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Full template[edit]

The parameters must NOT be named and passed in this exact order. If the parameter does not apply, pass a 0 instead.


Explanation of fields[edit]

  |year=                    The year this season taking place in.
  |team=                    The name of the team the player plays for (use if different from team_link, or Wikipedia entry does not exist).
  |team_link=               The Wikipedia entry for the team the player is on, or entry for the particular season.

  |games_played=            The number of games played by the player during this season.
                            If you include this parameter, set it to "--" to indicate they haven't played any games.
  |goals=                   The number of goals scored by the player during this season.
  |2pt_goals                The number of 2-point goals scored by the player during this season.
  |assists=                 The number of assists awarded to the player during this season.
  |shots=                   The number of shots attempted by the player during this season.
  |ground_balls=            The number of ground balls credited to the player during this season.
  |penalties=               The number of penalties committed by the player during this season.
  |penalty_minutes=         The number of penalty minutes served during this season.
  |faceoffs_won=            The number of faceoffs won by the player during this season.
  |faceoffs_att=            The number of faceoffs attempted by the player during this season.

  |playoff_games_played=    The number of games played by the player during these playoffs.
                            If you include this parameter, set it to "--" to indicate they haven't played any games.
  |playoff_goals=           The number of goals scored by the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_2pt_goals=       The number of 2-point goals scored by the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_assists=         The number of assists awarded to the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_shots=           The number of shots attempted by the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_ground_balls=    The number of ground balls credited the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_penalties=       The number of penalties committed by the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_penalty_minutes= The number of penalty minutes served during these playoffs.
  |playoff_faceoffs_won=    The number of faceoffs won by the player during these playoffs.
  |playoff_faceoffs_att=    The number of faceoffs attempted by the player during these playoffs.

Mandatory fields[edit]


The season will be added to the players list with simply the year filled in. It will default to no entries (all columns will be "--"). A team is not necessary, but the information should be included for completeness.
