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Gil Falcone


University of San Francisco Master of Science in Environmental Management candidate '12. As part of the Environmental Law 2 course our class will be researching and posting wikipedia pages on specific environmental law issues. Our goal is to present well referenced, unbiased information on important Environmental Law issues to broaden this area of knowledge in wikipedia. We will be posting and editing here and then posting live to the wikipedia site for peer review edit.

Here is our class page Environmental Law 2

I have asked Noraft to be my online wiki ambassador on this project. She is too busy with other Mentees so I will keep searching for an online ambassador... Cullen328 has agreed to be our mentor online, and is also a USF alumni, bonus! Thanks for your help!

Final topic


Scott Cammauf and I will be researching and writing an article for wikipedia about the Supreme Court case Entergy corp v Riverkeeper. This case was decided in April of 2009 and has importance regarding the EPA's regulations and the Clean Water Act.

Our wiki article in progress Entergy v Riverkeeper
