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User:Gordon m campbell/Ardanaiseig Hotel

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Ardanaiseig is a baronial style Scottish manner house designed by the architect William Burn[1]. It was built for the Colonel Archibald Campbell (Clan Campbell)[2] in 1834. The exterior has remained largely untouched since the house was first built, however the interior has been adapted in several stages. In addition to some alteration by former residents, the Ainsworth family, a number of changes were required when the house was converted into a hotel. These adaptations were kept to a minimum to retain the feeling of being in a private house, and included adherence to fire regulations and the inclusion of private bathrooms.

Current State


Today Ardanaiseig House is a Category B listed building and operates as a Hotel.



William Burn (1789 - 1870) was born in Edinburgh and was the son of Robert Burn, who was also an Architect. William Burn is best know for his Baronial style, but was also involved in the building and remodelling of country houses and churches.


  1. ^ William Burn- external website with information relating to William Burn.
  2. ^ Journal of the Clan Campbell Society (United States of America) - Volumes 17-19

William Burn Information on the Architect William Burn
Clan Campbell Wikipedia Page for the Clan Campbell
Ardanaiseig Hotel - Ardanaiseig House in its current state.