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Week 9 and Drafting of our Wikipedia Project




James Webb Space Telescope



Draft of Edits to Orbital Spaceflight Article


Below I will enter in any changes I wish to make to the article: Orbital Spaceflight.

Contemporary Advancements in Orbital Spaceflight


Orbital spaceflight has evolved greatly over the years with the ISS being one of the earlier advancements. More recent advancements include NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) which is a new launch vehicle currently in development that will be capable to launching humans into deep space. Taking human's beyond earth's orbit is what makes this new launch vehicle unlike any other.

Whereas the International Space Station orbits around the earth, SLS will carry the Orion spacecraft to the moon where it will begin its orbit. To escape earth's orbit and reach closer to the moon SLS will travel 7000 mph faster than the ISS.

References: https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/systems/sls/overview.html




• Chinese Beidou (Compass), system of 35 Satellites , 10 of which were launched by China, 8 were placed in GEO orbit, 1 in MEO and 1 in geosynchronous orbit.

References: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576511000269

Farheem (talk) 00:04, 14 July 2020 (UTC)