This user is taking a wikibreak and may be away or inactive for varying periods of time.
Although they may occasionally be able to do some editing, messages left for them may not be replied to for a while.
They will be back on Wikipedia when school is over.
there will be large stretches of time where I only make minor edits to my user page due to time restraints.
I mostly just correct grammar, nitpick minor errors, and look out for vandalism.
Yes, my name is a Monty Python reference.
This user, through Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy, will sap and impurify all of your precious bodily fluids.
Nothing annoys this user more than when a teacher says that Wikipedia isn't reliable and that anybody can enter anything completely untrue that'll stay.
This user believes that many articles on Wikipedia are poorly written and NEED fixing.