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User:Go Ji Spring 2008

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Theory of religious economy

  1. Objective I propose to expand on the key concepts of monopoly and the free market and how they relate to religious economy.
  2. Interest This is interesting because we don't normally think of religeon as businesses essentially competing for customers when that is exactly what they need in order to survive.
  3. Background reading I will read wikipedia, text book and other basic sociology texts on the following topics: network recruitment principle, cosmopolitan growth principle, principle of dense origins, exchange theory, law of conformity, church-sect theory, cult formation
    1. I will also find scholarly research on the general issue of (for example, ideology and charisma). Posting links here.
    2. I will find popular press discussions of my topic. Perhaps Wikipedia articles, blog entrys, newspaper and magazine stories, etc.
  4. General Plan I plan to do research and post my conclusions as it pertains to religeous economy.