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Alison Furminger | Calligraphy Studio

Photograph by Lauretta Goode

I have practiced Calligraphy for 17 years, learning my art in Auckland, New Zealand.

I operate "The Calligraphy Studio" here in Wellington.

In 2006 I commenced Ph.D studies at Massey University in Wellington with supervision provided by Professor Philip Dickinson (Massey) and Peter Gilderdale (Head of Graphic Design Department, Auckland University of Technology). My research interest is in the occupational health issues involved in practicing visual art, specifically historic and contemporary calligraphy.

The Anne Geddes-Celine Dion Miracle: A Celebration of New Life project was a very special engagement. I endorse the values represented throughout the project and was delighted to contribute to another Anne Geddes publication.

I share my life with my own 3 children and husband John. Apart from calligraphy I love spending time with my family, cooking, enjoying the natural world, listening to classical music, walking, swimming, and reading. I treasure quiet and solitude, and have an abiding faith in God in Christ.
