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People's Socialist Republic of Anaria
Flag of Socialist State of Anaria [ II Reich ]
Coat of arms of Socialist State of Anaria [ II Reich ]
Coat of arms
Anthem: The Rising Sun of Socialism
Largest cityAnarsku
Official languagesAnarkian
Recognised national languagesDogri, Russian, German, French, English, Japanese, Vietnamese
Anarian Bible
GovernmentMinistry of the Socialist Republic Party
• Frederic Adolf Sati
Ruska Luna Xing
LegislatureMinistry of Justice and Law
People’s Socialist–Republic Ministry of National Defense
People’s Socialist–Republic Ministry of Federal Intelligence Police
Civil War Movement 
Royale Kingdom of Anaria [ 2024 ]
• Total
163,000.0 km2 (62,934.7 sq mi) (92nd)
• 142,000,000 [ 2018 ] estimate
GDP (PPP)May 17th, 2024 estimate
• Total
12 billion [ Golden Lunars ] = 1.2 trillion U.S. Dollars
• Per capita
72,000 [ Golden Lunar ]
HDI (January 2nd, 2014)0.426
CurrencyGolden Lunar, Silver Lunar, Bronze Lunar [ Coins ]
Today part ofAnarian Island Territory

People's Socialist Republic of Anaria


The People's Socialist Republic of Anaria [ P.S.R.A. ] Is an Fictional Country within the South West Pacific near Australia, and New Zealand. The Country was of the Socialist Republic was founded by Frederic Adolf Sati during the Second Anarian Civil War between the Years 2022 to 2024, the original leader, who lead the Civil War was Sole Vince Smith, he was one of the Original Survivors from the First Anarian Civil War between 1991 to 1998. His Assassination lead by Sino-Siu the Dictator of the Royal Kingdom of Anaria lead a further expansion by Frederic to fully turn his once Beloved Country into a [ Socialist Republic ], Sino Siu the Dictator of the Monarchy within Anaria formed the [ Monarch Socialist Republic ] After the Rapid Fall of the Original Monarchy of Anaria which was named the Kingdom of Anaria from 2003 January 1st to January 31st of that same year.

Sino Siu created a Dictatorship lasting for 11 years due to his Presents among the People of Anaria during that period, using his Massive Military spending on the Army, Navy, and Air Force to expand his influence among the Country, and Independent Islands surrounding Anaria like East Yorkland, West Yorkland, Mountainia, Vinkburg, Asterkburg, Crimina, Islamic Republic of Yutaka, Ronarian Republic, Democracy of Torkland, Furkland, Dunkburg, Nationalist Party of Luxianburg, and the Kingdom of Anarkio. During his Years of dictatorship following the Steps of Stalin, and Mao Zedong - Sino Siu idol them which lead him created not only a Dictatorship but a Absolute Monarchy that would be damaging among the Anarian People for centuries to come.

Sino Siu created the [ Monarch Socialist Republic ] although this was a Monarchy, he later added Socialism and Republicanism within the already complex frame work for the Government between 2004 to 2016. After the Creation of the Royal Kingdom of Anaria later to be pronounced as the "Royale" Kingdom of Anaria later during the 2010's specifically between 2017 to 2019, leading Anarians confused on why the "e" was added at the end though served literally no purpose other to make it Stylized. During the Great Death of Anaria between 2007 to 2012, the United Nations sanctioned Anaria as well heavily induced Military Force, the United States of America sending a Aircraft Carrier Fleet to harass the Anarian Royal Navy but never truly worked since Anaria had countered U.S. Navy before during World War II in the North Pacific Ocean.

During Sino Siu's Reich of Terror across Anaria, it has caused the death of 10 to 20 million Anarians in a Span of 8 years between 2007 to 2015 from December 15th of 2007 to October 25th of 2015. This did not only cause death but as well Destroying Civil movement across the Arkilo Islands, not only Attacking Cargo Vessels but Naval as well, Sino Siu ordered his Navy to Harass any Fleet within the Arkilo Islands or even Destroy them possibly causing a War between Anaria, and what ever Country Sino Siu's Navy destroys there Navy.

All of this caused a Small Faction known as the People's Socialist Party [ P.S.P. ] later declaring themselves the People's Socialist Party of Anaria in 2021, the Faction also lead by Sole Vince Smith, which later was Assassinated, and Replaced by Frederic Adolf Sati. Sole Vince Smith Vision for Anaria during the Years between 2021 to 2022 was to create a Socialist Union among the Anarian people but not make it the same way as Lenin or Stalin turned there Country into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [ U.S.S.R. ] he wanted something along the lines of the People's Socialist Union of Anaria [ P.S.U.A. ] or the People's Socialist Democracy of Anaria [ P.S.D.A. ] Though never became a Reality since Sino Siu lead an Assassination successfully against Sole V. Smith, his Socialist Ideology was continued in the form of a Republic as well by his Predecessor Frederic A. Sati in September of 2022.

Frederic would continue the Socialist Party throughout the rest of 2022 to 2023, and into the very early months of 2024. After the death of the Dictatorship of Anaria on February 22nd, 2024, the Fractured Government still kept fighting until February 23rd of that same year. The Royale Kingdom of Anaria was permanently changed into a New Country, the People's Socialist "Republic" of Anaria which was also called the P.S.P.A. but later on March 17th was changed to the P.S.R.A. to keep the Republic name for further recognition by the United Nations, when the United Nations saw Anaria went through another Civil War, and later changed it's Country to the People's Socialist Republic instead, lead to controversial decision making over the course of 3 months between April to June of 2024.

Frederic A. Sati, though seemed a Failure by many Countries especially the United States of America, during that period. Frederic understands Socialism isn't the best for many opinions given to China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea at this time. He did later become excepted among the United Nations council group in July of 2024. Sanctions that lead Anaria into a Burst of further Corruption, and Militarism before, now was lifted giving Anaria the chance to become part of the United Nations once Frederic A. Sati signed a Agreement between it's neighbors, and other Countries behond Australia, and New Zealand.

Through out the rest of 2024, Anaria became more stable as the Weeks later become Months move by fast, the population of the Country grew 22.5 percent over the course of 3 months between May to July in 2024. Leading Anaria into a Count of 116,000,000 people. Frederic created the Political group named the Socialist Republic as well creating a Vice President, and a Prime Minister during the course of April to May. Gross Domestic Product [ G.D.P. ] grew to 12 billion Gold Lunars, Crime rate was also lowered due to the Funding of an Police Force as well a Intelligent Agency within the Police Section of the Government as well beyond the Government, creating Labor Unions among the People on August 11th, 2024.The Regions of Anaria were also named to further Expand the Social aspect of the Socialist Republic political party of Anaria leading to a North-West, South, and East Regions of Anaria being separated by Mountains, and Rivers to stabilize tension between each Region since before each Region controlled a part of the Government like the [ Monarch Socialist Republic ] used by Sino Siu between 2003 February 1st to 2024 February 22nd.

> Socialist State of Anaria


The Socialist State of Anaria is the First Socialist Reich of Anaria lasting for a short period between 1999 to 2002, this Country was lead by Kale Satu Smith, the Son of Franklin Jone Ratu during the First Anarian Civil War between 1991 to 1998. The Socialist State of Anaria [ S.S.A. ] was created after the recent destruction of the First Anarian Civil War that lasted for almost 7 full years, Kale Satu Smith Established the Socialist Party to create a stable Structure within Anaria after the Ruthless Destruction that lead by the Civil War, he tried leading a Full Socialist movement between 1999 to 2002 but was short lived by a Monarch movement that lead to the DownFall of the Socialist State, though it had a some what stable economy for the short period which was lived making the Net worth of the S.S.A. total of 5.2 billion Golden Lunars but smaller compared to the Previous New Worth which is lead by Frederic at 83.2 billion Gold Lunars by August 30th, 2024.

> Royale Kingdom of Anaria


The Country that lead the Anarians into a Dictatorship was the Royale Kingdom of Anaria created by Sino Siu, he ruled Anaria like a Pure Iron Fish between February 1st of 2003 all the way through the 2010's to his end in February 22nd of 2024. During his rule, he created the Specialized Branches of Government that would Separately lead there own Regions, the North-West would lead the Socialist Political Party, the South would be lead by the Republican Political Party, and finally the East were the Capital of the Country was would be Controlled by the Monarchy Party lead by King Sino-Siu, during the Mid to Late 2010's tension between each Region raised above 23.8 percent due to Economic and Geopolitical landscape within each region like Gold, Oil, Silver, and even Coal. This did cause the Socialism Movement of the Early 2020's but this would have caused even a Nuclear Exchange if it wasn't for the United Nations to intervene within the High Tension leading towards the Socialist movement, although the Country had a huge boost in [ G.D.P. ] around 147.2 billion Gold Lunars - 1 single Gold Lunar = 100 USD which would add up to 14.72 Trillion US Dollars in 2014 but the Economy broke once the Second Civil War started which Frederic who now leads Anaria had to bring the [ G.D.P. ] slowly back to the original. After mass killing Tens of Millions of not Pure Anarians which he wasn't either as well bankrupting Economy exchange rates as well the Lunar Currency used by the People for Centuries, causing a huge boost of Military spending into the Navy, Air Force, and Army to increase the Capabilities as the N.A.T.O. Organization, E.U. and U.N. combined with Anaria's own Nuclear Program which couldn't be stopped due to high tension between Sino-Siu, and Trump in the Late 2010's and even Joe Biden in the 2020's before Sino Siu's Death. Caused Frederic to rebuild what was even left of the Government, People, and Structural remnants of Post-Monarchy between January 1st to 31st of 2003.

> Kingdom of Anaria

The Kingdom of Anaria which lead a very short period, lasting a month between January 1st to January 31st of 2003. This Monarchy was ruled by Jusak Satalton Kumie, she lead the Country into a Constitutional Monarch for a Month before Sino Siu ordered her death on January 31st. During the period for a Month of being the First Queen in charge of the Kingdom, the Economy was a bit hash since the Socialist State was trying the fix it but failed due to Difficulties after the First Anarian Civil War, which did cause the Socialist State to become the Constitutional Monarch Political Party on January 1st of 2003. Category:Fiction