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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 2022 theleekycauldron

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import pywikibot as pwb
import re
version = " [[[User:GalliumBot#darn|d a r n]] v1.0.3]" 
site = pwb.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
time_page = pwb.Page(site,"User:GalliumBot/Time")
timestamps = time_page.get().splitlines()
class Nomination:
    def __init__(self,name):
        self.name = name #should be the nompage name
        self.log = [] # [(time, text, user, revid)]
        self.authors = [] #list of names, no "User:"
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name + ": " + str(self.log)
    def loglink(self,ind):
        return self.log[ind][1]+" ['''[[Special:Diff/"+str(self.log[ind][3])+"|"+self.log[ind][0].replace("T"," at ").replace("Z","")+"]]''', by {{noping|"+self.log[ind][2]+"}}]\n"

def generate_pqs():
    res = [pwb.Page(site,"Template:Did you know")]
    for i in range(1,8):
        res.append(pwb.Page(site,"Template:Did you know/Preparation area "+str(i)))
        res.append(pwb.Page(site,"Template:Did you know/Queue/"+str(i)))
    return res

def main():
    nominations = {}
    pqs = generate_pqs() # preps and queues, as a list of Page objects
    for page in pqs: #Populating
        for revision in page.revisions(endtime=timestamps[0]):
            text = page.getOldVersion(revision.revid)
                hooktext = text[text.index("<!--Hooks-->"):text.index("<!--HooksEnd-->")].splitlines()[1:]
            except ValueError as e:
            for hook in hooktext:
                articles = [a[0].capitalize() + a[1:] for a in re.findall(r"'''\[\[([^\|\]]+)(?:\||\]\])",hook)]
                for article in articles:
                    subpages = re.findall(r"\* {{DYKmake\|"+article+r"\|.+\|subpage=([^}]+)}}",text)
                    if len(subpages) == 0:
                    if subpages[0] not in nominations:
                        nominations[subpages[0]] = Nomination(subpages[0])
    latest_timestamp = str(timestamps[1])
    for nom in nominations:
        nominations[nom].log.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
        if nominations[nom].log[-1][0] <= timestamps[1]:
        for i in range(len(nominations[nom].log)):
            if nominations[nom].log[i][0] > timestamps[1]:
                nominations[nom].log = nominations[nom].log[max(i-1,0):]
        log = nominations[nom].log
        latest_timestamp = max(latest_timestamp,log[-1][0])
        if log[0][1] != log[-1][1]:
            output = "\n\n== Hook modifications ==\n"+nominations[nom].loglink(0)
            for i in range(1,len(log)):
                if log[i][1] != log[i-1][1]:
                    output += nominations[nom].loglink(i)
            nomtalk = pwb.Page(site,"Template talk:Did you know nominations/"+nom)
            nomtalk.text += output + "~~~~"
            nomtalk.save(summary="logging detected modifications"+version)
    time_page.text = timestamps[1]+"\n"+latest_timestamp
    time_page.save(summary="updating time"+version)