Foolestroupe is suffering from health issues. This may affect their ability to work on Wikipedia. Consequently, they may not be able to respond to talk-page messages or e-mails in a timely manner. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Great! Now I'm wasting time I could be spending on my own stuff, dragging back worthwhile new articles from the virtual shredder because of the trigger happy deleting new articles within a few minutes - some of them because the deleters are obviously ignorant[1].
"All hail the mighty and true writers of Wikipedia: The anonymous and new editor. Never forget this fact. You scare him away and you destroy this site. You serve him and not the other way around. Your "power" is worthless without him."
Remember - Google (and all the other search engines!) is your Friend!
I was going to say "Attack of the WikiWankers", but some might think that rude, so I won't say that! When someone tells me that the Lunatics with the FBGs are no longer in charge of the Asylum, I might some back and start creating wanted articles, but till then Gomorrah!, no I mean that town nearby - ah! Sodom!