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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

# This code is released into the public domain.


# 30 Nov 2005: Created, based off of the  12 Nov 2005 version of Pearle Wisebot
# 15 Feb 2006: Modifed "retry" to work with any function that signals failure by dying, modified to use a simple exponential backoff formula
#              Simplified "limit" code, modified to take an optional parameter
#              Added "config" function as a clean interface to change internal parameters
#              Modified Wiki-access functions for use with the new "retry" function
#              Cleanup of boolean config vars to use standard Perl boolean conventions
# 28 Feb 2006: Added checkLogin bottleneck, option to allow editing while logged out
#              Added support for proxy servers
#  8 Mar 2006: Added support for getting a user's contributions
#              Added support for retrieving logs
#              Separated out some common regex parts into variables
# 29 Mar 2006: Added protection against Unicode in URLs
#              Made thrown exceptions consistent
#              Sanity-checking on postPage: talkpage without article, userpage or user talkpage without user
# 17 May 2005: Improved log retrieval
# 12 Jul 2007: Started support for api.php
#              Log retrieval converted to api.php, added timestamps to retrieval
#              Modified to work with any wiki
#              Modified to use index.php rather than wiki.phtml
#              Converted GetLogArticles to use named parameters
# 14 Jul 2007: Modified logging to use message levels.  Removed "print" and "myPrint" functions
#  6 Aug 2007: Added the "WikiPage" class
#              Modified getPage and putPage to only work with WikiPage objects
#              Renamed to "Pearle.pm"
#              Made a proper module
# 10 Aug 2007: Changed the default XML parser, reduced memory usage when parsing
# 17 Oct 2007: Removed nullEdit() -- MediaWiki hasn't required them in some time.
#              Modified getCategoryArticles, getCategoryImages, and getSubcategories to use api.php
# 21 Oct 2007: Proper Unicode support
# 29 Oct 2007: Made edit summaries mandatory
# 23 Mar 2008: Changed "minor" flag from text to boolean
# 29 Mar 2008: Improved UTF-8 support
# 17 Oct 2008: Added a second login check, to handle non-Monobook skins
#  1 Dec 2008: Added a screen-scraping function to get Special:UncategorizedFiles
#              Removed some hard-coded references to enwiki
# 27 Apr 2010: Fixed the login function to work with the new enwiki login page
#              The HTML version of wikitext can validly contain ">"; fixed to handle this
# 12 Aug 2010: Added read-only and test modes
# 13 Dec 2010: Updated to use the API for editing.  This removes the last coherent piece of Pearle Wisebot code.
# 31 Aug 2011: Added option for bot-flagging an edit to postPage()
# 24 Sep 2011: Added namespace-handling routines
#              Added getPageList()
#              Re-wrote parseHistory as getArticleHistory. Breaking change.
# 17 Jan 2012: Updated login and logout to use the API.
#              Added APIPost()
#              Refactored APIQuery(), APIEdit(), and APIPost() to move common code into a helper function.
# 20 Feb 2012: Added getToken() and appendToPage() to permit efficient logging.
#              Removed the protection check from getPage(): it's simpler to just try the edit than to figure out how the wiki's protection rules apply.
#              Refactored postPage and appendToPage to move common code into a helper function.
#  9 Nov 2012: Fixed a bug where getCategoryContents would only return the last set of items if the category had more than 500 items of that type.
#              Added getPageImages()
# 11 Jun 2015: Modified all API access functions to use 'rawcontinue'

# Errors thrown by this package always begin with a three-digit number
#     4xx: HTTP client errors
#     505: Server error: HTTP version not supported
#     509: Server error: Bandwidth exceeded
#     900: Unspecified internal error.
#     901: Library not initialized.  You didn't call Pearle::init() before calling this function.
#     902: Parameter error.  You made a function call, but forgot a mandatory parameter, or provided an invalid one.
#     903: Attempted write in read-only mode.
#     920: Unexpected response.  The MediaWiki site returned something unexpected.
#     921: Unexpected logout.  The MediaWiki site logged us out unexpectedly.
#     922: Edit conflict.  Someone edited the article while we were.
#     923: Deleted article conflict.  Someone deleted the article while we were editing.
#     924: Spam filter.  A link in the page tripped the spam filter.
#     925: Protected page.  The page is protected, and the bot doesn't have the rights to edit it.

package Pearle;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes;
use Encode;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use HTML::Entities;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;		# For debugging
use URI::Escape;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

use Pearle::WikiPage;

# Standard regex parts
$Pearle::regex_timestamp = '(\d\d):(\d\d), (\d\d?) (\w+) (\d\d\d\d)';				# Match and capture a Wikipedia timestamp
$Pearle::regex_timestamp_nc = '\d\d:\d\d, \d\d? \w+ \d\d\d\d';						# Match a Wikipedia timestamp
$Pearle::regex_timestamp_ISO = '(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)';     # Match and capture a timestamp of the form 2007-07-13T04:21:39Z
$Pearle::regex_timestamp_ISO_nc = '\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d';              # Match a timestamp of the form 2007-07-13T04:21:39Z

#<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Angel_dunn&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="User:Angel dunn">
#<a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">
$Pearle::regex_pagelink = '<a href="[^"]*"(?: class="new"|) title="([^"]*)">';	# Match and capture any page
$Pearle::regex_redpagelink = '<a href="[^"]*" class="new" title="([^"]*)">';	# Match and capture nonexistant pages only
$Pearle::regex_bluepagelink = '<a href="[^"]*" title="([^"]*)">';				# Match and capture existing pages only
$Pearle::regex_pagelink_nc = '<a href="[^"]*"(?: class="new"|) title="[^"]*">';	# Match any page
$Pearle::regex_redpagelink_nc = '<a href="[^"]*" class="new" title="[^"]*">';	# Match nonexistant pages only
$Pearle::regex_bluepagelink_nc = '<a href="[^"]*" title="[^"]*">';				# Match existing pages only

# Namespaces available on this wiki
@Pearle::namespaces = ();

$Pearle::logfile = "";
$Pearle::_inited = 0;
$Pearle::username = "";
$Pearle::password = "";
$Pearle::testmode = 0;		# Read-only mode: do not actually make wiki-modifying calls, but return as if they succeeded
$Pearle::readonly = 0;		# Read-only mode: wiki-modifying calls are errors.
$Pearle::speedLimit = 10;	# Seconds to wait by default when limit() is called
$Pearle::_speedMult = 1;	# Multiplier for default wait time if the wiki is being slow
$Pearle::roughMode = 0;		# Ignore most errors
$Pearle::nullOK = 0;		# Permit editing non-existent pages
$Pearle::sanityCheck = 0;	# Sanity checking on edits
$Pearle::loglevel = 2;		# Level of message to write to file
$Pearle::printlevel = 3;	# Level of message to print to stdout
$Pearle::logoutOK = 0;		# Permit editing while logged out
$Pearle::proxy = undef;		# Proxy to use
$Pearle::wiki = 'https://wiki.riteme.site/w/';	# URL of the directory containing index.php and api.php
$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = "XML::Parser";		# Much faster than the default XML::SAX parser
$Pearle::xml_parser = XML::Simple->new();

########## Accessors #########################################################

sub getXMLParser
	return $Pearle::xml_parser;

########## Other functions ###################################################

# This must be the first function from the library called
sub init
	$Pearle::username = $_[0] or die("902 No username provided!\n");
	$Pearle::password = $_[1] or die("902 No password provided!\n");
	$Pearle::logfile = $_[2] or die("902 No logfile name provided!\n");
	$Pearle::cookies = $_[3] or die("902 No cookie file provided!\n");
	$Pearle::useragent = $_[4] or $Pearle::useragent = "PearleLib/0.2 (User:${Pearle::username})";

	$Pearle::ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 300);
	$Pearle::ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => $Pearle::cookies, autosave => 1));

	$Pearle::roughMode = "no";

	$Pearle::_inited = 1;

sub config
	my %params = @_;
	$Pearle::readonly = $params{readonly} if(defined($params{readonly}));
	$Pearle::testmode = $params{testmode} if(defined($params{testmode}));
	$Pearle::speedLimit = $params{speedLimit} if(defined($params{speedLimit}));
	$Pearle::roughMode = $params{roughMode} if(defined($params{roughMode}));
	$Pearle::nullOK = $params{nullOK} if(defined($params{nullOK}));
	$Pearle::loglevel = $params{loglevel} if(defined($params{loglevel}));
	$Pearle::printlevel = $params{printlevel} if(defined($params{printlevel}));
	$Pearle::logfile = $params{logfile} if(defined($params{logfile}));
	$Pearle::logoutOK = $params{logoutOK} if(defined($params{logoutOK}));
	$Pearle::sanityCheck = $params{sanityCheck} if(defined($params{sanityCheck}));
	if(defined($params{wiki}) and $params{wiki} ne $Pearle::wiki)
		$params{wiki} .= '/' if($params{wiki} !~ /\/$/);	# Add a trailing slash if needed
		$Pearle::wiki = $params{wiki};
			myLog(3, "Proxying: $params{proxy}\n");
			$Pearle::ua->proxy('http', $params{proxy});
			$Pearle::proxy = $params{proxy};
			myLog(3, "Not proxying\n");
			$Pearle::proxy = undef;

# Logging levels:
# 0: Immediately fatal errors.  Call to myLog will be followed by a call to die()
# 1: Non-fatal errors.  The library can recover, turn the function call into a no-op, and return an error indicator
# 2: Serious warning.  The library can still complete the action
# 3: Status messages.  Messages useful for tracing library execution.
# 4: Debugging messages.
sub myLog
	my $level = shift;
	my @message = @_;
	my $message = join "", @message;
	if($level <= $Pearle::loglevel)
		die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

		open (LOG, ">>:utf8", $Pearle::logfile) || die "900 Could not append to log!";
		print LOG $message;
		close (LOG);
	if($level <= $Pearle::printlevel)
		print $message;

# Rate-limiting.  Can be sensibly run even if libPearle isn't initialized
sub limit
	my ($i);
	$i = ($_[0] or ($Pearle::speedLimit * $Pearle::_speedMult));
	$i = 10 if($i < 10);

	# Rate-limiting to avoid hosing the wiki server
	# Min 30 sec unmarked
	# Min 10 sec marked
	# May be raised by retry() if load is heavy

	### ATTENTION ###
	# Increasing the speed of the bot to faster than 1 edit every 10
	# seconds violates English Wikipedia rules as of April, 2005, and
	# will cause your bot to be banned.  So don't change $normalDelay
	# unless you know what you are doing.  Other sites may have
	# similar policies, and you are advised to check before using your
	# bot at the default speed.

	while ($i >= 0)
		sleep (1);
		print "Sleeping $i seconds...\r";
	print "                                   \r";

sub login 
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);
	my $xml = APIPost(action => 'login', lgname => $Pearle::username, lgpassword => $Pearle::password);
	my $parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml);
	print Dumper($parsed_xml);
	if($parsed_xml->{login}->{result} eq 'NeedToken')
		$xml = APIPost(action => 'login', lgname => $Pearle::username, lgpassword => $Pearle::password, lgtoken => $parsed_xml->{login}->{token});
		$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml);
		print Dumper($parsed_xml);
	if($parsed_xml->{login}->{result} eq 'Success')
		return 1;
		return 0;

sub logout {
	APIQuery(action => 'logout');
	return 1;

sub checkLogin
	my ($reply_text);
	$reply_text = $_[0];
	if ($reply_text !~ m/>My talk<\/a>/ and !($Pearle::logoutOK))
		if($reply_text !~ /var wgUserName = "$Pearle::username"/)
			# We've lost our identity.
			myLog(0, "Wiki server is not recognizing me (1).\n---\n${reply_text}\n---\n");
			die ("921 Wiki server is not recognizing me (1).\n");

# Make an HTTP request, performing basic error checking and handling.  Suitable for use with the "retry" function
sub httpRequest
	my ($request, $response, $attemptStartTime, $attemptEndTime);
	$request = $_[0];

	$response = $Pearle::ua->request($request);

	# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
	$attemptStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();

	if ($response->is_success or $response->is_redirect)
		return $response
		# 50X HTTP errors mean there is a problem connecting to the wiki server.  Can be remedied by waiting and trying again
		if (500 <= $response->code and 504 >= $response->code)
			myLog(2, "HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")\n");
			# Unhandled HTTP response.  Waiting probably won't fix it
			myLog(0, "HTTP ERR (".$response->status_line.")\n".$response->decoded_content."\n");
	# Monitor wiki server responsiveness
	$attemptEndTime = Time::HiRes::time();

	if($request->method() eq "POST")
		if (($attemptEndTime - $attemptStartTime) > 20)
			$Pearle::_speedMult = 60;

			myLog(3, "Wiki is very slow.  Increasing minimum wait to " . $Pearle::speedLimit * $Pearle::_speedMult . " sec...\n");

		# If the response time is between 10 and 20 seconds...
		elsif (($attemptEndTime - $attemptStartTime) > 10)
			$Pearle::_speedMult = 6;

			myLog(3, "Wiki is somewhat slow.  Setting minimum wait to " . $Pearle::speedLimit * $Pearle::_speedMult . " sec...\n");

		# If the response time is less than 10 seconds...
			if ($Pearle::_speedMult != 1)
				$Pearle::_speedMult = 1;

				myLog(3, "Returning to normal minimum wait time.\n");

# Check out a page for editing.
sub getPage
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($target, $xml, $parsed_xml, %query_params, $text, $editTime, $startTime, $token);

	$target = $_[0];

	if ($target =~ m/^\s*$/)
		myLog(0, "getPage: Null target.");
		die("902 getPage: Null target.");

	$query_params{prop} = ['revisions', 'info'];
	$query_params{rvprop} = ['timestamp', 'content'];
	$query_params{inprop} = 'protection';
	$query_params{intoken} = 'edit';
	$query_params{titles} = $target;

	$xml = APIQuery(%query_params);

		myLog(0, "Unknown error requesting page contents\n");
		die "900 Unknown error requesting page contents";

	$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml);

	myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
	$xml = undef;

	# Check for errors
		myLog(0, "Invalid page title: $target\n");
		die("902 Invalid page title: $target");
	# See if the page is blank
	if(!$Pearle::nullOK && exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{missing})) 
		myLog (1, "Empty page: $target\n");
		if (!$Pearle::roughMode)
			die ("920 Empty page: $target\n");

	$text = $parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{revisions}->{rev}->{content};
	$startTime = $parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{starttimestamp};
	$editTime = $parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{revisions}->{rev}->{timestamp};
	$token = $parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{edittoken};

	return Pearle::WikiPage->new(text => $text, editTime => $editTime, startTime => $startTime, editToken => $token, title => $target);

sub getToken
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($target, $xml, $parsed_xml, %query_params);
	$target = $_[0];
	if ($target =~ m/^\s*$/)
		myLog(0, "getPage: Null target.");
		die("902 getPage: Null target.");
	$query_params{prop} = ['info'];
	$query_params{intoken} = 'edit';
	$query_params{titles} = $target;
	$query_params{inprop} = '';

	$xml = APIQuery(%query_params);
	$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml);

	myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
	$xml = undef;
	# Check for errors
		myLog(0, "Invalid page title: $target\n");
		die("902 Invalid page title: $target");

	# See if the page has been protected
		myLog(0, "Page $target is protected\n");
		die("925 Protected");
	return $parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{edittoken};

# The common elements of postPage and appendToPage.  Not for external consumption.
sub _editPage
	die "903 Library in read-only mode!\n" if($Pearle::readonly);
	my ($xml, $parsed_xml, $pageName, %params);

	%params = @_;
	$pageName = $params{title};

	$params{assert} = 'user' if(!$Pearle::logoutOK);
	$xml = APIEdit(%params);
		myLog(0, "Unknown error posting edit\n");
		die "900 Unknown error posting edit";

	$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml);

	myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
	$xml = undef;
	# Check for errors
	if(exists($parsed_xml->{edit}) && $parsed_xml->{edit}->{result} eq 'Failure' && $parsed_xml->{edit}->{assert} eq 'user')
			myLog(0, "Wiki server is not recognizing me\n");
			die ("921 Not logged in");
		if($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'blocked')
			myLog(0, "Blocked\n");
			die ("900 Blocked");
		elsif($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'protectedpage' || $parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'cascadeprotected')
			myLog(0, "Page $pageName is protected\n");
			die ("925 Protected");
		elsif($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'pagedeleted')
			myLog(0, "Deleted article conflict on $pageName\n");
			die ("923 Deleted article conflict");
		elsif($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'editconflict')
			myLog(0, "Edit conflict on $pageName\n");
			die ("922 Edit conflict on $pageName");
		elsif($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'spamdetected')
			myLog(0, "Spam link on $pageName: $parsed_xml->{error}->{info}\n");
			die ("924 Spam filter");
		elsif($parsed_xml->{error}->{code} eq 'readonly')
			myLog(1, "Wiki is in readonly mode.  Waiting before retry\n");
			sleep 60;
			goto EDITRETRY;
			myLog(0, "Unexpected error. Code: $parsed_xml->{error}->{code} Info: $parsed_xml->{error}->{info}\n");
			die ("920 Server error");
	return $parsed_xml->{edit}->{result};

sub postPage
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($page, $pageName, $summaryEntry, $minor, $bot, $xml, %params, $parsed_xml);

	$page = $_[0];
	$summaryEntry = $_[1];
	$minor = $_[2];
	$bot = $_[3];
	$bot = 1 if(!defined($bot));

		myLog(0, "postPage(): Not enough parameters.\n");
		die "902 postPage(): Not enough parameters!\n";
		myLog(0, "postPage(): First parameter is not a WikiPage object\n");
		die "902 postPage(): First parameter is not a WikiPage object\n";

	if ($summaryEntry eq "")
		myLog(0, "postPage(): No edit summary provided\n");
		die "902 postPage(): No edit summary provided\n";

	return "Success" if($Pearle::testmode);

	$pageName = $page->getTitle();

	$params{title} = $pageName;
	$params{text} = $page->getWikiText();
	$params{token} = $page->getEditToken();
	$params{summary} = $summaryEntry;
	$params{minor} = 1 if($minor);
	$params{starttimestamp} = $page->getStartTime();
	$params{basetimestamp} = $page->getEditTime();
	$params{bot} = 1 if($bot);
	return _editPage(%params);

sub appendToPage
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($page, $token, $text, $summary, $minor, $bot, %params, $xml, $parsed_xml);
	$page = $_[0];
	$token = $_[1];
	$text = $_[2];
	$summary = $_[3];
	$minor = $_[4];
	$bot = $_[5];
	$bot = 1 if(!defined($bot));

		myLog(0, "appendToPage(): Not enough parameters.\n");
		die "902 appendToPage(): Not enough parameters!\n";
	return "Success" if($Pearle::testmode);
	$params{title} = $page;
	$params{appendtext} = $text;
	$params{token} = $token;
	$params{summary} = $summary;
	$params{minor} = 1 if($minor);
	$params{bot} = 1 if($bot);

	return _editPage(%params);;

# Get a list of the contents in a given category, filtered by namespace
sub getCategoryContents
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($target, $category_offset, @articles, $xml, $parsed_xml, %query_params,
	    $numberOfArticles, @namespaces);

	$target = shift;
	@namespaces = @_;

	# Category: prefix is mandatory
	if($target !~ /^[Cc]ategory:/)
		$target = "Category:" . $target;
	$query_params{list} = 'categorymembers';
	$query_params{cmprop} = 'title';
	$query_params{cmtitle} = $target;
	$query_params{cmlimit} = 500;	# If you're a flagged bot, this could be 5000, but we default to 500 for compatibility and to keep memory usage down
	$query_params{rawcontinue} = "";
	foreach my $namespace (@namespaces)
		$query_params{cmnamespace} .= "${namespace}|";
	if(exists($query_params{cmnamespace}) and defined($query_params{cmnamespace}))
		chop $query_params{cmnamespace};
		$xml = APIQuery(%query_params);

			myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
			die "900 Unknown error accessing wiki";

		$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, ForceArray => ['cm']);

		myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
		$xml = undef;

		if(exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{categorymembers}->{cm}) and defined($parsed_xml->{query}->{categorymembers}->{cm}))
			my @set_articles = map {$_->{title}} @{$parsed_xml->{query}->{categorymembers}->{cm}};
			push @articles, @set_articles;
			$category_offset = $parsed_xml->{'query-continue'}->{categorymembers}->{cmcontinue};
			$category_offset =~ s/&/%26/;
			$query_params{cmcontinue} = $category_offset;
			$category_offset = undef;

		sleep (1); # Throttle GETs

	$numberOfArticles = scalar(@articles);
	myLog(4, "Got $numberOfArticles articles.\n");

	return @articles;

sub getCategoryArticles
	return getCategoryContents($_[0], 0);	# Namespace 0: Articles

sub getCategoryImages
	return getCategoryContents($_[0], 6);	#Namespace 6: Images

sub getSubcategories
	return getCategoryContents($_[0], 14);	# Namespace 14: Categories

sub getPageImages
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);
	my ($target, $list_offset, @images, $xml, $parsed_xml, %query_params);
	$target = shift;
	die "902 No article provided for getPageImages\n" if(!defined($target));
	$query_params{prop} = "images";
	$query_params{titles} = $target;
	$query_params{imlimit} = 500;
	$query_params{rawcontinue} = "";
		$xml = APIQuery(%query_params);

			myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
			die "900 Unknown error accessing wiki";

		$parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, ForceArray => ['im']);

		myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
		$xml = undef;

		if(exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{images}->{im}) and defined($parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{images}->{im}))
			my @set_images = map {$_->{title}} @{$parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{images}->{im}};
			push @images, @set_images;
			$list_offset = $parsed_xml->{'query-continue'}->{images}->{imcontinue};
			$list_offset =~ s/&/%26/;
			$query_params{imcontinue} = $list_offset;
			$list_offset = undef;

		sleep (1); # Throttle GETs

	return @images;	

# Get up to $max most recent articles edited by a user
sub getUserArticles
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my ($url, $request, $response, $reply, @contribs,
	    $target, $namespace, $max, $offset);
	$target = $_[0];
	$max = $_[1];
	$offset = $_[2];
	$namespace = namespaceToNumber($_[3]);

	# Create a request-object
		$url = "${Pearle::wiki}index.php?title=Special%3AContributions&limit=${max}&offset=${offset}&target=${target}&namespace=$namespace";
		$url = "${Pearle::wiki}index.php?title=Special%3AContributions&limit=${max}&offset=${offset}&target=${target}";

	myLog(3, "GET $url\n");
	$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url");
	$response = startRetry(\&httpRequest, $request);
	$reply = $response->decoded_content;

	# This detects whether or not we're logged in.
	# Extract the contributions
	# <li>23:18, 6 March 2006 (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:OrphanBot&amp;action=history" title="User talk:OrphanBot">
	while($reply =~ /<li>$Pearle::regex_timestamp_nc \($Pearle::regex_bluepagelink/g)
		push @contribs, $1;
	# Remove duplicates	
#	@contribs = uniquify(@contribs);
	return @contribs;

# Gets a list of (page, id, namespace) tuples
# Takes the following named parameters:
#	prefix: Filter to only include pages that start with this string
#	namespace: a reference to a list of namespaces to get pages from.  If not provided, gets only pages from namespace 0.
#	redirects: one of "yes", "no", "both"
sub getPageList
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my %params = @_;
	my %base_query_params = (list => 'allpages', aplimit => 500);
	my %full_query_params;
	my @namespaces;
	my @articles = ();
	foreach my $key (keys(%params))
		if($key eq 'prefix')
			$base_query_params{apprefix} = $params{prefix};
		elsif($key eq 'redirects')
			if($params{redirects} eq 'both')
				$base_query_params{apfilterredir} = "all";
			elsif($params{redirects} eq 'yes')
				$base_query_params{apfilterredir} = "redirects";
			elsif($params{redirects} eq 'no')
				$base_query_params{apfilterredir} = "nonredirects";
				myLog(2, "Unrecognized redirect option in getPageList: $params{redirects}.  Ignoring.\n");
		elsif($key eq 'namespace')
			if(ref($params{namespace}) eq 'ARRAY')
				@namespaces = @{$params{namespace}};
				push @namespaces, $params{namespace};
				myLog(0, "Namespace list in getPageList must be a scalar or an array reference\n");
				die("902 Namespace list in getPageList must be a scalar or an array reference");
	push @namespaces, 0 if(!scalar(@namespaces));
	foreach my $namespace (@namespaces)
		%full_query_params = %base_query_params;
		$full_query_params{apnamespace} = $namespace;
		my $offset;
			my $xml = APIQuery(%full_query_params);

				myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
				die "900 Unknown error accessing wiki";

			my $parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, ForceArray => ['p']);

			myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
			$xml = undef;

			if(exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{allpages}->{p}) and defined($parsed_xml->{query}->{allpages}->{p}))
					push(@articles, map({[$_->{title}, $_->{ns}]} @{$parsed_xml->{query}->{allpages}->{p}}));

				$offset = $parsed_xml->{'query-continue'}->{allpages}->{apfrom};
				$offset =~ s/&/%26/;
				$full_query_params{apfrom} = $offset;
				$offset = undef;

			sleep (1); # Throttle GETs
	return @articles;

# Gets a list of (articles, actor, summary, timestamp) tuples from the specified log (upload, delete, move, protect).  The list is sorted by timestamp
# with the newest entry first
# Takes the following named parameters:
#	user: Filter "actor" to include only actions by this user
#	log: Filter to include only actions in this log (upload, delete, move, protect).
#	limit: Include this many items.  Defaults to 50 items.
#	time: Start checking the log at this time.  Timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
#	dir: Check the log in this direction (newer or older) from the timestamp
sub getLogArticles
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my %params = @_;
	my %query_params = (list => 'logevents', lelimit => 50);
	my @articles = ();

	foreach my $key (keys(%params))
		if($key eq 'user')
			$query_params{leuser} = $params{user};
			$query_params{leuser} =~ s/^User://i;	# Strip namespace prefix, if it's there.
		elsif($key eq 'log')
			$query_params{letype} = $params{log};
		elsif($key eq 'limit')
			$query_params{lelimit} = $params{limit};
		elsif($key eq 'time')
			$query_params{lestart} = $params{time};
		elsif($key eq 'dir')
			$query_params{ledir} = $params{dir};
			myLog(2, "Error: Unknown parameter $key in getLogArticles\n");

	my $xml = APIQuery(%query_params);
		myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
		die "920 Unknown error accessing wiki";
	my $parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, ForceArray => ['item']);

	myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
	$xml = undef;

	if(exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{logevents}->{item}) and defined($parsed_xml->{query}->{logevents}->{item}))
#		foreach my $item (@{$parsed_xml->{query}->{logevents}->{item}})
#		{
#			push @articles, [$item->{title}, $item->{user}, $item->{comment}, $item->{timestamp}];
#		}
		@articles = map {[$_->{title}, $_->{user}, $_->{comment}, $_->{timestamp}]} @{$parsed_xml->{query}->{logevents}->{item}};
		$parsed_xml = undef;
		@articles = uniquify_ref(0, @articles);
		@articles = sort {$b->[3] cmp $a->[3]} @articles;
	return @articles;

# Gets a list of all files at [[Special:UncategorizedFiles]]
# Uses screen-scraping because there isn't an API call for this.  May not work for non-Wikipedia wikis.
sub getUncatFiles
	my $offset = shift || 0;
	my @files = ();
	my $content = getURL("${Pearle::wiki}index.php?title=Special:UncategorizedFiles&limit=500&offset=$offset");
	if($content !~ /There are no results for this report./)
		while($content =~ /<div class="thumb".*?<a[^>]*href="\/wiki\/([^"]*)"/g)
			my $file = decode('utf8', urlDecode($1));
			myLog(4, "Found file $file\n");
			push @files, $file;
		if($content =~ /class="mw-nextlink"/)
			myLog(4, "More files\n");
			push @files, getUncatFiles($offset + 500);
	return @files;

sub fixupURLFragment
	my $url_fragment = shift;
	$url_fragment =~ s/%/%25/g;
	$url_fragment =~ s/&/%26/g;
	$url_fragment =~ s/\+/%2B/g;
	$url_fragment =~ s/#/%23/g;
	$url_fragment =~ s/\?/%3F/g;
	$url_fragment =~ s/\\/%5C/g;
	return $url_fragment;

# Use the api.php interface to query the wiki using a GET request
# Takes a hash of parameter,value pairs
# Returns raw the XML blob from the wiki, or undef on error
sub APIQuery
	my %params = @_;
	my $url = "${Pearle::wiki}api.php?action=query&format=xml";
	my $reply = undef;
	foreach my $key (keys(%params))
		my $val;
		if(ref($params{$key}) eq 'ARRAY')	# We've got a list of values
			$val = join '|', @{$params{$key}};
			$val = $params{$key};
		$val =~ s/ /_/g if($key eq 'titles');
		$val = fixupURLFragment($val);
		$key = fixupURLFragment($key);
		$url .= "&${key}=$val";
	myLog(3, "API query: $url\n");
	$url = encode("utf8", $url);

	my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url");

	$reply = _APIguts($request);
	return $reply;

# Use the api.php interface to query the wiki using a POST request
# Takes a hash of parameter,value pairs
# Returns raw the XML blob from the wiki (possibly including an API error message), or undef on server error
sub APIPost
	my %params = @_;
	my $url = "${Pearle::wiki}api.php?format=xml";
	my $data = "";
	my $reply = undef;
	$data = join('&', map {fixupURLFragment($_) . "=" . fixupURLFragment((ref($params{$_}) eq 'ARRAY')?(join '|', @{$params{$_}}):($params{$_}))} keys(%params));
	myLog(3, "API URL: $url\n");
	myLog(3, "API query: $data\n");
	my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, 
		HTTP::Headers->new(Content_Type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), encode("utf8", $data));

	$reply = _APIguts($request);
	return $reply;

# Use the api.php interface to query the wiki
# Takes a hash of parameter,value pairs
# Returns raw the XML blob from the wiki (possibly including an API error message), or undef on server error
sub APIEdit
	my %params = @_;
	my $url = "${Pearle::wiki}api.php?action=edit&format=xml";
	my $data = "";
	my $reply = undef;
	$data = join('&', map {fixupURLFragment($_) . "=" . fixupURLFragment((ref($params{$_}) eq 'ARRAY')?(join '|', @{$params{$_}}):($params{$_}))} keys(%params));
	myLog(3, "API query: $data\n");
	my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, 
		HTTP::Headers->new(Content_Type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), encode("utf8", $data));

	$reply = _APIguts($request);
	return $reply;

# The common elements of APIQuery and APIPost.  Not for external consumption.
sub _APIguts
	my $request = shift;
	die "902 request is not an HTTP::Request object" if(!$request->isa('HTTP::Request'));

	my $reply;
	my $response = startRetry(\&httpRequest, $request);
		$reply = $response->decoded_content;
			myLog(1, "Failed to decode response\n");
			#return undef;
			$reply = decode("utf8", $response->content);
		if($reply =~ /<error code="([^"]*)"/)
			# Errors that can be fixed by trying again later
			if($1 eq 'internal_api_error_DBConnectionError')
				myLog(1, "Error $1 querying server.  Retrying after 60 seconds.\n");
				goto APIretry;
				# Format error
				myLog(1, "Error $1 querying server\n");
		myLog(1, "HTTP error accessing server\n");
		$reply = undef;
	return $reply;

# Use the Special:Export interface to get the wikitext of one or more articles
sub Export
	my ($request, $response, $reply, $articles);
	$articles = join "\n", @_;
	$request = POST "${Pearle::wiki}index.php?title=Special:Export&action=submit", [action => 'submit', pages => $articles, curonly => 1];
	$response = startRetry(\&httpRequest, $request);
	$reply = $response->decoded_content;

	return $reply;

# Get the history of an article as a set of (id, timestamp, user, comment, minor) or (id, timestamp, user, comment, minor, content) tuples.
# Takes the following named parameters:
#  title: the title of the article to retrieve.  Mandatory.
#  content: a boolean indicating if article content should be retrieved.
#  limit: the maximum number of revisions to fetch.  Must be smaller than the wiki's limit on how many revisions can be fetched at one time.
sub getArticleHistory
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);
	my %params = @_;
	my @history;
	my $offset;
	my $title = $params{title};
	my $content = $params{content};
	$content = 0 if(!defined($content));
	my $limit = $params{limit};
	die "902 Must specify title when calling getArticleHistory()" if(!defined($title));
	my %query_params = (prop => 'revisions', rvlimit => 500, rvprop => ['ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'flags']);
	$query_params{rvprop} = ['ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'flags', 'content' ] if($content);
	$query_params{titles} = $title;
	$query_params{rvlimit} = $limit if(defined($limit));
		my $xml = APIQuery(%query_params);
			myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
			die "920 Unknown error accessing wiki";

		my $parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, ForceArray => ['rev']);

		myLog(4, Dumper($parsed_xml));
		$xml = undef;

		if(exists($parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{revisions}->{rev}) and defined($parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{revisions}->{rev}))
			foreach my $item (@{$parsed_xml->{query}->{pages}->{page}->{revisions}->{rev}})
				my $comment = $item->{comment};
				$comment = "" if(!defined($comment));
				my $minor = 0;
				$minor = 1 if(exists($item->{minor}) and defined($item->{minor}));
					push @history, [$item->{revid}, $item->{timestamp}, $item->{user}, $comment, $minor, $item->{content}];
					push @history, [$item->{revid}, $item->{timestamp}, $item->{user}, $comment, $minor];
		if(!defined($limit) and exists($parsed_xml->{'query-continue'}->{revisions}->{rvstartid}))
			$offset = $parsed_xml->{'query-continue'}->{revisions}->{rvstartid};
			$offset =~ s/&/%26/;
			$query_params{rvstartid} = $offset;
			$offset = undef;
	return @history;

sub getURL #($target)
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);
    # Read throttle!
    sleep (1);

    my ($request, $response, $reply, $url);
    $url = $_[0];

    # Create a request-object
    myLog(3, "GET ${url}\n");
    $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "${url}");
    $response = startRetry(\&httpRequest, $request);

	$reply = $response->decoded_content;
	# This may or may not actually work

	return ($reply);

# Retries a given function repeatedly, with an exponential backoff rate
# The function should throw an exception beginning with "retry:" (case insensitive) if the call should be retried
sub startRetry
	my ($call_fn, @args) = @_;
	return retry($Pearle::speedLimit, $call_fn, @args);

sub retry
	my ($call_fn, @args, $delay, @result, $result);
	($delay, $call_fn, @args) = @_;
		@result = eval{ $call_fn->(@args) };
		if($@ =~ /^retry:/i)
			@result = retry($delay * 2, $call_fn, @args);
		return @result;
		$result = eval{ &{$call_fn}(@args) };
		if($@ =~ /^retry:/i)
			$result = retry($delay * 2, $call_fn, @args);
		return $result;

sub initNamespaceList
	die "901 Pearle library not initialized!\n" if(!$Pearle::_inited);

	my $xml = APIQuery(meta => 'siteinfo', siprop => 'namespaces');
		myLog(0, "Unknown error accessing wiki\n");
		die "920 Unknown error accessing wiki";

	my $parsed_xml = $Pearle::xml_parser->XMLin($xml, KeyAttr => []);
	@Pearle::namespaces = map({[$_->{id}, $_->{content}]} grep({$_->{id} >= 0} @{$parsed_xml->{query}->{namespaces}->{ns}}));

sub getNamespaceNames
	return map {$_->[1]} @Pearle::namespaces;

sub getNamespaceNumbers
	return map {$_->[0]} @Pearle::namespaces;

sub namespaceToNumber
	my $namespace = $_[0];
	my $i = 0;
	my $name;
	if(scalar(@Pearle::namespaces) > 0)
			my @val = grep( {lc($_->[1]) eq lc($namespace)} @Pearle::namespaces);
			return undef if(!scalar(@val));
			return $val[0]->[0];
			return undef;
		myLog(1, "Namespace array not initialized\n");
		return undef;

sub numberToNamespace
	my $i = shift;
	if(scalar(@Pearle::namespaces) > 0)
			my @val = grep( {$_->[0] == $i} @Pearle::namespaces);
			return undef if(!scalar(@val));
			return $val[0]->[1];
			return undef;
		myLog(1, "Namespace array not initialized\n");
		return undef;

# Translate from HTTP URL encoding to the native character set.
sub urlDecode
	my ($input);

	$input = $_[0];

	$input =~ s/\%([a-f|A-F|0-9][a-f|A-F|0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;

	return ($input);

sub decodeArray
	return map {urlDecode($_)} @_;

# Remove duplicates from a list
sub uniquify
	my @list = @_;
	@list = sort @list;
	my $last = undef;
	my @new_list;
	my $item;
	foreach $item (@list)
		push @new_list, $item if(!defined($last) or ($item ne $last));
		$last = $item;
	return @new_list;

# Remove duplicates from a list of array references, grouping on the specified subelement
sub uniquify_ref
	my $element = shift;
	my @list = @_;
	@list = sort {$a->[$element] cmp $b->[$element]} @list;
	my $last = undef;
	my @new_list;
	my $item;

	foreach $item (@list)
		push @new_list, $item if(!defined($last) or ($item->[$element] ne $last));
		$last = $item->[$element];
	return @new_list;
