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User:Fschulenburg (Public Policy)/Public Policy

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Public policy


Public Policy
  • is goal oriented
  • is made by public authorities
  • consists of patterns of actions taken over time
  • is a response to pressure about some perceived problem
  • can be positive (purposive action) or negative (purposive decision not to take action)
Definition by Birkland, 2001
"Public policy includes the process of making choices and the outcomes or actions of particular decisions; that what makes public policy “public” is that these choices or actions are backed by the coercive powers of the state; and that at its core, public policy is a response to a perceived problem."

Public policy on Wikipedia


Public policy by topic


Note: the system below follows the structure of the PolicyArchive's database (as by August 2009).

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Main article
Agricultural policy of the United States
  • Agricultural economics and farm holdings
  • Agricultural extension, research, and technology
  • Agricultural population and workers
  • Agriculture and agricultural policy
  • Beverage industry
  • Crop management
  • Fiber industry
  • Fish industry
  • Forests and forest products industry
  • Fruit industry
  • Grain, seed, and nut industries
  • Livestock, meat, and animal products industry
  • Processed food industries
  • Tobacco industry
  • Vegetable industry

Banking and finance

Main article
Fiscal policy of the United States
  • Banking operations and services
  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Central banks
  • Commodity exchanges
  • Credit and loans
  • Currency
  • Financial instruments
  • Financial planning and risk
  • International banking and finance
  • International financial institutions
  • Investments and securities
  • Money and monetary policy see Monetary policy of the United States
  • Personal finance and saving
  • Philanthropy and nonprofit sector
  • Public finance
  • Stock exchanges
  • Taxation and tax policy see Taxation in the United States


Main article
Business policy of the United States
  • Accounting
  • Acquisitions and mergers
  • Acquisitions and mergerss
  • Advertising and public relations
  • Business and business enterprises
  • Business and government
  • Business finance
  • Business operations and practices
  • Business organization, administration, and management
  • Entertainment business
  • Entrepreneurs, executives, and business personnel and occupations
  • Hospitality and tourism business
  • Insurance
  • Markets, marketing, and merchandising
  • Personal and housekeeping services
  • Real estate business
  • Retail business

Culture and religion

Main articles
Cultural policy of the United States
Religion policy of the United States
  • Arts and arts policy
  • Calendars, special days, and ceremonies
  • Cultural heritage and preservation
  • Culture and civilization
  • Intellectual life
  • Language and languages, see Language policy
  • Literature
  • Multiculturalism and cultural relations
  • Museums, memorials, and monuments
  • Music
  • National characteristics
  • Religion and religious groups
  • Symbols, emblems, and awards


Main articles
Economic policy of the United States
  • Consumers and consumption
  • Economic conditions
  • Economic policy, planning, and development
  • Economic relations
  • Economic research
  • Economic theory
  • Infrastructure
  • Property and wealth


Main articles
Education policy of the United States
  • Adult, technical, and vocational education
  • Colleges and universities
  • Curriculum
  • Education
  • Education financing, facilities, and equipment
  • Education personnel and population
  • Education policy and planning
  • Educational psychology and learning ability
  • Information services and sources
  • Libraries
  • School administration
  • Schools
  • Statistics, research, and research methods and financing
  • Study abroad
  • Teaching methods


Main article
Energy policy of the United States
  • Coal industry
  • Electric power
  • Energy policy
  • Energy research and technology
  • Fuels
  • Natural gas industry
  • Nuclear power
  • Petroleum industry
  • Renewable energy sources


Main article
Environmental policy of the United States
  • Animals
  • Buildings and structures
  • Ecology
  • Environmental policy
  • Forest management
  • Geography and cartography
  • Land resources and use, Space policy
  • Mining and mineral resources
  • Natural disasters
  • Ocean and ocean resources
  • Parks, nature reserves, and open spaces
  • Pollution and environmental degradation
  • Radioactive and dangerous substances
  • Wastes and waste management
  • Water, waterways, and water management
  • Weather and climate

Environmental policy, Environmental policy of the United States, Reorganization Plan No. 3,United States Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa P. Jackson, Stephen L. Johnson, Mike Leavitt, Christine Todd Whitman, Carol Browner, William K. Reilly, Lee M. Thomas, William Ruckelshaus, Anne Gorsuch Burford, Douglas M. Costle, Russell E. Train, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Conservation Reserve Program, Air Pollution Control Act, Clean Air Act, Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act, Clean Air Act Amendments, Air Quality Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Air Act Extension, Toxic Substances Control Act, Clean Air Act Amendments, Clean Air Act Amendments, Water Pollution Control Act, Water Quality Act, Clean Waters Restoration Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Water Quality Improvement Act, Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1972, Safe Drinking Water Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, Clean Water Act, Water Quality Act, Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Wilderness Act, Scenic Rivers Preservation Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Wilderness Act, Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, Wilderness Act, Alaska Land Protection Act, California Desert Protection Act, Food Quality Protection Act, Coordination Act, Endangered Species Preservation Act, Endangered Species Conservation Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Resource Recovery Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Nuclear Waste Repository Act, Hazardous and Solid Wastes Amendments Act, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, EPA Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative (SDSI), Council on Environmental Quality, Nancy Sutley, Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, EPA 9/11 pollution controversy, Environmental justice movement, Superfund


Main article
Government policy of the United States
  • Central or federal government
  • Communism and socialism
  • Executive power
  • Foreign relations see Foreign policy of the United States
  • Government agencies and bodies
  • Government employees
  • Intergovernmental relations
  • Internal security
  • Legislative power and procedure
  • Local and municipal government
  • Nation state
  • Public administration
  • Public finance
  • Public officials
  • Public policy
  • Public services and utilities
  • State or regional government


Main article
Health policy of the United States
  • Dental health services
  • Diseases and disorders
  • Food and nutrition
  • Health care financing
  • Health care planning
  • Health promotion
  • Health services administration
  • Health services for adolescents
  • Health services for children
  • Health services for low income people
  • Health services for men
  • Health services for minorities
  • Health services for non-citizens
  • Health services for older people
  • Health services for the chronically ill
  • Health services for the disabled
  • Health services for the uninsured
  • Health services for women
  • Hospitals and other health care facilities
  • Licensing and regulation
  • Medical research and technology
  • Mental health
  • Pharmaceutical services, see Category:Pharmaceuticals policy, Category:Drug policy, Drug policy of the United States
  • Physicians, nurses, and other health personnel
  • Preventive health services
  • Quality of health care
  • Tissue and organ procurement

Human rights

Main article
Human Rights policy of the United States
  • Civil and political rights
  • Economic, social, and cultural rights
  • Human rights promotion and violations

International relations

Main article
Foreign policy of the United States
  • Diplomacy
  • International and regional organizations
  • International peace and security
  • International relations
  • International relief and humanitarian assistance
  • Treaties
  • War


Main article
Justice policy of the United States
  • Courts and judicial power
  • Crime and criminals
  • International courts
  • Judgments and sentences
  • Legal procedure
  • Legal profession and occupations
  • Police and law enforcement
  • Prisoners and imprisonment
  • Prisons and correctional facilities and personnel


Main article
Labor policy of the United States
  • Employment and labor supply
  • Labor conditions, wages, salaries, and benefits
  • Labor policy
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Unions
  • Work and labor
  • Work design
  • Workplaces

Law and ethics

Main article
Law policy of the United States
  • Administrative law
  • Civil law
  • Commercial law
  • Constitutional law
  • Corporations and securities law
  • Criminal law
  • Environmental law
  • Ethics
  • Family law
  • Health law
  • Immigration law
  • Intellectual property, copyright, patent, and trademark law
  • International law
  • Labor law
  • Law and jurisprudence
  • Liability, torts, and personal injury
  • Local government law
  • Maritime law
  • Military and martial law
  • Public law
  • Real estate and property law

Manufacturing and industry

Main articles
Manufacturing policy of the United States
Industry policy of the United States
  • Appliance and furnishing industries
  • Automotive industry
  • Building and construction
  • Chemical industries
  • Clothing and textile industry
  • Computer and electronics industry
  • Industrial management, production, and productivity
  • Industrial materials
  • Industry and industrial policy
  • Machinery and equipment industry
  • Manufacturing and manufactured goods
  • Metals industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry

Media, telecommunications, and information

Main articles
Media policy of the United States
Telecommunications policy of the United States
Information policy of the United States
  • Broadcasting
  • Communication systems
  • Electronic data processing, transmission, and retrieval
  • Film and video
  • Information policy
  • Journalism and the news
  • Mass media
  • Press
  • Print media and publishing
  • Radio
  • Telecommunications
  • Telephone
  • Television

Military and defense

Main article
Military policy of the United States
  • Military bases and buildings
  • Military equipment and weapons
  • Military personnel
  • Military planning, strategy, and
  • Military planning, strategy, and operations
  • Military policy
  • Military service
  • Military spending
  • National security
  • Veterans


Main article
Political policy of the United States
  • Campaigns, lobbying, and pressure groups
  • Elections and voting
  • Insurgency, and counterinsurgency
  • Nationalism
  • Political dissent
  • Political ethics
  • Political ideologies and movements
  • Political parties and groups
  • Political status
  • Politics

Population and demographics

Main article
Population policy of the United States
  • Children and youth
  • Demography and census
  • Disabled
  • Ethnic and racial groups
  • Family planning
  • Immigrants and aliens
  • Immigration and immigration policy
  • Men
  • Migrants and migration
  • Native races
  • Older people
  • Refugees
  • Women

Science and technology

Main article
Science policy of the United States
  • Astronomy and space science and technology
  • Biology and biotechnology
  • Computer science and information technology
  • Science and science policy
  • Scientific equipment
  • Scientific research
  • Scientists, engineers, and technical workers
  • Technology and technology policy

Social conditions

Main article
Social conditions policy of the United States
  • Alcohol and drug addiction and trafficking
  • Associations and meetings
  • Communication
  • Community life and organization
  • Discrimination and affirmative action
  • History
  • Housing
  • Leisure, recreation, and hobbies
  • Marriage and family life
  • Poverty and homelessness
  • Psychology
  • Public welfare and social services
  • Race relations
  • Rural conditions
  • Safety and security
  • Sex
  • Social conditions and problems
  • Social movements
  • Social policy
  • Social research
  • Social sciences and social scientists
  • Social status
  • Social values
  • Sports
  • Urban conditions
  • Volunteerism


Main article
Trade policy of the United States
  • Commercial treaties and agreements
  • Common markets, free trade associations, and monetary unions
  • Customs administration and duties
  • Export-import trade
  • Free trade and protection


Main article
Transportation policy of the United States
  • Air transport
  • Freight transport
  • Highways
  • Inland water transport
  • Mail and delivery service
  • Maritime industry and transport
  • Motor transport
  • Motor vehicles
  • Railroads and trains
  • Ships and boats
  • Traffic and traffic regulation
  • Transportation
  • Transportation policy and planning
  • Urban transport

Public policy as a Concept and a Field of Study

  • Fields of Policy Study
    • Policy and politics
    • Policy process
    • Policy analysis
    • Policy evaluation
    • Policy design
    • Policymakers and policymaking institutions
    • Policy implementations
  • Research Methods
    • Statistical analysis
    • Case studies
    • Cost analysis
    • Risk assessment
    • Text analysis
    • Delphi technique