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I was forged in the fires of Mount Doom, and like most hobbits enjoy mushrooms. I am part wizard and part natural philosopher. Predominently a Taoists on the Lao Tzu-Confucian spectrum, I see language a clumsy, absurd tool for grasping the nature of the world. However I recognize the need for categories and relations, referents and diagrams that are the human tools for triangulation: Sine and cosine together defining the arc of the unknowable circle.

Predominently a Simultaneist on the Simultaneity/Sequency spectrum (in the language of ``The Disposessed") I take Minkowski's lessons to heart, and see time as indistinct from space. I see the experience of time as as that of an entropy vortex, a spiraling corkscrew of equipotential planes of disorder, that captures, by means of the mechanisms of synaptic growth and decay, both the tick of the clock and the continuity of the moving hand. However, reality, itself is a four dimensional crystal. A standing wave of probabilities that minimizes some function of ``Truth". These inadequacies of language, the mixing of metaphors are the sense in which I am served by Taoist ideas.

At the same time I'm with Einstein in believing that these language games are not the proper resolution of the particle/wave paradox. I see the language of Quantum mechanics as making broad symmetry constrained statements about physical systems that has little to do with the real dynamics of particles and waves, and everything to do with the kind and quality of information we are able to bring to bear. This is a practical constraint due to the thermodynamics of information transfer rather than a quality of the truth.

I may have some mental health issues.



I know a little bit about physics. Everything else is reasoned or the result of internet searching, or plain bullshit.