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Task 1 / WikipediaArticle Evaluation >> Reynolds decomposition


It's time to think critically about Wikipedia articles. You'll evaluate your Wikipedia article, and leave suggestions for improving it on the article's Talk page. 

  • Complete the "Evaluating Articles and Sources" training.
  • Read your article thoroughly on Wikipedia. 
  • As you read, consider the following questions (but don't feel limited to these): 
    • Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference?
      • The only piece of information on the article is a description of the physical meaning of the equation subsequently presented for Reynolds decomposition. The write-up is quite simplistic and terse, not offering the reader any additional lexical semantic resources in order to fully grasp what each term of the equation represents.
        • Suggested action: (a) Link to Wikipedia articles that help the reader understand the mathetical notation; (b)
    • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?
    • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?
    • Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?
    • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
    • Check a few citations. Do the links work? Is there any close paraphrasing or plagiarism in the article?
    • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?
      • What new paragraph or section would you add if you could?
      • How might you re-arrange the article to make it easier to understand? 
      • How many equations are included in the article? Too many? Too few? Do they overwhelm the article? How might you make the article more achievable for a first-time reader?  
    • How does the way the topic is discussed on Wikipedia compare to how we've discussed this topic in class? 
  • Create a section in your sandbox where you leave your notes and review. 
  • Choose at least 1 questions relevant to the article you're evaluating. Leave your evaluation on the article's Talk page. Be sure to sign your feedback with four tildes — ~~~~. 


  • The article is aptly categorized as a "Stub", term mentioned during the first WikiEdu training, which means that a significant amount of information may be lacking. Examples of such shortcomings include but are not limited to relevant background information and context, as well as a thorough and accurate description. As a rule of thumb, stubs should be taken with a grain of salt, and should prompt the reader to do their own fact-checking and coduct further research idenpendently.
  • No application examples. This may cause the reader to underestimate the importance of Reynolds decomposition, a concept paramount in fluid mechanics.

Category:Task 1