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Hey my Name is Fred Clark , i'm 15 at the moment and i live in Allington Maidstone.Since Primary School i've been interested in music , mainly due to the fact that i used to look at the famous people and think wow , i'd like a bit of that. I starting writing slushy pop songs in primary school and became renound for my songwriting. With the odd appearance at school i built on my confidence that would later benefit me with my performing. I gave up writing songs after joining Secndary School and for a while i'd given up on music . But after restarting guitar lessons i found a new interest for music and started writing new songs , not just for singing but that involved Guitar parts. I felt that i'd moved on and had reached a point where i needed to record this stuff. I asked for a piece of software that is basically a 32-track recording deck on my pc for my birthday. At first i didn't know how to use it and put it off and off until one easter holiday in 2004 i finally started using it. At the beginning i found it hard to record whole songs and was just mucking around. One day i tried out something new and added a drum beat then guitar and then vocals from an idea i'd had the previous night and i managed to record my first official song called "Shut up" which most of my close friends and family will remember as being my first real progress. After this i started to write more developed songs including "Here" and "There". I reached a point wherei thought tht what i was doing was pretty damn good and i made my first unofficial album "Diving Into An Uncontrolable Spiral Of Depression" which i didn't release. After this i started writing more whole tracks like "Should i stay" and one of my most recent releases "Not as perfect as i seem". With these i had finished my second unofficial album "Bottled up secrets of a teenage mastermind" This album contained a few songs that i have re-worked recently. I felt fantastic that i had got 2 cd's in my hand of music that was all written by me , me alone! After showing my music teacher what i'd done so far he told me that i had masses of potential and should keep working on it. I showed quite a few people my song "Shut up" and got the offer of joining a band with Sam.B and Sam.N , they came up with the name Sexagizmo but the band never really left the practice room in the music department and that ended quickly.(Both sam's are now in the highly successful band No Entry and have even played at the Tonbridge Forum!). During a music GCSE class i wrote a little song called "My Head" which i thought was quite funky. I kept on working on it and ended up performing it at the Oakwood School Concert. This was my first experience of a live concert and i was petrified , although the song only lasted for 1:30 it felt like an hour. I performed the song with Tom Standen and Adam Johnson , we started for the first time and it was going well until the drums stopped and i saw the audience laughing. It had turned out that Adam had dropped his sticks! We started for the second time and once again he did it again . At this point i was close to a nervous breakdown , but we finally nailed it 3rd time round and i was exctatic! At this point , about late 2005 i decided to try and form a band by myself and formed M.E.D . This consisted of Adam Johnson and i . We wrote our first song which was called "Take 18" this song was a fast paced 2 and a bit minute song that was to the point. We got it to such a good standard that we decided to perform it at the Oakwood concert. I didn't only perform that song but i also performed another song "Buck rodgers" with Joe.G and Josh.D. Just practising on the stage was awesome , playing to an empty hall with only our band in the huge room was so much fun. We got up on stage when i realised how many people had come , about 150-200 , due to local emo band Decadence by designs huge following. I introduced us and we started , it felt emense when we got into it and i couldn't help but smile throughout the whole thing. After we finished "Take 18" and heard the emense cheer i felt "the buzz" of performing , it was brill. Then i got to perform another song that got an even better reaction. After this i then decided that my solo work was suffering due to the band stuff and i took a break. April 2006 and by this time i had got back into the whole band situation and i found that it worked well with my solo music. I was involved with a gig that my youth club held and i performed 5 songs , (3 with the band , 1 on my own and one with my dad!) April 2006 was quite a busy time for me as i was writing lots of music and i had met my first "proper" girlfriend claire. I was inspired to write the song "I love the way" about when we met and she helped to inspire me to write even more. In the spring of 2006 with my band M.E.D still going strong josh and i performed an acoustic set at a local school fete which went well and was very much enjoyable , but by this time the cracks in my band were starting to show and i took a back seat with it and focused on my solo work. During spring 2006 i was writing even more advanced songs and decided to try and work on a new album that i would officially release. During the summer Holidays of 2006 i worked on my debut album "Shadows" and had a finished copy in my hands by mid-august , at this point i found an american distributing company that would allow me to have my songs on iTunes and other download sites. I sent my album of to america and within 2 months it was on itunes! I decided to try and publicise my album so i contacted a local paper and i got a column! Within weeks the whole year were talking about it and i had achieved my aim of publicising my music. With this i performed at another Oakwood concert and performed the stand out song from my album , "not as perfect as i seem" and once again got an awesome reaction. With all this behind me i decided that i had found the best place for me , acoustic music , though i was good as writing punk rock tunes i was better at acoustic songs . So i worked on about 20 more songs that i am in the process of narrowing down to the final 5/6 to go on my EP "Day By Day" , this EP is a great insight into who i really am and the situations i've experienced. I’ve since decided to release the “Day By Day EP” on my myspace allowing one of the five songs to be available for download. It should be released around early May, late April time. This will be released to show what I have to offer for my next album which is going to be called “Inhibitions” and should be released on my own label Paper People Records later this year.