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Research Journal Entry 10


Today in first hour class, I did revised article section. I'm in group three and worked and edit Andrew Schapper explanations.In second hour, I worked on my paper, basically it is first draft.

Research Journal Entry 9


In today’s class, we revised the article section. I basically work in workspace for team three. My research is about Schapper Then I talk about my paper. What would be the all requirements for research proposal? Then I make my first draft thesis statement. Basically the class is reviewing about our final paper.



Authors Octavia E Butler,Wild Seed is a contrast between Doro's desire for complete control and Anyanwu's freedom of independence.

Second Draft Summery


Materialistic object make a clear point in life which treats as it is a racial utopia. Each race needs their freedom. Andrew Schapper explains about Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler that it is a human identity which has got a shape through some materialistic object like physical, spiritual, and intellectual issues. In fact, it is the idea of Eugenics.

It is a genetic manipulation. All what happening here is, they are changing their shape from generation the generation? The Characters behavior of any stage is very religious. The origin myth of life is kind of Prometheus, a God who is extreme powerful. In same way, in Wild Seed, both characters Doro and Anyanwu represent themselves like Prometheus. On the other hand, even sometimes they treated them as Adam and Eve. Doro and Anyanwu always compare about their roots and rights at the same time. The morality of lives is very important.

Schapper says that “Butler does not always suggest that new moral codes are superior, and both Anyanwu and Doro embody contradictions that undermine the cohesiveness of their respective moral codes. Wild Seed, more than any of her other works, warns against unfettered eugenics.”(41)

Schapper emphasize that morality of lives which is very important and it reminds the idea of Eugenics. She pointed out as Eugenics, Genetic Determinism and the Desire for Racial Utopia in the Science Fiction.

Research Journal Entry 8


In today’s class, I basically work my about my first draft which due on 23 November. Like how it should be written. In class, as a team member I summarized a section for the Wikipedia article on wild seed. I summarized article three which is Reception. Basically the class is reviewing about our final paper.

Paper Proposal


Wild seed is a statement that states the difference between woman empowerment and man domination.

Based on the book Wild Seed by Octavia E butler, I will explain the difference between the major characters, especially Doro and Anyanwu. My whole context and background of this paper will have some references like how they feel about their existence in this earth. I will focus on their beliefs, philosophy, identity and the relationship context. For this reason, I will have some work citation based on different reviews of Wild Seed. So basically my thesis will be, as a science fiction, Wild Seed is a statement that states the difference between woman empowerment and man domination.

To support of my statement, I will bring some references from Rebecca J holdon ,Duchman, Govan, Andrew Schapper . Like, Rebecca J.Holden explains that women are getting powerful and empowering themselves in different perspective. Duchman’s compares, for an example, in Wild Seed- Doro is an individual identity as a powerful man forever. In contrary, Anyanwu is a gift stays inside generation after generation. Govan states that Wild Seed ” It is about alienation and loneliness; about need, dreams, ambitions, and power”. Schapper emphasize that morality of lives is very important and it reminds the idea of Eugenics. That is the idea of Wild Seed.

Through all of these sources, I will try to prove my statement that Wild seed is a statement that states the difference between woman empowerment and man domination. I hope those references will help me out to give a strength on my paper.

Works Cited:

Butler, Octavia E. “Wild seed” Warner Books, Inc.New York: 2001. Print

Govan, Sandra Y.. “Connections, Links, and Extended Networks: Patterns in Octavia Butler's Science Fiction”. Black American Literature Forum 18.2 (1984): 82–87.

Schapper, Andrew. Eugenics, genetic determinism and the desire for racial utopia in the science fiction of Octavia E. Butler. School of cultural And communication- thesis, 2014, Web,7 Nov.2015

Research Assignment 5


Andrew Schapper pointed out about Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler as an Eugenics, Genetic Determinism and the Desire for Racial Utopia in the Science Fiction. On racial Utopia, She explains that human identity has got a shape through some materialistic object like physical, spiritual, and intellectual issues. Her main points about Wild Seed are given below •

  • It is a genetic manipulation.
  • Character behavior is very religious.
  • Sanctity of life.
  • The origin myth of Prometheus.
  • Both characters Doro and Anyanwu represent themselves as Adam and Eve.
  • Comparison about human roots and human rights.
  • Rejection of Eugenics.
  • The stereotype of ethical issues.
  • The morality of lives.

Schapper says that “Butler does not always suggest that new moral codes are superior, and both Anyanwu and Doro embody contradictions that undermine the cohesiveness of their respective moral codes. Wild Seed, more than any of her other works, warns against unfettered eugenics.”(41)

So through this idea Schapper emphasize that morality of lives is very important and it reminds the idea of Eugenics.

Research Journal Entry 7


Today in class, we have covered the elements needed for our paper. So I learned how I will write my paper. Also we have presentation. We ,our group, presents one of reference for our paper .We present Schapper views that she explain Eugenics.We also discuss about the review of topic and research paper proposal. We have discussed the model through which I compare to my paper. We explain the depth of paper. Also we shared for summaries for our research assignment 5.

Research Assignment 4



Rebecca J.Holden explains feminism from her feminist point of view based on Octavia E. Butler’s early work. Holden pointed out the female protagonist power which narrates the women perspective and that is very higher than men. In fact she raise her voice and treats Butler’s works creates a great feminist point of view in early period where women has nothing to say. Some points ,she pointed out are

  • African mythology and slavery .
  • African American history.
  • Feminist cyborg.
  • Feminist science fiction and personal identification.
  • The difference between personal and political identification.
  • Patternists society.


Holden said,” The cost of the ‘’women equals nature” equation have been even higher for African- American women.” (23)It explains that women are getting powerful and empowering themselves in different perspective. She also said “ the patternist society appears to have moved beyond racism.” It is because of the previous social structure.


L. Timmel Duchamp compares the black African as an alternative with white bourgeois. The novel Wild Seed influence an indirect legacy. Duchamp’s article disclose;

  • Black fiction with white protagonist.
  • Contemporary feminist.
  • Perhaps science fiction leads to feminism.
  • Struggle between two ethnic groups.
  • The aspect of oppressor and oppressed.
  • The dramatic psychology.
  • The Second Sex by European writer.


Duchman’s compares her writing with another feminist Simone de Beauvoir. In The second sex, Beauvoir explains that “ women is body, man is culture”. Compare with Beauvoir , Duchman’s gives a point of view between two’s. The dualism is kind of; “ Women as exiting for others, men as exiting for themselves."(89) For an example, in Wild Seed- Doro is an individual identity as a powerful man forever. In contrary, Anyanwu is a gift stays inside generation after generation.

Research journal Entry 6


To day in class, I learned about the time 1970's and 1980's women views, specially the contributions to feminist thought. I also learned about the possible section for my article. Like what should be should be needed for a right article. In class, we talked about reviews for reception section background in African myth, and at the same time we talk about Gender struggles,Contribution of feminist thought: where consider some facts like-Feminist myth, Strong black female protagonist,New narrative of liberation. I also write about Research Assignment 3 which i completed in class. Finally I choose my article Research Assignment 5.

Research Assignment 3


Basically Govan summarized the comparison between "Wild Seed" and "kindred". Which defines the future fortune possibilities of African as a nation in west, specially in America. Goven pointed out some explanation which are given below,

  • Class struggle narrates slavery, Historical.
  • Black biographies. Historical narrative term related to African-American experience.
  • Freedom is literally brutal. It holds power to slaveholders.
  • Transfer a nation from Africa to America is cultural schizophrenia. Africa as a cultural backdrop.
  • Butlers "Wild Seed" narrates in a slavery way which later become a science fiction.
  • Freedom is kind of alienation and loneliness .
  • As a character how "Anyanwu" and "Doro" present themselves? Anyanwu is legendary who has power to change herself in different shape.Contrary, Doro is protector who kills other to live forever.
  • class conflict.
  • Female domination
  • Women empowerment.
  • love, respect and acceptance.
  • However, eventually everything is all about a trade which leads them slavery.

Govan said that[1] " Butler's Wild Seed and Kindred are rich text which neatly define the junction where the historical novel, the slave narrative, and science fiction meet". She also said[2] " wild seed is not about Arthurian England or French Revolution.Instead, It is about alienation and loneliness; about need, dreams,ambitions, and power".

"Wild Seed, Chapters: 11, Epiloge"


A period of time passed away, Anyanwu lost her son Steven. Joseph is the main reason for her son’s death. He also tries to rape Anyanwu. As long as, thing are not going smoothly. Anyanwu takes step to commit suicide. Even though she wants to hide herself from everybody along with Doro. However, Anyanwu also lost one of her best friend Luisa. After facing a number of deaths happen right in front her. She feels about her own life and feel it is nothing but a worthier. Life is totally meaningless. So she decides to suicide. But apart from everything, she feels that life is important to some extent. She admits that she loves Doro. So she changes her mind and wants to stay with Doro. On the contrary, Doro also tries to figure out the hidden feeing on Anyanwu’s mind about him.  He thinks that Anyanwu is the only person who loves him. That’s why eventually he stops killing her and other children. He promises with her that he loves her. Also he wants to stay with her forever. So finally they made their life surprisingly happy and start living their life together happily.

(Research Assignment 3) Summery of Govan and Salvaggi


Our Life is a pattern. We live in a patternist society.  Our previous generation was so powerful than us. We are so powerful than our future generation. Eventually, those future generations will also conflict on them about power relationship. This is how our society formed? Govan explains on her article about it .It mentions clearly while she writes her article about Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler.She says that “ Power, is clearly the center of Butler’s novels.” The main characters of Wild Seed “Doro” and “Anyanwu” are conflicting with power struggle. Their super power identifies them separately and treats them different. Anyanwu has healing ability and Doro has his longevity. Both are immortal. Govan also portraits that civilization is also part of power conflict. She says that new type of western African culture history travels slavery in America. According to Govan, Doro and Anyanwu represent themselves as Adam and Eve. This is myth and new genesis between superhuman and regular humans. Finally this power replicated in the relationships of the mutants.

Ruth Salvaggi Claims about Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler that it is novel where characters rules this worlds traditionally which associated with men. Salvaggi says that it is concerns between racism and sexism. In fact, Wild Seed is some sort of another way to say about the consciousness of human cruelty. In Wild Seed characters “Doro” and “Anyanwu” both are threaten for each other. At the same time, they hate and love each other. It is a mental war game. Anyanwu is a black strong female protagonist who looks freedom from male dominates territory. She fights within the power structure to change the power system.

Research journal Entry 5


Today in class, I learned how to download papers and summarize and type. How to write and formulate MLA.I also learn how to make bullet points and further working. How to improve editing my site is also another part of learning. I writes summarizing and also analyze the article .It is a quite details. For citation ,It is important to know what should be big and small. For small, We have to quote and we have to italic if the name or thing is big. Searching data on college website is also another part of learning point today.

Research Assignment 2


2.1.a. By Elizabeth A. Lynn: Main points:

·     Human race is power.

·     New ideas to science fiction.

·     Character introduction.


Basically Elizabeth A. Lynn writes the plot of Wild Seed By Octavia E. Butler. Lynn describe about the two major characters “Doro and Anyanwu” from Wild Seed. Like, How they feel and think about themselves? Lynn says that Doro is universal like God. On the contrary, Anyanwu is brilliant and bright who never dies. Both are conflicting for their superiority. Lynn also talks about the way Butler writes. Sometimes Butler’s writing in uninviting but eventually it is not violent.

2.2.a. By Pfeiffer :Main points:

·     Racial conflict.

·     Relationship situation.

·     Slavery.

·     Power relationship.


Like Lynn , Pfeiffer also reviews same ideas but in a different way. Pfeiffer defines the connection between Doro and Anyanwu on Wild Seed. Like Pfeiffer explores that “ The relationship between Doro and Anyanwu dramatizes a fundamental conflict between the affinity a solitary immortal male and female might feel for one another in a world of mortals”. Doro treats himself as a gruesome. Contrary, Anyanwu represents herself as an infinite fortunate. Both of them have immortality.

2.3.a. By Bishop : Main points:

·     Generation survival.

·     Destructive relationship.

·     Changing shape.

·     Love story.


Bishop creates a clear statement that Wild Seed by Butler is am extraordinary effective fiction. It is a perfect novel for human racial conflict. Bishop says that the character’s Doro and Anyanwu, “Both African, both apparently figures from Igbo mythology”. In fact it is a love story. At the end, this story has gotten acceptances by all.

"Wild Seed, Chapters 7-10"


By this time, fifty year gone. It is now 1741. The chapter begins with titled “Lot’s children”. Issac becomes a grown up man now.  However the plot of the story is getting in new shape and it is very complex. It is kind of puzzle now. Anyanwu falls in affectionate with Issac. Somehow she is going to have sex with him. Though Issac is a son of Doro and Anyanwu. As long as Anyanwu has power and she can change her shape. So she thinks, she wants to come up with new life. That’s why she wants to marry Issac and starts to hate Doro. He never wants to accept it. Furthermore, He forced her to have sex with him. In this chapter, we have new characters named Thomas and Nweke. Nweke is daughter of Thomas. Finally, Issac dies. Nweke helps to make it happen. Later Anyanwu tells Doro to kill Nweke. That’s why she eventually tries to make a new relationship with Doro. Anyanwu feels sorry somehow.

Research journal Entry 4


In today's class, I learned how to write a stylistic essay.Lead summaries are very important.For a better wiki paper writing, Based on the novel, We need to write about plot, charters, themes, style,background, publication, reception ,footnote.It needs a chronological order .It means well organized.

"Orson Scott Card on Butler's craft in Wild Seed."


Orson Scott Card mentions based on " Wild Seed" by Octavia E Butler that how to write a science fiction fantasy? He treats " Wild seed" as a great science fiction.He explains that a science fiction needs some information.First of all,the naming of the character and their viewpoint are very important. Are "Doro" or "Anyanwu" a person by individuality.What is their root or identity? On the contrary, what gives us a great explanation about "seed village". All the names are unusual terms which gives us some hints about a puzzle or enigmatic sense.Card suggests that whole villagers are kind of seed.These needs to be nurture. Literally, it is not a symbol,but it is accurate. These leads us to treat" Wild Seed" as a science fiction. Because entair novel we tries to figure out who is what and actually what are their identity.When something is difficult to explain, become a secret matter which takes us to scientific world. Doro discover human external framework. Those are real survivors and powerful entity. Doro is passionless. Beside Doro,Card also explains about Anyanwu who has an eternal power. Anyanwu transfers her life to others.She never dies.So, killing people never stops anything. Probably new lives grows from those external body frameworks. This is how " Wild Seed" Become a science fiction eventually.

Paraphrasing and Quoting Test  from Gerald


New York Times editor Gerald Jonas considers “Wild Seed” by Octavia E Butler as great science fiction voyage. This book is unanticipated for a great period of time. Jonas explaining that this book is “Anchoring the far-ranging narrative are two of the strongest characters in modern science fiction”. Anyanwu and Doro, These two characters are powerful side by side. Anyanwu who has super healing power and carrying generation on herself for hundred years or even more. On the contrary, Doro is a person who has no pity or sympathy for others. Both are boarding towards a new path. The path is about a conflict among ethological, gender, identity, power and so on. Jonas concludes that Butler “Wild Seed”  is a great symbol of modern science fiction.

Paraphrasing and Quoting Test


John R. reviews "Wild seed" by Octavia E Butler that it is an expression of a group of ethnic people where everybody's are looking their own identity. John also defines the main character Doro And Anyanwu separately. Doro is bloodsucker who wants everything by any means. He is not even worried to kill anyone he likes. For example, It may be his wife or kid. His aggression is  power.On the other hand, Jhon explains Anyanwu as a savior who saves generation after generation  from evils like Doro and others. She is planting seeds on land and help those to grow up in the field. She is the symbol of new life. So the conflict is between Dora and Anyanwu. One plays a negative role where other is always positive.

Tom reviews "Wild seed" by Octavia E Butler that It is a story about a period of time. It is a time where the characters are looking an eternal life.Tom also explains that  Doro and Anyanwu both has same intention. Though basically they are different from each other.Like doro has hardness and insensitivity. On the contrary, Anyanwu's sense is works in such a way that she is a person who defines a quality of being wise. They are vise versa. Tom notes it down that Butler proves it at one of her best work among all and that is "Wild Seed". Finally, it is a great literature, which carries a time frame.

"Wild Seed, Chapters 5-6"


Though Doro and Anyanwu has a formal agreement between them about their post marriage.Both are looking their own existence. However, they are searching their identity. Off course, they love each other. But at the same time, they hate each other also.

Inchapter 5 and 6, Doro and Anyanwu argues a lot about their relationship. While voyaging together towards slavery, both figures out that this world is not a better place anymore. Here human are transforming to animals. Human carries their own identity on them like a dolphin or leopard. Doro wants to kill Anyanwu. But for some reason, He failed. First of all, She has a super healing power and second of all for future existence. However even if he kills her, she will reborn again.

They talk about civil society and from slavery to civilization. Furthermore, they also talk about relationship between them. Like, what a responsibility a wife should have for her husband. Anyanwu did not want to marry Doro. Because she thinks she can marry someone else. Doro wants to rule Anyanwu  like a slave for each and every issues. Also , this is another reason to bring her from Africa to west. He forced her to marry his child Isaac. Which seems are a disgraceful and an evil crime to her.But silently, Isaac is able to understand her that an immortal person can do anything for the better sake. It is another way of saving new generation. Anyanwu  agree to marry Isaac because she thinks he is a better person. Doro left everything behind. It is for something better.It is may be a new hope or a way to slavery forever.

This is how Doro and Anyanwu relationship comes into chapter 5 and 6. Let see what happen next. Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).

Paraphrasing and quoting interview B-2


From the interview B, Dr sabin is trying to figure it out that on " Wild Seed" Character Anyanwu is somebody who is carrying generation after generation in her single body. How?

Butler explains that the death is not the end.She also said," After all, we have to die from something". Probably that is not really a death. Anyanwu never dies because she has some sort of healing powers.Which give her a permanent life forever.Its a seed and growing in the field again and again.

“Research Assignment 1.”


Octavia E. Butler is a science fiction writer. She had born in a very tough time in California, U.S.A. It is just after Second World War two ended , in 1947 when the whole world was reforming.She lost his father in her early age. She had risen by her mother and basically by her maternal grandmother in a very religious environment. While growing up she faced a great ethnical discrimination in her childhood, especially by white people in her school.

Butler was a very hard worker. She believes that she is not a very bad, inelegant and awkward looking woman. It is only because of the social foolishness. But she never care what society explains the people personality and how? She always focused in her works. In her early age, she spends a lot of time on writing and eventually become a science fiction writer. As a freshman in her school, she won a short story contest. Social discrimination probably made her mind to study history. Butler graduated from history.

Among all the negative aspect of society, Butler was very positive about her life. She had a real spirit. Which helped her to become an acclaimed writer and accepted by rest of community. She embraced all the diversity by her heart and soul. This great write died in the year of 2006.


"Wild Seed, Chapters 1-4"


In Wild Seed, Octavia E. Butler explains an abstract feature between two people.Doro and Anyanwu. Doro is a male character and Anyanwn is a female character.Both have same individuality. Personally both are carrying their own character separately.

They are like a railway, parallel.  They are travelling for long time but never meet each other. On the other hand, they are probably swimming in same water. But the context and the flow of water are different. In their entire journey, both of them are trying to figure it out, where are they from and where are they going?  The discussions are really controversial. Both of them have some sort of metaphysical concept, which contains intellectual existence. Does their state of mind have any reality?

In the first forth chapter, they basically introduce each other to us. They raise the issues of their existence, their originality. Once upon a time they were slave but now want to rule their identity somehow. For time being, they want to establish themselves through their skin tone. Their sprit is not a mistake. The water can change by changing the place. But eventually it is the same water.

This is the introduction of Wild Seed of chapter one to four by Octavia E. Butler. Now lets see what is waiting for us for the next.

Research journal Entry 1


Today in class ENG103. I leaned- How to use sandbox in Wikipedia.I guess it is much more advance course than others. I also learned how cited and edit article and how to make an authentic paper. It will help me to write my further paper for class.

citation practice


Octavia Butler was shy as a child.[4] [5] [6]

Research journal Entry 2


In today’s class, I learned about research paper. Basicallywhat is the role of sources in research? For a great research paper, it is very important for summarizing paraphrasing and quoting. For a better research paper, we need to review of literature. Also at the same time, we need to use right authority and credibility. Summery and paraphrase are very similar. It is writer own words. But when a writer quote something form somewhere, he needs to use the real source.This is the basic of todays class.

Research journal Entry 3


In class three,I learned summarizing,quoting, paraphrasing. With this three combinations, an essay can get a good shape.So basically today- I learned ,How to write an essay?After writing a summery, me and my fellow classmate, we critique other writings. This is very important. Also in today's class, I learned how to paraphrase an essay? Main idea, thesis,topic,statement are very important to write an essay.All these combinations is called a sandwich method .Finally , we talk about our future goal of writing in this class..


  1. ^ Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel Sandra Y. Govan Vol. 13, No. 1/2, Genre, Theme and Form (Spring - Summer, 1986) , pp. 79-96
  2. ^ Govan,Sandra Y. Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel." MELUS 13. Y2( spring-summer): 79-96.
  3. ^ Wikipedia contributors. "Octavia E. Butler." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Sep. 2015. Web. 28 Sep. 2015.
  4. ^ Butler,Octavia E." positive obsession." Bloodchild and other Stories. New York: Seven stories,2005.
  5. ^ John Clute. "Butler, Octavia E". The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight. London: Gollancz, updated 16 September 2015. Web. Accessed 21 September 2015.
  6. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.