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User:Fedem/Mario de Miranda

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Mario de Miranda (Milan, 1954) is an internationally renowned Italian engineer, specialized in bridges and large structures.

He has carried out design and consultancy for structures, girder, arch, cable-stayed and suspension bridges, including very important ones, carrying out works in various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.Mario de Miranda (Milano, 1954) è un ingegnere italiano di fama internazionale, specializzato in ponti e grandi strutture..


StoreBaelt Bridge in Denmark
Aracaju Bridge in Brazil
Natal Bridge in Brazil
Oiapoque Bridge between Brazil and French Guinea
Bridge over the Guamà River in Belem, Brazil
Steel and reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in the Dominican Republic over the Higuamo River in San Pedro de Macoris
Sea Bridge in Pescara (IT)
3.8 km bridge over the Storström in Denmark, currently under construction

Born in Milan in 1954 to Fabrizio and Maria Chiara Piciocchi, he graduated in Civil Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1979, obtaining the qualification to practice in 1980.

Since 1979 he has been working at Studio De Miranda Associati in Milan, of which he is one of the Partners, carrying out design and consultancy activities in the field of structures and bridges both in normal and pre-stressed reinforced concrete, in steel and in composite steel-concrete structures. As well as special structures for the construction of bridges.

Since 1996 he has been registered in the Register of Testers of the Lombardy Region in the Special Structures sector.

In 1997 he received the – European Convention for Structural Steelwork award for the structures of the elevated heliport of Lingotto in Turin.

From 2006 to 2022 he was Professor with a position of excellence in the Master's Degree in Architecture-Construction at the IUAV of Venice.

He was the main consultant of Gec Alsthom Sdem for the construction and assembly of the decks of the bridge over the StoreBaelt in Denmark, which consists of two viaducts with spans of 194 m and a suspension bridge with a free span of 1624 m, which at the time of its construction represented the largest span built up to that time.

He is a member of national and international structural engineering associations and was President of the CTA – Collegio dei Tecnici dell’Acciaio in the two-year period 2016-2018.

He is a consultant to the Higher Council of Public Works [1] and a member of the Working Group for the drafting of the Guidelines on the safety of existing bridges. [2]

He is President of the Technical Committee of PIARC Italia – World Road Association on Bridges.

He is the author of the projects and responsible for the construction of several cable-stayed bridges recently completed both in Italy and abroad.

He is the author of over seventy publications and technical papers in the field of structural engineering, mostly on the design and construction of bridges actually built, as well as patents for construction methods.

In 2021 he received the Honorary Member Medal of the AICAP on the occasion of the ICD2020 (14-16 April 2021).

Main works

  • Suspension bridge over the Storebaelt in Denmark, with a central span of 1624 m
  • Prestressed reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in Brazil over the Rio Sergipe in Aracajù, with a span of 200 m
  • Prestressed reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in Brazil over the Rio Potengi in Natal, with a central span of 212 m
  • Prestressed reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in Brazil over the Rio Oiapoque in Amapá, with a span of 240 m
  • Prestressed reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in Brazil over the Rio Guamà in Belem, with a central span of 320 m
  • Steel and reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge in the Dominican Republic over the Rio Higuamo in San Pedro de Macoris, with a central span of 390 m and a length of 620 m
  • Steel girder bridge on the A22 in Lavis (TN)
  • Steel cable-stayed bridge in Pescara called “Il Ponte del Sea”;
  • Souk Ahras steel arch bridge in Algeria;
  • Curitiba steel cable-stayed bridge in Brazil;
  • Cable-stayed bridge over the Rio Juruá in Brazil;
  • Cable-stayed bridge over the Shatt el Arab near Basra in Iraq;
  • 3.8 km bridge over the Storström in Denmark, currently under construction.

Some publications

  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio, DE MIRANDA Mario, (1985), Design criteria in the application of welding to the force connections of bridge girders to steel structures, in Proceedings of the I.I.S. (Italian Institute of Welding) Conference on Welded Structures Milan.- 11.12.1985.
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio, DE MIRANDA Mario, (1988), The Slizza and Vallone viaducts of the Udine-Tarvisio motorway, In "Costruzioni Metalliche" n. 2-3/1988.
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio, DE MIRANDA Mario, (1993), A curved road bridge with a composite girder in Val di Fiemme with particular characteristics, the project for environmental inclusion, in "Costruzioni Metalliche" n. 4/1993.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, PÉTREQUIN Michel (1998): Storebaelt East Bridge - aspects of assembly and construction, in Costruzioni Metalliche , n. 6 (1998) .
  • PÉTREQUIN Michel - DE MIRANDA Mario (1998): Beyond the limits of assembly activities, Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Long and high span structures, Kobe, Japan, September 1998 , pp. 143-148.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario - PÉTREQUIN Michel (2000): Storebaelt East Bridge, aspects of assembly and construction In: Costruzioni Metalliche, n. 2 (2000)
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio – DE MIRANDA Mario, (2001), The cable-stayed bridge of Hamma Bouzianne, in Proceedings of the "Italian Steel Construction Days", Venice 26-28/9/2001, CTA Milan.
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio. – DE MIRANDA Mario., 2001, A new Pavilion for the Pordenone Fair, in Proceedings of the "Italian Steel Construction Days", Venice 26-28/9/2001, CTA Milan.
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio, DE MIRANDA Mario., (2001, third edition), ENTRY Steel Structure Bridges in Civil Engineering Manual Directed by Filippo Rossi and Franco Salvi, vol. 2º, chap. VI, pp. P121-P186, Ed. Zanichelli/ESAC, Rome 2001.
  • DE MIRANDA Fabrizio., DE MIRANDA Mario., 2002, Construction Procedures, chap. V in Structural Engineering volume one, Design Basics, edited by Elio Giangreco, pp. 305–366, Ed. UTET, Turin 2002.
  • DE MIRANDA, Mario (2003): Cable-stayed bridge over the Guamà River, Brazil. In: Structural Engineering International , v. 13, n. 3 (August 2003), pp. 171-173.
  • DE MIRANDA, Mario (2003): Design Integration in Recent Bridge Construction . In: Rassegna - Bilingual Edition , n. 79 (2003), pp. 52-58.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2005): The cable-stayed bridge over the Guamà River in Brazil . In: Roads and Highways , v. 9, n. 52 (July 2005), pp. 110.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2007): Mauricio Baez Bridge, over the Higuamo River - San Pedro de Macoris . In: AAA Arquivos de Arquitectura Antillana , n.27, 2007.
  • DE MIRANDA, Mario (2007): The construction of the cable-stayed bridge of the Commercial Port of Venice . In: Roads and Highways, v. 11, n. 64 (July 2007), page 103.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, GNECCHI-RUSCONE Elena (2008): The bridge over the San Bernardino torrent in Verbania. In: Roads and Highways, v. 12, n. 70 (July 2008), pp. 86-90.
  • SIVIERO Enzo, DE MIRANDA Mario (2008): Ponte del Mare: a cable-stayed walkway in Pescara. Presented at: Footbridge 2008 - Footbridges for Urban Renewal, Third International Conference on Footbridges, 2-4 July 2008, Porto, Portugal, pp. 169-170.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2009): Cable-stayed bridges: design aspects and durability issues. In: Roads and Highways, v. 13, n. 75 (May 2009), p. 101.
  • BRAULIN Neri, CHIOETTO Valeria, DE MIRANDA Mario (2009): Using bamboo to build sustainably. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Sustainable Infrastructure - Environmentally Friendly, Safe and Resource Efficient, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-11 September 2009, pp. 204-211.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, GNECCHI-RUSCONE, Elena (2010): The Lavis Bridge, Italy. In: International Structural Engineering, v. 20, n. 2 (May 2010), pp. 161-165.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, DE PALMA Alessandro, ZANCHETTIN Alberto (2010): Ponte Del Mare: conceptual design and construction of a long-span cable-stayed footbridge in Pescara, Italy. In: Structural Engineering International, v. 20, n. 1 (February 2010), pp. 21-25.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, GNECCHI-RUSCONE Elena (2010): Construction of the cable-stayed bridge in the commercial port of Venice, Italy. In: Structural Engineering International, v. 20, n. 1 (February 2010), pp. 13-17.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, POGACNIK Marko, SKANSI Luka (2010): Bridges in Venice - Architectural and structural engineering aspects - Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Large structures and infrastructures for urbanized areas and subject to environmental constraints, Venice, Italy, 22-24 September 2010, pp. 812-813.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2010): New developments in Brazilian cable-stayed bridges. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Large structures and infrastructures for urbanized areas and subject to environmental constraints, Venice, Italy, 22-24 September 2010, pp. 516-517.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2011): The design and construction of a cable-stayed bridge in Piedmont. In: Roads and Motorways, v. 15, n. 88 (July 2011), pag. 43.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2014): The Oiapoque Bridge: A Passage Between Europe and Brazil. In: Roads and Highways, v. 18, n. 106 (July 2014), pp. 27-31.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, DE MIRANDA Marta (2015): In Brazil, the Cable-Stayed Bridge on Ayrton Senna Avenue. In: Roads and Highways, v. 19, n. 112 (July 2015), pp. 68-73.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, MAIORANA Emanuele (2017): The Castagnetoli Suspension Bridge. In: Roads and Highways, v. 21, n. 124 (July 2017), pp. 75-77.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, Steel Structures in Italy from 1950 to 1970: Competition, Innovation and Great Challenges
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, MARININI Luca, AFFONSO Rodrigo, DE MIRANDA Marta (2022): The Design of the New Storstrøm Bridge: Design Philosophy, Structural Concepts, Fundamental Design and Innovative Construction Methods. Presented at: IABSE Symposium: Challenges for Existing and Upcoming Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 May 2022, pp. 686-693.
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2022): Long-span Bridges in Innovative Bridge Design Handbook Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance Second Edition. pp. 463-507. - Editor A. Pipinato, Elsevier-H ealth Sciences Division, ISBN: 978-0-12-823550-8
  • DE MIRANDA Mario, Paths of Italian Engineering in the Twentieth Century (pp. 42-62) In Italian Engineering in the Twentieth Century. Schools and Protagonists Edited by Marzia Marandola, Marko Pogacnik, Series: Quaderni della ricerca – IUAV, 2022, 332 pp., ISBN: 9788857594705
  • DE MIRANDA, Mario (2022): Steel and composite bridges in Innovative Bridge Design Handbook Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance Second Edition. pp. 327-352. - Editor A. Pipinato, Elsevier-Health Sciences Division, ISBN: 978-0-12-823550-8
  • DE MIRANDA Mario (2023), Large suspended structures: wider spans, less predictable difficulties, in L’Ingegnere Italiano _383_Ponti, pp, 43-48,



Bibliography, Interviews and Presentations

  • Official website of Studio DE MIRANDA Associati
  • From the structural engineering portal Structure.de
  • From the engineering portal Ingenio
  • List of Honorary Members of AICAP
  • From the Accademia dello Strutturista website
  • Interview on the engineering portal Ingenio (2019) Bridges today? Built to last more than 100 years with proper maintenance
  • From the XXVII CTA Congress: Interview with Mario De Miranda: Signature bridge in Delhi - criteria and design concept of construction engineering
  • From the XXVIII CTA Congress Interview with Mario De Miranda: Evolution of metal constructions in recent years. The Bridge of the Sea
  • Interview on the Ingenio engineering portal: ‘’Mario De Miranda «Bridges and viaducts over 50 years old, tired and deteriorated»’’
  • Interview on the Ingenio engineering portal: Bridge Guidelines, De Miranda: «Now let's activate the economic resources for institutions and managers»
  • Presentation at the CSPFea Conference on 12/15/2022 Analogue Vs Digital: The bridges of the 20th century: DE MIRANDA Mario, A look at the great bridges by Fabrizio De Miranda, Rome.
  • Presentation at the Messina City Council Building on 06/21/2024: Is the bridge over the Strait of Messina feasible? Structural criticalities

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