RHEL 6.5 x64
[edit]To disable the display of these notes on logon, delete "Notes" in System->Preferences->Startup Applications
Anonymous edit!
Started with GSL public template "RHEL 6.5 x64"
Edited /etc/inittab and set default runlevel to 5
subscription-manager register
subscription-manager attach --auto // NOTE system won't appear in RHN Classic list; must re-register using GUI later
subscription-manager register --org="7410959" --activationkey=granite
# install EPEL repository as per instructions at
# e.g. for RHEL7:
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
yum groupinstall Desktop Fonts "Graphical Administration Tools" "Development tools"
yum install gedit file-roller firefox system-config-date kernel-devel
yum install gnome-system-monitor xorg-x11-fonts-* xorg-x11-drv-*
add "xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768" to beginning of /etc/gdm/Init/Default to set login screen resolution
Installed free NX NoMachine 4 server. For fast RDP-like remote access, use the free NoMachine client downloadable from and connect via SSH tunnel as described in
disabled selinux and firewall
screensaver off
installed epel repository
installed filezilla from epel repo (FTP client. Applications menu->Internet->Filezilla)
installed 32-bit runtime libraries (yum install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 libX11.i686) and dependencies;
required for SAV for Linux
installed jre-7u55-linux-amd64 and UnlimitedJCEPolicy:
cd ~/Desktop/packages
rpm -Uhv jre-7u55-linux-x64.rpm
cp UnlimitedJCEPolicy/*.jar /usr/java/jre1.7.0_55/lib/security/
yum install ncompress sharutils (needed to run SAV for Linux intelligent updater)
added admin group to sudoers file # but it's already there in Ubuntu...
installed gksu:
gksu prerequisites:
yum install nautilus-devel GConf2-devel gnome-keyring-devel libgtop2-devel startup-notification-devel
added "wins" to hosts list in /etc/nsswitch.conf to enable netbios name resolution (winbind service? NO. Restart nscd service, or machine when in doubt)
System->Administration->Date & Time: set Pacific time zone,
synchronize with
sav-linux-1.0.14-13.iso on desktop, can be mounted with double-click
installed SAVFL 1.0.14, re-compiling AutoProtect modules for RHEL 6.5, ran LiveUpdate
disabled SAVFL AutoProtect scanning of compressed files--it is a huge performance hit otherwise:
in xsymcfg, set HKLM\Symantec Endpoint Protection\AV\Storages\Filesystem\RealTimeScan\ZipFile = 0
Did not install SAV Reporting
HTTP link to datastorm downloads on admin desktop;
use this site to download various OS and Application software
created shortcuts to SAVFL's liveupdate configuration editor and xsymcfg on /home/admin/Desktop
Ubuntu 12.04.2
To disable the display of these notes on logon, delete "ReadMe" in Startup Applications Preferences
Installed free NX NoMachine 4 server. For fast RDP-like remote access, use the free NoMachine client downloadable from and connect via SSH tunnel as described in
screensaver off
32-bit runtime libraries libx11-6:i386 and dependencies have been installed
(otherwise SEP savtray won't run)
jre-7u21-linux-amd64 and UnlimitedJCEPolicy have been manually installed into /usr/lib/jre1.7.0_21/
apt-get install ntp
Date & Time: set Pacific time zone, synchronized with
apt-get autoremove compiz # don't need this eye-candy and associated packages
added "wins" to hosts list in /etc/nsswitch.conf to enable netbios name resolution (winbind service? NO. Restart nscd service, or machine when in doubt)
apt-get install ncompress sharutils (needed to run Linux intelligent updater)
SEP-12.1-RU5-BETA1_for on desktop, has been installed.
SEP AutoProtect scanning of compressed files has been disabled in xsymcfg:
set HKLM\Symantec Endpoint Protection\AV\Storages\Filesystem\RealTimeScan\ZipFile = 0
HTTP link to datastorm downloads on admin desktop;
use this site to download various OS and Application software
created shortcuts to SEP's liveupdate configuration editor and xsymcfg on /home/admin/Desktop
edited /etc/default/apport and set enabled=0
vApp Publishing Checklist
[edit] net user user_name * /domain
check power on / off settings in vApp properties
disable ALL customizations before publishing
if there is a password customization, disable it but set it to Passw0rd for future use
Mac OS X
[edit]PPPC and extension settings? Enroll in JAMF Now Plus? Add VMware Developer ID, vmware-tools-daemon, LastPass ("input monitoring")
Give Terminal full access
install rEFInd
add csr_rotate to refind.conf showtools, and set csr_values
SIP also must be toggled once from recovery before option will appear in rEFInd
Turn off "Screen Time" in System Preferences
Disable automatic time sync? i.e. AND AND use host-only networking for macOS or disable SIP and timed
VMs don't seem to use correct time when this is enabled. Re-testing this with Mojave 10.14.2. Otherwise, disable this, and let VM time sync set correct time when restoring snapshots. - good stuff here
maybe sync time once from command line to get things set in place properly?
solution for now: disable macOS dateTime sync, enable all VMware time sync settings in .vmx except tools.syncTime = "FALSE" - this enables testing changes to time in running VMs. NOTE: even with all set to FALSE, time will sync to host when Mac VM restarted. Oddly though, a macOS clock deliberately set wrong will retain its setting in a snapshot.
Time Sync in Granite Labs: set and Pacific tz
finder prefs: show desktop icons
adjust prefs - show all mounted volumes, always show scrollbars, jump to next page (rather than jumping to spot clicked in scroll bar), allow tab between all elements of dialogs, no power saving
disabled App Store auto update check - Keka macOS file archiver. Awesome