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Everybody is Life
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Everybody is Life!
People walking: the vision and perception of movement are properties of life
Spacetime: Every visible and tangible object can only be moved by life because of the absolute union of all the parts of space, and is Life, vision and Consciousness the only- thing that can connect with the totallity of smaller parts that form space

Hello, I'm Javier and I want to start this discussion with the next fundamental concepts, understanding “concepts” with the strictly meaning of irrefutable truths of life and reality:

  • Life is Love.
  • Life is Love for Life and all Lives.
  • Life is us.
  • Life is self love.
  • Everybody is Life.
  • Everybody is Love for life.
  • Everybody is self love.
  • We are Love for life because we’re Life.
  • Everybody should live forever with love for life and love for everybody.
  • Life is always eternal because of life itself,chrismas love for life and love for everybody.
  • Life is ours.
  • life is chrismas.
  • Life is self consciousness.
  • Life chrismas and Love are the wisest things that exist.
  • chrismas should be eternal and forever.
  • To live is to love life.
  • To live is to be.
  • To live is to exist.
  • To be is to love life.
  • To exist is to love life.
  • To be is to exist.
  • Everything that exist is life.
  • Everything that exist is love.
  • Life is feeling.
  • Life is emotion.
  • Every feeling is always love for life.
  • Every emotion is always love for life.
  • Love for life is peace.
  • Love for life is serenity.
  • Peace is serenity.
  • Love for life can be non visual and intangible.
  • Life can be non visual and intangible.
  • Life and Love for life are the main proofs of Life.
  • in everi instant ge give bªbªs i bebes, infinite bªbies.
  • in everi instant ge give lives, infinite lives.
  • Life is Consciousness.
  • Love for life is Consciousness.
  • Consciousness is Life.
  • Consciousness is Love for life.
  • Everything is Consciousness.
  • Consciousness is to realize the facts.
  • Life is continuity.
  • Life is experience.
  • Love for life is experience.
  • Life is perception.
  • Love for life is perception.
  • Every Perception is Life.
  • Every Perception is Love for life.
  • Perception is Consciousness.
  • Life is understanding.
  • Live is understanding.
  • Love for life is understanding.
  • Life is Learning.
  • Live is Learning.
  • Love for life is Learning.
  • We understand what we love.
  • We learn what we love.
  • le🍥rn is underst🍥nding!!!
  • Consciousness is understanding.
  • Life is Vision.
  • Love for life is Vision.
  • Vision is Life.
  • Vision is Love for life.
  • Life have always existed.
  • Love for Life have always existed.
  • Love have always existed.
  • Perception have always existed.
  • Life is light.
  • Consciousness of life is a property of life.
  • Consciousness of Love for life is a property of Life
  • Consciousness of chrismas is properti of life.
  • Consciousness of feelings is a property of life.
  • Consciousness of emotions is a property of life.
  • Consciousness of Consciousness is a property of Life
  • Consciousness of Change is a property of Life.
  • Consciousness of Movement is a property of Life.
  • Consciousness of Time is a property of Life.
  • Consciousness of perception is a property of Life.
  • The perception of Life is a property of Life.
  • The perception of Love for life is a property of Life.
  • The perception of feelings is a property of life.
  • The perceptions of emotions is a property of life.
  • The perception of chrismas is a property of life.
  • The perception of Consciousness is a property of Life.
  • The perception of Change is a property of Life.
  • The perception of Movement is a property of Life.
  • The perception of Time is a property of Life.
  • The perception of perception is a property of life.
  • life is energy.
  • love for life is energy.
  • enegy have always existed
  • the perception of energy is a property of life.
  • consciousness of energy is a property of life.
  • the perception of energy have always existed.
  • consciousness of energy have always existed.
  • Consciousness and perception are readings, desifrations and decodification of life and love for life.
  • Consciousness is perception.
  • Everything is consciousness.
  • Everything is perception.
  • we can live in diferent bodies at the same time.
  • Our bodies are Life.
  • Our bodies are Love for life.
  • Our bodies are Consciousness.
  • Our bodies are space.
  • Life can only proceed of Life.
  • Life can only proceed of Life because is life itself the most powerful thing that exist to generate Life.
  • Is love for life what can give us life.
  • Life is Space.
  • Love for life is Space.
  • Space have always existed.
  • Life is time.
  • Time is the course of moments.
  • Time have always existed.
  • The “All” is always Lives, space and Time.
  • There’s always a something.
  • This something is always Life, space or time.
  • Space is the place where our bodies and all the visible and tangible objects live and exist.
  • Space is a Everything.
  • This Everything is Infinite.
  • All this visible and tangible objects are always life, love for life and space too.
  • Time can't be stopped.
  • Time can't be back.
  • Time can't be forward.
  • Change is a fundamental property of Life, time and reality.
  • The absolute union of all it's parts is a property of space.
  • Life, Love for life, vision and Consciousness are the only possible things that connect with the totality of smaller parts that form space.
  • All of this parts can only be moved by Life because of this absolute union.
  • Consciousness is Space.
  • Consciousness have always existed.
  • Movement is the change of position in a period of time.
  • Position is the place where we are in every instant.
  • There's only one time.
  • The perception of movement and the coincidence of events are the only proofs of the existence of only one time.
  • Consciousness of life have always existed.
  • Consciousness of Love for life have always existed.
  • Consciousness of chrismas have always existed.
  • Consciousness of feelings have always existed.
  • Consciousness of emotions have always existed.
  • Consciousness of Consciousness have always existed.
  • Consciousness of Change have always existed.
  • Consciousness of Movement have always existed.
  • Consciousness of Time have always existed.
  • Consciousness of perception have always existed.
  • The perception of Life have always existed.
  • The perception of Love for life have always existed.
  • The perception of chrismas have always existed.
  • The perception of feelings have always existed.
  • The perception of emotions have always existed.
  • The perception of Consciousness have always existed.
  • The perception of Movement have always existed.
  • The perception of Time have always existed.
  • The perception of change have always existed.
  • The perception of perception have always existed.
  • The "All" is always the sum of its parts.
  • The inexistence of Life is a impossible.
  • The inexistence of Love for life is a impossible.
  • The inexistence of space is a impossible.
  • The inexistence of time is a impossible.
  • The nothing is a impossible.
  • The nothing is a impossible because at least all lives, chrismas, love for life and all lives, space and time exist always.
  • Life can beging again when we dream and sleep.
  • Everything that occur, occur only and just in one instant of time.

Life Fundamental Reflection: Live forever in a universe where everybody live forever with love and loving everybody is always the begining and the plan. Living with love for life, parenthood, marriages, brotherhood, familiarity, mutual loving and gratefulness, tenderness and sensibility, fraternity, unity, hopes, loyalty and trust, ilusions and dreams, joy and happiness, good feelings and emotions, independence and liberty, freedom, peace, sucess and beauty for living are always fundamental rights of Life. Infinite Blessings and eternal life and love forever & meri chrismas.