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User:Graeme Bartlett/elementlist

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gawk '{print "| [[" $1 " compounds]] || [[Compounds of " tolower($1) "]] || [[:category:" $1 " compounds]] || || ||" ; print "|-" }' <elementlist
x compounds compounds of x category own / element
Hydrogen compounds Compounds of hydrogen category:Hydrogen compounds ne
Helium compounds Compounds of helium category:Helium compounds own
Lithium compounds Compounds of lithium category:Lithium compounds elem
Beryllium compounds Compounds of beryllium category:Beryllium compounds ne
Boron compounds Compounds of boron category:Boron compounds elem
Carbon compounds Compounds of carbon category:Carbon compounds own
Nitrogen compounds Compounds of nitrogen category:Nitrogen compounds element
Oxygen compounds Compounds of oxygen category:Oxygen compounds own
Fluorine compounds Compounds of fluorine category:Fluorine compounds elem
Neon compounds Compounds of neon category:Neon compounds own
Sodium compounds Compounds of sodium category:Sodium compounds elem
Magnesium compounds Compounds of magnesium category:Magnesium compounds elem
Aluminium compounds Compounds of aluminium category:Aluminium compounds ne
Silicon compounds Compounds of silicon category:Silicon compounds elem
Phosphorus compounds Compounds of phosphorus category:Phosphorus compounds elem
Sulphur compounds Compounds of sulphur category:Sulphur compounds elem
Chlorine compounds Compounds of chlorine category:Chlorine compounds elem
Argon compounds Compounds of argon category:Argon compounds own
Potassium compounds Compounds of potassium category:Potassium compounds elem
Calcium compounds Compounds of calcium category:Calcium compounds elem
Scandium compounds Compounds of scandium category:Scandium compounds elem
Titanium compounds Compounds of titanium category:Titanium compounds ne
Vanadium compounds Compounds of vanadium category:Vanadium compounds elem
Chromium compounds Compounds of chromium category:Chromium compounds elem
Manganese compounds Compounds of manganese category:Manganese compounds elem
Iron compounds Compounds of iron category:Iron compounds elem
Cobalt compounds Compounds of cobalt category:Cobalt compounds ne
Nickel compounds Compounds of nickel category:Nickel compounds own
Copper compounds Compounds of copper category:Copper compounds ne
Zinc compounds Compounds of zinc category:Zinc compounds own
Gallium compounds Compounds of gallium category:Gallium compounds ne
Germanium compounds Compounds of germanium category:Germanium compounds ne
Arsenic compounds Compounds of arsenic category:Arsenic compounds ne
Selenium compounds Compounds of selenium category:Selenium compounds elem
Bromine compounds Compounds of bromine category:Bromine compounds elem
Krypton compounds Compounds of krypton category:Krypton compounds ne
Rubidium compounds Compounds of rubidium category:Rubidium compounds ne
Strontium compounds Compounds of strontium category:Strontium compounds ne
Yttrium compounds Compounds of yttrium category:Yttrium compounds list of yttrium compounds
Zirconium compounds Compounds of zirconium category:Zirconium compounds ne
Niobium compounds Compounds of niobium category:Niobium compounds ne
Molybdenum compounds Compounds of molybdenum category:Molybdenum compounds ne
Technetium compounds Compounds of technetium category:Technetium compounds elem
Ruthenium compounds Compounds of ruthenium category:Ruthenium compounds elem
Rhodium compounds Compounds of rhodium category:Rhodium compounds ne
Palladium compounds Compounds of palladium category:Palladium compounds ne
Silver compounds Compounds of silver category:Silver compounds elem
Cadmium compounds Compounds of cadmium category:Cadmium compounds elem
Indium compounds Compounds of indium category:Indium compounds ne
Tin compounds Compounds of tin category:Tin compounds elem
Antimony compounds Compounds of antimony category:Antimony compounds ne
Tellurium compounds Compounds of tellurium category:Tellurium compounds elem
Iodine compounds Compounds of iodine category:Iodine compounds elem
Xenon compounds Compounds of xenon category:Xenon compounds redir Noble gas compound
Caesium compounds Compounds of caesium category:Caesium compounds ne
Barium compounds Compounds of barium category:Barium compounds elem
Lanthanum compounds Compounds of lanthanum category:Lanthanum compounds ne
Cerium compounds Compounds of cerium category:Cerium compounds ne
Praseodymium compounds Compounds of praseodymium category:Praseodymium compounds ne
Neodymium compounds Compounds of neodymium category:Neodymium compounds ne
Promethium compounds Compounds of promethium category:Promethium compounds ne
Samarium compounds Compounds of samarium category:Samarium compounds ne
Europium compounds Compounds of europium category:Europium compounds ne
Gadolinium compounds Compounds of gadolinium category:Gadolinium compounds ne
Terbium compounds Compounds of terbium category:Terbium compounds ne
Dysprosium compounds Compounds of dysprosium category:Dysprosium compounds ne
Holmium compounds Compounds of holmium category:Holmium compounds ne
Erbium compounds Compounds of erbium category:Erbium compounds ne
Thulium compounds Compounds of thulium category:Thulium compounds ne
Ytterbium compounds Compounds of ytterbium category:Ytterbium compounds ne
Lutetium compounds Compounds of lutetium category:Lutetium compounds ne
Hafnium compounds Compounds of hafnium category:Hafnium compounds ne
Tantalum compounds Compounds of tantalum category:Tantalum compounds ne
Tungsten compounds Compounds of tungsten category:Tungsten compounds elem
Rhenium compounds Compounds of rhenium category:Rhenium compounds ne
Osmium compounds Compounds of osmium category:Osmium compounds elem
Iridium compounds Compounds of iridium category:Iridium compounds ne
Platinum compounds Compounds of platinum category:Platinum compounds elem
Gold compounds Compounds of gold category:Gold compounds elem
Mercury compounds Compounds of mercury category:Mercury compounds elem
Thallium compounds Compounds of thallium category:Thallium compounds elem
Lead compounds Compounds of lead category:Lead compounds own (but first is not Pb)
Bismuth compounds Compounds of bismuth category:Bismuth compounds ne
Polonium compounds Compounds of polonium category:Polonium compounds ne
Astatine compounds Compounds of astatine category:Astatine compounds ne
Radon compounds Compounds of radon category:Radon compounds ne
Francium compounds Compounds of francium category:Francium compounds ne
Radium compounds Compounds of radium category:Radium compounds ne
Actinium compounds Compounds of actinium category:Actinium compounds ne
Thorium compounds Compounds of thorium category:Thorium compounds own
Protactinium compounds Compounds of protactinium category:Protactinium compounds ne
Uranium compounds Compounds of uranium category:Uranium compounds elem
Neptunium compounds Compounds of neptunium category:Neptunium compounds ne
Plutonium compounds Compounds of plutonium category:Plutonium compounds ne
Americium compounds Compounds of americium category:Americium compounds ne
Curium compounds Compounds of curium category:Curium compounds ne
Berkelium compounds Compounds of berkelium category:Berkelium compounds own
Californium compounds Compounds of californium category:Californium compounds own
Einsteinium compounds Compounds of einsteinium category:Einsteinium compounds elem
Fermium compounds Compounds of fermium category:Fermium compounds ne
Mendelevium compounds Compounds of mendelevium category:Mendelevium compounds ne
Nobelium compounds Compounds of nobelium category:Nobelium compounds ne
Lawrencium compounds Compounds of lawrencium category:Lawrencium compounds ne
Rutherfordium compounds Compounds of rutherfordium category:Rutherfordium compounds ne
Dubnium compounds Compounds of dubnium category:Dubnium compounds ne
Seaborgium compounds Compounds of seaborgium category:Seaborgium compounds ne
Bohrium compounds Compounds of bohrium category:Bohrium compounds ne
Hassium compounds Compounds of hassium category:Hassium compounds ne
Meitnerium compounds Compounds of meitnerium category:Meitnerium compounds ne
Darmstadtium compounds Compounds of darmstadtium category:Darmstadtium compounds ne
Roentgenium compounds Compounds of roentgenium category:Roentgenium compounds ne
Copernicium compounds Compounds of copernicium category:Copernicium compounds ne
Nihonium compounds Compounds of nihonium category:Nihonium compounds ne
Flerovium compounds Compounds of flerovium category:Flerovium compounds ne
Moscovium compounds Compounds of moscovium category:Moscovium compounds ne
Livermorium compounds Compounds of livermorium category:Livermorium compounds ne
Tennessine compounds Compounds of tennessine category:Tennessine compounds ne
Oganesson compounds Compounds of oganesson category:Oganesson compounds ne