmCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=5.080 b=4.060 c=7.127 [3]
Sm2Co9In3 orthorhombic Cmmm a=22.834 b=5.020 c=4.0842 [3]
Sm6Co2In orthorhombic Immm a=9.549 b=9.583 c=10.068 [3]
Sm12Co6In Im3 a=9.786 [3]
Sm4RuIn cubic F43m a=13.809 Z=12 2633.1 [2]
GdMnIn hexagonal P63/mmc a=5.778 c=9.412 [3]
GdCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.567 c=7.461 [3]
Gd2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.569 c=12.021 [3]
GdCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=5.052 b=4.055 c=7.124 [3]
Gd6Co2In orthorhombic Immm a=9.544 b=9.597 c=10.041 [3]
Gd14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.615 c=23.336 [3]
Gd23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=23.59 b=28.89 c=3.628 2473 [21]
Gd4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.707 Z=12 2575.3 [2]
Gd6Ru2In orthorhombic Immm a=9.435 b=9.604 c=10.420 Z=4 944.2 8.867 [20]
EuIn2 [22]
Eu3Co2In15 tetragonal P4/mbm a = 14.789 c = 4.3945 [10]
Eu23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam [21]
Eu3Cu2In9 metallic [23]
Eu3Rh2In15 tetragonal P4/mbm a = 14.8346 c = 4.3970 Z=2 967.6 8.14 [24]
EuAg4In8 tetragonal I4/mmm a=9.7937 c=5.7492 [25]
Eu3Ag2In9 orthorhombic Immm a = 4.8370 b = 10.6078 c = 13.9195 Z=2 714.21 7.928 metallic [23]
TbCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.549 c=7.425 [3]
Tb2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.568 c=12.008 [3]
TbCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=5.033 b=4.050 c=7.122 [3]
Tb6Co2.14In0.86 orthorhombic Immm a=9.528 b=9.450 c=9.969 [3]
Tb14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.544 c=23.225 [3]
Tb23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=23.448 b=28.722 c=3.5916 2418.9 [21]
Tb4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.603 Z=12 2517.1 [2]
DyMnIn hexagonal P63/mmc a=5.734 c=9.309 [3]
DyCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.545 c=7.418 [3]
Dy2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.561 c=11.994 [3]
DyCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=4.998 b=4.034 c=7.060 [3]
Dy6Co2.14In0.86 orthorhombic Immm a=9.401 b=9.438 c=9.938 [3]
Dy14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.500 c=23.002 [3]
DyCo4In cubic F43m a=7.087 [3]
Dy3Co2In4 hexagonal P6 a=7.867 c=3.645 [3]
Dy23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=23.27 b=28.60 c=3.577 2380 [21]
Dy4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.545 Z=12 2485.1 [2]
HoCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.547 c=7.411 [3]
Ho2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.540 c=11.964 [3]
HoCo2In orthorhombic Pmma a=4.993 b=4.029 c=7.054 [3]
Ho6Co2.14In0.86 orthorhombic Immm a=9.348 b=9.430 c=9.906 [3]
Ho14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.459 c=22.913 [3]
HoCo4In cubic F43m a=7.068 [3]
Ho3Co2In4 hexagonal P6 a=7.866 c=3.605 [3]
Ho23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=23.294 b=28.527 c=3.5468 2356.9 [21]
ErMnIn hexagonal P63/mmc a=5.686 c=9.260 [3]
Er2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.560 c=11.958 [3]
Er14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.413 c=22.793 [3]
ErCo4In cubic F43m a=7.049 [3]
Er3Co2In4 hexagonal P6 a=7.850 c=3.583 [3]
Er6Co17.92In14 Pm3 a=8.663 [3]
Er10Co9In20 tetragonal P4/mmm a=13.253 c=9.078 [3]
Er23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a = 23.203 b = 28.399 c = 3.5306 Z=2 2326.5 9.383 [21]
Er4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.425 Z=12 2419.6 [2]
TmCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.532 c=7.387 [3]
Tm2CoIn8 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.544 c=11.934 [3]
Tm6Co17.92In14 Pm3 a=8.655 [3]
TmCo4In cubic F43m a=7.042 [3]
Tm10Co9In20 tetragonal P4/mmm a=13.166 c=9.097 [3]
Tm3Co2In4 hexagonal P6 a=7.843 c=3.556 [3]
Tm6Co2.14In0.86 orthorhombic Immm a=9.288 b=9.301 c=9.793 [3]
Tm14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.368 c=22.691 [3]
Tm23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=23.141 b=28.328 c=3.5054 2297.8 [21]
Tm4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.378 Z=12 2394.3 [2]
Yb~51In13H27 cubic Im3 a = 16.218 Z = 2 Yb54? [26]
YbCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.5590 c=7.433 [3]
YbCu6In6 tetragonal I4/mmm a = 9.220 c = 5.398 [27]
LuCoIn5 tetragonal P4/mmm a=4.527 c=7.359 [3]
Lu6Co17.92In14 Pm3 a=8.652 [3]
LuCo4In cubic F43m a=7.029 [3]
Lu10Co9In20 tetragonal P4/mmm a=13.160 c=9.106 [3]
Lu3Co2In4 hexagonal P6 a=7.814 c=3.521 [3]
Lu6Co2.14In0.86 orthorhombic Immm a=9.238 b=9.241 c=9.727 [3]
Lu14Co2In3 tetragonal P42/nmc a=9.333 c=22.633 [3]
Lu23Co6.7In20.3 orthorhombic Pbam a=22.950 b=28.05 c=3.488 2245 [21]
Lu37Ru16.4In4 Ia3d a = 27.562 [28]
Lu4RhIn cubic F43m a=13.297 Z=12 2351.1 [2]
IrIn2 [29]
IrIn3 [29]
Ir2In8S tetragonal P42/mnm [30]
Sc1.024Ir2In0.976 cubic Fm3m a = 639.97 [31]
Sc3Ir1.467In4 hexagonal P6 a = 769.99 c = 684.71 [31]
Ir2In8Se tetragonal P42/mnm a = 9.9200 c = 10.1092 Z=4 995.43 9.2213 [30]
SrIrIn4 [32]
SrIr2In8 orthorhombic Pbam a = 13.847 b = 16.113 c = 4.3962 [33]
SrIrIn6 orthorhombic Pmma a = 8.5234 b = 4.3454 c = 10.5918 Z=2 392.3 8.20 Ir@In9 tricapped trigonal prism+In@In8 cube [29]
SrIr9In18 tetragonal P4m2 a = 8.1121 c = 8.5449 Z=1 562.3 11.47 [32]
Ir2In8Te tetragonal P42/mnm a = 10.005 c = 10.196 Z=4 1020.8 9.3091 [30]
Y4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.686 Z=12 2563.5 [2]
BaIrIn4 orthorhombic Pmma a = 8.642 b = 4.396 c = 7.906 Z = 2 [34]
Ba2Ir4In13 orthorhombic Cmc21 a = 4.4856 b = 29.052 c = 13.687 Z = 4 [34]
BaIr2In9 hexagonal P6/mmm a = 8.8548 c = 4.2696 thermal expansion c/a ~ 3 [35]
La4IrIn cubic F43m a=14.372 Z=12 2968.3 superconductor Tc=0.96K [2][17]
La5Ir1.73In4.27 orthorhombic Pbam a = 8.340 b = 18.622 c = 3.8531 [36]
Ce4IrIn cubic F43m a=14.132 Z=12 2822.1 [2]
Pr4IrIn cubic F43m a=14.044 Z=12 2770.1 [2]
Nd4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.990 Z=12 2738.0 [2]
Nd39Ir10.98In36.02 orthorhombic Pbam a = 31.754 b = 37.625 c = 3.7802 4516.4 8.73 [37]
Sm4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.859 Z=12 2661.7 [2]
Gd4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.723 Z=12 2584.3 [2]
EuIrIn4 orthorhombic Pmma a = 8.6065, b = 4.3033 c = 7.5765 280.6 9.51 metallic grey; air stable [22]
EuIrIn4 orthorhombic Cmcm a = 4.5206 b = 16.937 c = 7.266 Z=4 568.5 9.387 metallic [38]
EuIr2In8 orthorhombic Pbam a = 13.847 b = 16.118 c = 4.3885 [33]
Eu3Ir2In15 tetragonal P4/mbm a = 14.8580 b = 14.8580 c = 4.3901 [22][39]
Tb4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.653 Z=12 2545.0 [2]
Dy4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.567 Z=12 2497.2 [2]
Ho4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.539 Z=12 2481.9 [2]
Er4IrIn cubic F43m a=13.441 Z=12 2428.3 [2]
Tm4IrIn cubic F43m a = 13.4077 [40]
Lu20Ir5In3 hexagonal P62m a=16.3058 c=9.2043 2074.8 light grey; air stable [41]
PtIn [42]
PtIn2 a=6.353 [43]
CaPtIn2 orthorhombic Cmcm a = 4.463 b = 16.595, c = 7.568 560.5 8.23 [44]
CaPtIn4 orthorhombic Cmcm a = 4.463 b = 16.595 c = 7.568 560.5 8.23 conchoidal fracture [44]
Sr4Pt10In21 monoclinic C2/m a = 23.2262 b = 4.5027 c = 19.5809 β = 133.191° 1493.0 10.50 [45]
SrPt3In2 orthorhombic Imma a = 16.747 b = 9.212 c = 9.712 [46]
Sr4In13Pt9 orthorhombic Pmmn a = 4.3917 b = 12.322 c = 21.353 [47]
BaPtIn3 [48]
EuPtIn4 orthorhombic Cmcm a=4.542 b=16.955 c=7.389 [49]
Eu5In9Pt7 hexagonal P6 a = 11.167 c = 4.3586 [47]
Tb6Pt12In23 monoclinic C2/m a = 28.346 b = 4.4005 c = 14.771 β = 112.37° [50]
Dy2Pt7In16 orthorhombic Cmmm a = 12.111 b = 19.978 c = 4.3950 [50]
Lu4PtIn cubic F43m a = 13.380 [40]
Lu20Pt5In3 hexagonal P62m a=16.1853 c=9.1936 2120.1 light grey; air stable [41]
Lu26Pt7.55In9.45 tetragonal P4/mbm a = 11.6532 c = 15.4746 Z=2 [51]
AuIn2 a=6.502 blue [43][52]
Li2AuIn greenish-yellow [52]
K3Au5In orthorhombic Imma a = 5.562 b = 19.645 c = 8.502 Z = 4 [53]
KAu4In2 red-violet; water stable [54][52]
RbAu4In2 red-violet; water stable [54][52]
Ca3Au3In orthorhombic Pnma a = 16.641 b = 4.573 c = 8.950 [55]
SrAu1.1In2.9 tetragonal I4/mmm a=4.5841 c=12.3725 Z=2 [56]
SrAu1.4Sn2.6 tetragonal I4/mmm a=4.6447 c=11.403 Z=2 409.9 10.385 [56]
SrAu3.36(2)In4.64 monoclinic P21/m a=8.086 b=4.438 c=11.586 β=99.65° Z=2 [52]
Sr5Au13.5In8.5 orthorhombic Pnma a= 4.7637 b=29.275 c= 8.949 1224.4 11.05 [57]
SrAu2In2 orthorhombic Pnma a = 8.530 b = 4.598 c = 12.283 Z = 4 482.00 9.801 silvery [58]
SrAuIn3 tetragonal I4/mmm a=4.5770 c=12.371 Z=2 259.16 8.024 silvery [58]
SrAu4In4 orthorhombic Pnma a = 13.946 b = 4.458 c = 12.921 Z = 4 [59]
Sr4Au9In13 hexagonal P6m2 a = 12.701 c = 4.4350 Z = 1 [59]
BaAu2In2 orthorhombic Pnma a = 8.755b = 4.712 c = 12.368 Z = 4 510.2 9.906 silvery [58]
BaAuIn3 tetragonal I4/mmm a = 4.8107 c = 11.980 Z=2 276.52 9.088 [60]
EuAu2In4 orthorhombic Pnma a = 18.5987 b = 4.6616 c = 7.4669 [61]
EuAuIn4 orthorhombic Cmcm a = 4.6080 b = 17.0454 c = 7.5462 [61]
YbAu2In4 monoclinic P21/m a = 7.654 b = 4.542 c = 9.591 β = 107.838° [62]
Yb2Au3In5 orthorhombic Cmc21 a = 4.5351 b = 26.824 c = 7.464 [62]
Yb3AuGe2In3 hexagonal P62m a = 7.3153 c = 4.4210 [63]
BaTl0.63In3.33 [48]


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