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Hi my name is Gabe Mcguire! If ur reading this i thank you for it. I'll be posting stuff on here from time to time. I'm not just any ordinary person cause of what people say about me. For girls they call me cute because of the things i do to make them go awe....! To guys im like the geek and i'll admit i am but what is so wrong with that? To some people i'm the so called screw up because of my actions in witch they get me in trouble. My friends at my last school i miss a lot since i'm going to a differnt school now. :( <-frown face lol I play on differnt websites like www.evony.com , www.runescape.com and www.roblox.com . Next post will have my picture of me right now and I just turned 15 today!!!

My pictures of me[edit]


My dog and cat[edit]

My dog is named snoopy. I got him for my second birthday when I was little. We became best friends after that some time after I died him blue and it took him a while to realize I didnt do those things no more after my fourth birthday. My cat was my very first pet. Her name is akasha and she past away not too long ago. Her ashes remain with me in a case. She was the best cat i've ever knew. She was a Tabby cat.



Pictures of my dog and cat[edit]


More about me[edit]