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A monk-cellarer tasting wine from a barrel whilst filling a jug. From Li Livres dou Santé by en:Aldobrandino of Siena - France, late 13th century.

One of my hobbies is brewing. I make wine from fruits and sugar, mead from fruits and honey, and create concoctions in my alchemists laboratory including my 'Everclear Rainbow' which currently contains the following drinks:

Everclear Rainbow

File:Evercler Rainbow.jpg
Everclear Rainbow
  • Red: * Loki's Love Potion
  • Orange: Apple Pie
  • Yellow: Monkey Farts
  • Green: Luscious' Melon
  • Blue: * Pyks' Pictish Pleasure Passion
  • Purple: (vacant)
  • Black: Kahlua