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User:Graceshin1004/Memory color effect

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Note: Sandbox of Ramya Manikkan for Peer review editing Grace Shin Article. Added a few hyperlinks. Added another section "Color Constancy and Memory Color Effect

Memory color is the canonical hue of a type of object (e.g., sky, leaf, banana, or apple) that human observers acquire through their experiences with instances of that type. For example, most human observers know that an apple typically has a reddish hue; this knowledge about the canonical color which is represented in memory constitutes a memory color.[1][2]

The memory color effect is the phenomenon that memory colors directly modulate the appearance of the actual colors of objects. For example, normal human trichromats, when presented with a gray banana, often perceive the gray banana as being yellow - the banana's memory color. In light of this, subjects typically adjust the color of the banana towards the color blue - the opponent color of yellow - when asked to adjust its surface to gray to cancel the subtle activation of banana's memory color.[3] Subsequent empirical studies have also shown the memory color effect on man-made objects (e.g. smurfs, German mailboxes), the effect being especially pronounced for blue and yellow objects. To explain this, researchers have argued that because natural daylight shifts from short wavelengths of light (i.e., bluish hues) towards light of longer wavelengths (i.e., yellowish-orange hues) during the day, the memory colors for blue and yellow objects are recruited by the visual system to a higher degree to compensate for this fluctuation in illumination, thereby providing a stronger memory color effect.[4]

Form Identification

Black words vs. Colored words

Memory color plays a role when detecting an object. In a study where participants were given multiple objects, such as an apple, with two alternate forms for each, a crooked apple and a circular apple, researchers changed the colors of the alternate forms and asked if they could identify them. Most of the participants answered "unsure," suggesting that we use memory color when identifying an object. The research redefined memory color as a phenomenon when "a form's identity affects the phenomenal hue of that form." [5]

Color Effect on Memorization


Memory color effect can be derived from the human instinct to memorize objects better. Comparing the effect of recognizing gray-scaled images and colored images, results showed that people were able to recall colored images 5% higher compared to gray-scaled images. An important factor was that higher level of contrast between the object and background color influences memory. In a specific study related to this, participants reported that colors were 5% to 10% easier to recognize compared to black and white.. [6]

Color Constancy and Memory Color Effect


Color constancy is the phenomenon where a surface to appear to be of the same color under a wide rage of illumination[7]. A study tested two hypothesis with regards to color memory; the photoreceptor hypothesis and the surface reflectance hypothesis. The test color was surround either by various color patches forming a complex pattern or a uniform “grey” field at the same chromaticity as that of the illuminant. The test color was presented on a dark background for the control group. It was observed that complex surround results where in line with the surface-reflectance hypothesis and not the photoreceptor hypothesis, showing that the accuracy and precision of color memory are fundamentals to understanding the phenomenon of color constancy.[8]

  1. ^ Ewald Hering (1964). Outlines of a theory of the light sense. Harvard University Press.
  2. ^ Bartleson, C. J. (1960). "Memory Colors of Familiar Objects". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 50 (1): 73. doi:10.1364/JOSA.50.000073. ISSN 0030-3941. PMID 13797246.
  3. ^ Hansen, T.; Olkkonen, M.; Walter, S.; Gegenfurtner, K.R. (October 2006). "Memory modulates color appearance". Nature Neuroscience. 9 (11): 1367–1368. doi:10.1038/nn1794. PMID 17041591.
  4. ^ Witzel, C.; Valkova, H.; Hansen, T.; Gegenfurtner, K.R. (March 2011). "Object knowledge modulates colour appearance". I-perception. 2 (1): 13–49. doi:10.1068/i0396. PMC 3485772. PMID 23145224.
  5. ^ Mial, R.P. (1974). "The effect of memory color on form identification". Perception & Psychophysics. 16: 1-3.
  6. ^ Dzulkifli, M. A. "The influence of colour on memory performance: a review". The Malaysian journal of medical sciences. 20 (2): 3–9.
  7. ^ Wolfe, Jeremy. Sensation & Perception (5th ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 163.
  8. ^ Jin, Elaine W.; Shevell, Steven K. (1996-10-01). "Color memory and color constancy". JOSA A. 13 (10): 1981–1991. doi:10.1364/JOSAA.13.001981. ISSN 1520-8532.