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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# flc.pl -- Pass or fail an Featured Article class review
#     This Bot runs every day, looking for featured list articles that have been promoted by a delegate
#    If it finds one, it follows the steps involved in promoting or failing it.
# Usage: flc.pl
#    29 Nov 15 Created
#    28 Dec 15 Create update_featured_list_log
#    11 Jan 16 Do not leave a blank line on the nomination page
#                Put the FLC star before DEFAULTSORT
#    24 Jan 16 Featured list removal
#    17 Aug 16 Corrected typo causing duplicated Featured log entries
#     3 Sep 17 Correction for new announcements page format
#    16 Nov 17 Correct revid in article history

use English;
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Spec;
use MediaWiki::Bot;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use XML::Simple;

binmode (STDERR, ':utf8');
binmode (STDOUT, ':utf8');

# Pages used
my $candidates = 'Wikipedia:featured list candidates';
my $category = 'Wikipedia featured list candidates';
my $removal_candidates = 'Wikipedia:featured list removal candidates';
my $removal_category = 'Wikipedia featured list removal candidates';
my $removal_log = 'Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates/log/%M %Y';
my $promoted_log = 'Wikipedia:Featured list candidates/Featured log/%M %Y';
my $failed_log = 'Wikipedia:Featured list candidates/Failed log/%M %Y';
my $announcements = 'Template:Announcements/New featured content';
my $goings_on = 'Wikipedia:Goings-on';
my $featured_list_log = 'Template:Featured list log';
my $nomination_page; # used only for testing

my @months = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);

my $sandbox_test = 0;
if ($sandbox_test) {
    $candidates = 'User:Hawkeye7/sandbox/test1';
    $nomination_page = 'User:Hawkeye7/sandbox/test2';
    $category = 'Hawkeye7 test pages';
    $promoted_log = 'User:Hawkeye7/Featured log/%M %Y';
    $failed_log = 'User:Hawkeye7/Failed log/%M %Y';
    $announcements = 'User:Hawkeye7/sandbox/test3';
    $goings_on = 'User:Hawkeye7/sandbox/test4';
     $featured_list_log = 'User:Hawkeye7/sandbox/test5';

my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new ({
        assert        => 'bot',
        host        => 'wiki.riteme.site',
        protocol     => 'https',
}) or die "new MediaWiki::Bot failed";

my $dirname = dirname (__FILE__, '.pl');
push @INC, $dirname;
require Cred;
my $cred = new Cred ();
my $log = $cred->log ();

sub showtime (@)  {
    print $log strftime ('%H:%M:%S %a %d %b %Y', localtime (time)), @ARG;

sub error_exit ($) {
    my @message = @ARG;
    if ($editor->{error}->{code}) {
        push @message, ' (', $editor->{error}->{code} , ') : ' , $editor->{error}->{details};
    showtime ': ', @message, "\n";
    croak @message;

sub allow_bots ($$;$) {
    my($text, $user, $opt) = @ARG;
    return 0 if $text =~ /{{[nN]obots}}/;
    return 1 if $text =~ /{{[bB]ots}}/;
    if ($text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*allow\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
        return 1 if $1 eq 'all';
        return 0 if $1 eq 'none';
        my @bots = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
        return (grep $ARG eq $user, @bots)?1:0;
    if ($text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*deny\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
        return 0 if $1 eq 'all';
        return 1 if $1 eq 'none';
        my @bots = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
        return (grep $ARG eq $user, @bots)?0:1;
    if (defined($opt) && $text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*optout\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
        return 0 if $1 eq 'all';
        my @opt = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
        return (grep $ARG eq $opt, @opt)?0:1;
    return 1;

sub whodunnit ($$) {
    my ($article, $nomination) = @ARG;
    my $old;
    my @history = $editor->get_history ($nomination) or
        error_exit ("Unable to get history of '$nomination'");
    foreach my $revision (@history) {
#        print Dumper $revision, "\n";
        my $text = $editor->get_text ($nomination, $revision->{revid}) or
            error_exit ("Unable to find '$nomination:$revision->{revid}')");
        die "no bots allowed on '$nomination'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

        if ($text !~ /{{FLCClosed\|(.+?)}}/) {
            my $action = $1;
            print $log "\t$article was $action by $old->{user} at $old->{timestamp_date} $old->{timestamp_time}\n";
            my $diff = "https://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=$nomination\&diff=$old->{revid}\&oldid=$revision->{revid}";
            $diff =~ s/ /_/g;
#            print $diff, "\n";
            return ($old->{user}, $old->{timestamp_date}, $old->{timestamp_time}, $diff, $revision->{revid});
        } else {
            $old = $revision;

sub has_been_closed ($$) {
    my ($article, $nomination) = @ARG;
    print $log "checking if $nomination has been promoted...\n";
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($nomination) or do {
        # Nomination in progress?
        showtime ("Unable to find nomination page '$nomination')");
        return ();

    if ($text =~ /{{FLCClosed\|(.+?)}}/) {
        # No timestamp - get it from whodunnit           
        my $status = $1;
        my ($coordinator, $date, $time, $diff, $revid) = whodunnit ($article, $nomination);

#        print "date='$date' time='$time'\n";
        $date =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/;
        my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3);
        $day =~ s/^0//;
        $month = $months[$month-1];
        my %timestamp;
        $timestamp{DISPLAY_DATE} = "$time $day $month $year";
        $timestamp{TIME} = $time;
        $timestamp{DATE} = $date; 
        $timestamp{DAY} = $day;
        $timestamp{MONTH} = $month;
        $timestamp{YEAR} = $year;
        $timestamp{USER} = $coordinator;
        $timestamp{DIFF} = $diff;
        $timestamp{REVID} = $revid;
        $timestamp{STATUS} = $status;           

        return ($status, \%timestamp);
    return ();

sub find_the_nomination_page ($) {
    my ($talk) = @ARG;
    if ($sandbox_test) {
        return $nomination_page;

    my $text = $editor->get_text ($talk) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$talk')");
    die "no bots allowed on '$talk'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    $text =~ /{{featured list candidates\|(.+?\/archive\d+)}}/ or do {
        error_exit ("Unable to find nomination page for '$talk'");
    my $nomination = "Wikipedia:Featured list candidates/$1";
    my $encoded_nomination = $nomination;
    $nomination =~ s/&#([0-9a-f]+);/chr($1)/ige;
    print "\t$nomination\n";
    return ($nomination, $encoded_nomination);

sub archive_nomination ($$$$) {
    print "\tArchiving the nomination\n";
    my ($nomination, $comment, $summary,$timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($nomination) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$nomination'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$nomination'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};
    my $coordinator = $timestamp->{USER};
    my $diff = $timestamp->{DIFF};
    $text = join "\n",
        "{{subst:Fl top |result= '''$status''' by [[User:$coordinator|$coordinator]] via ~~~~ [$diff]}}",
        '{{subst:Fl bottom}}';

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $nomination,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$nomination'");


sub remove_nomination_from_candidates_page  ($$) {
    print "\tRemoving the nomination from the candidates page\n";
    my ($nomination, $summary) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($candidates) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$candidates'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$candidates'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    $text =~ s/{{\Q$nomination\E}}\s*\n//s;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $candidates,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$candidates'");

sub add_nomination_to_log_page  ($$$$) {
    print "\tAdding the nomination to the log page\n";
    my ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $log) = @ARG;
    $log =~ s/%M/$timestamp->{MONTH}/;
    $log =~ s/%Y/$timestamp->{YEAR}/;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($log);
    if (!defined $text) {
        $text = "{{Featured list log}}\n{{TOClimit|3}}\n\n";  
    die "no bots allowed on '$log'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);
    $text =~ s/({{TOClimit\|\d+}}\n\n)/$1\{\{$nomination\}\}\n/s;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $log,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$log'");

sub update_article_page  ($$) {
    print "\tUpdating the article page\n";
    my ($article, $summary) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($article) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$article'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$article'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

     my $tag = '{{featured list}}';
    if ($text !~ s/(\{\{DEFAULTSORT)/$tag\n$1/i) {
        if ($text !~ s/(\[\[Category:)/$tag\n$1/i) {
            $text .= "$tag\n";

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $article,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$article'");

sub update_announcements_page  ($$) {
    print "\tUpdating the announcements page\n";
    my ($article, $summary) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($announcements) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$announcements'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$announcements'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my $in_list_section = 0;
    my $section_max;
    my @input_lines = split /\n/, $text;
    my @output_lines;
    foreach (@input_lines) {
        if (/<!-- Lists \((\d+), most recent first\) -->/) {
            $section_max = $1;
            my $a = $article;
            if ($a =~ s/List of //) {
                push @output_lines, $ARG, "* [[$article|$a]]";
            } else {
                push @output_lines, $ARG, "* [[$article]]";
        if ($in_list_section) {
            if (/^$|<\/div>|<!-- Pictures \(\d+, most recent first\) -->/) {
                $in_list_section = 0;
            } elsif ($in_list_section < $section_max) {
            } else {
        push @output_lines, $ARG;

    $text = join "\n", @output_lines;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $announcements,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$announcements'");

sub text_to_month ($) {
    my ($month) = @ARG;
    for my $i (0..11) {
        if ($months[$i] eq $month) {
            return $i + 1;

sub update_goings_on_page  ($$$) {
    print "\tUpdating the goings_on page\n";
    my ($article, $summary, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($goings_on) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$goings_on'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$goings_on'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my ($m, $d, $y) = $text =~ /week starting Sunday, \[\[(\w+) (\d+)\]\], \[\[(\d+)\]\]/;
#    print "$d $m $y\n";
    my $delta_days = Delta_Days ($y, text_to_month ($m), $d, $timestamp->{YEAR}, text_to_month ($timestamp ->{MONTH}), $timestamp->{DAY});
#    print "delta days=$delta_days\n"; # Normally positive
    if ($delta_days < 0) {
        print $log "\t\tArticle dated $timestamp->{DAY} $timestamp ->{MONTH} $timestamp->{YEAR} but page is $d $m $y -- skipping\n";

    my $abbr = substr ($timestamp ->{MONTH}, 0, 3);
    my $date = "$timestamp->{DAY} $abbr";

    my $in_list_section = 0;
    my @input_lines = split /\n/, $text;
    my @output_lines;
    foreach (@input_lines) {
        if (/Wikipedia:Featured lists/) {
            $in_list_section = 1;
        if ($in_list_section) {
            if (/^$|Wikipedia:Featured pictures/) {
                $in_list_section = 0;
                push @output_lines, "* [[$article]] ($date)";
        push @output_lines, $ARG;

    $text = join "\n", @output_lines;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $goings_on,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$goings_on'");

sub update_featured_list_log  ($$$) {
    print "\tUpdating the featured list log\n";
    my ($status, $summary, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($featured_list_log) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$featured_list_log'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$featured_list_log'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my $year = $timestamp->{YEAR};
    my $month = $timestamp->{MONTH};

    sub new_month ($$$$$$) {
        my ($month, $year, $promoted, $failed, $kept, $removed) = @ARG;
        my @new_year = ($month eq 'January') ? ('|-', "|colspan=\"3\"|'''$year'''") : ();
        return join "\n", @new_year, '|-', "|$month",
                "|[[Wikipedia:Featured list candidates/Featured log/$month $year|$promoted promoted]]",
                "|[[Wikipedia:Featured list candidates/Failed log/$month $year|$failed failed]]",
                "|[[Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates/log/$month $year|$removed removed/$kept kept]]",

    foreach ($text) {
        if ($status eq 'promoted') {
            if (/(\|\[\[Wikipedia:Featured list candidates\/Featured log\/$month $year\|)(\d+) promoted/) {
                my $match = $1;
                my $count = $2 + 1;
                s/\Q$match\E\d+ promoted/$match$count promoted/;
            } else {
                my $new_month = new_month ($month, $year, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        } elsif ($status eq 'failed') {   
            if (/(\|\[\[Wikipedia:Featured list candidates\/Failed log\/$month $year\|)(\d+) failed/) {
                my $match = $1;
                my $count = $2 + 1;
                s/\Q$match\E\d+ failed/$match$count failed/;
            } else {
                my $new_month = new_month ($month, $year, 0, 1, 0, 0);

        } elsif ($status eq 'kept') {   
            if (/(\|\[\[Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates\/log\/$month $year\|)(\d+) removed\/(\d+) kept/) {
                my $match = $1;
                my $removed = $2;
                my $kept = $3 + 1;
                s/\Q$match\E.+/$match$removed removed\/$kept kept]]/;
            } else {
                my $new_month = new_month ($month, $year, 0, 0, 1, 0);
        } elsif ($status eq 'removed') {   
            if (/(\|\[\[Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates\/log\/$month $year\|)(\d+) removed\/(\d+) kept/) {
                my $match = $1;
                my $removed = $2 + 1;
                my $kept = $3;
                s/\Q$match\E.+/$match$removed removed\/$kept kept]]/;
            } else {
                my $new_month = new_month ($month, $year, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        } else {
            die "unknown status: '$status'";
    $editor->edit ({
        page => $featured_list_log,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$featured_list_log'");

sub parse_template ($@) {
    my ($text, @args) = @ARG;
    my %p;
    while ($text =~ s/\|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^}|]+)//is) {
    my @p = split '\|', $text;
    param:foreach my $p (@p) {
        next param unless $p;
        foreach my $arg (@args) {
            if (!defined $p{$arg}) {
                $p{$arg} = $p;
                next param;
#    foreach my $p (keys %p) {
#        print "$p => $p{$p}\n";
#    }
    return %p;

sub get_revid ($$$) {
    my ($page, $date, $time) = @ARG;
    my @history = $editor->get_history ($page) or
        error_exit ("Unable to get history of '$page'");
    foreach my $history (@history) {
        if ($history->{timestamp_date} le $date ||
                ($history->{timestamp_date} eq $date && $history->{timestamp_time} le $time)) {   
            return $history->{revid};
    error_exit ("Unable to get revid of '$page')");

sub newaction ($$$$$$) {
    my ($action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, $id) = @ARG;
    my $newaction = join "\n",
    return $newaction;

sub update_current_status ($$) {
    my ($text, $current_status) = @ARG;

    if ($current_status) {
        foreach ($text) {
            unless (s/(currentstatus=\s*\w+)/currentstatus=$current_status/) {
    return $text;

sub update_article_history ($$$$$$$) {
    my ($text, $action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, $current_status) = @ARG;
    $text =~ s/{{Article\s*History/{{ArticleHistory/is;
    my ($articleHistory) = $text =~ /{{ArticleHistory(.+?)}}/gis;
    if ($articleHistory) {
        my $has_nested_text = 0;
        while ($text =~ /{{ArticleHistory[^}]+({{[^}]+}})/) {
#            print "Nested text!!!!\n";
            my $nested_text = $1;
#            print "nested text=$nested_text\n";   
            my $transformed_text = $nested_text;
            $transformed_text =~ s/{{(.+)}}/%%<$1>%%/;
#            print "transformed text=$transformed_text\n";   
            $text =~ s/\Q$nested_text\E/$transformed_text/;
            $has_nested_text = 1;                                    

#        print "articlehistory='$articleHistory'\n";
        id:for (my $id = 1;; ++$id) {
            if ($articleHistory =~ /action$id/) {
#                print "\t\tfound action$id\n";
            } else {
#                print "\t\tno $id - going with that\n";
                my $newaction = newaction ($action, $date, $link, $result,  $revid, $id);
                $text =~ s/{{Article\s*History(.+?)}}/{{ArticleHistory$1\n$newaction\n}}/is;
                last id;
        $text = update_current_status ($text, $current_status);
        if ($has_nested_text) {
            $text =~ s/%%</{{/g;
            $text =~ s/>%%/}}/g;

    } else {
        my $newaction = newaction ($action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, 1);
        $text =~ s/^/{{ArticleHistory\n$newaction\n}}\n/is;
        $text = update_current_status ($text, $current_status);

    return $text;

sub add_pr_to_history ($$) {
    my ($article, $text) = @ARG;
    print $log "\tFound old Peer Review\n";   
    while ($text =~ s/{{oldpeerreview(.+?)}}//is) {
        my %h = parse_template ($1, 'name', 'archive');

        my $name = $h{name} // $article;
        my $archive = defined $h{archive} ? "/archive$h{archive}" : '';
        my $link = "Wikipedia:Peer_review/$name$archive";
        my ($history) = $editor->get_history ($link) or
            error_exit ("Unable to get history of '$link'");
        my $date = $history->{timestamp_date};
        my $time = $history->{timestamp_time};
        my $revid = get_revid ($article, $date, $time);       
        $text = update_article_history ($text, 'PR', $date, $link, 'reviewed ', $revid, undef); 
    return $text;

sub update_talk_page  ($$$$$$) {
    print "\tUpdating the talk page\n";
    my ($status, $article, $talk, $nomination, $summary, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($talk) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$talk'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$talk'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my $revid = get_revid ($article, $timestamp->{DATE}, $timestamp->{TIME});       

    # add an old Peer review, if any, to the article history
    if ($text =~ /{{oldpeerreview.+?}}/gis) {
        $text = add_pr_to_history ($article, $text);   
    if ($status eq 'promoted') {
        # Remove the FLC card
        $text =~ s/{{featured list candidates.+?}}\s*//;
        # Update the class for all projects
        $text =~ s/([^-]class)\s*=\s*(\w+)/$1=FL/igs;
        $text = update_article_history ($text, 'FLC', $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}, $nomination, 'promoted', $revid, 'FL');

    } elsif ($status eq 'failed') {
        # Remove the FLC card
        $text =~ s/{{featured list candidates.+?}}\s*//;
        $text = update_article_history ($text, 'FLC', $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}, $nomination, 'failed', $revid, 'FFLC');
    } elsif ($status eq 'kept') {
        # Remove the FLR card
        $text =~ s/{{featured list removal candidates.+?}}\s*//;
        $text = update_article_history ($text, 'FLR', $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}, $nomination, 'kept', $revid, 'FL');

    } elsif ($status eq 'removed') {
        # Remove the FLR card
        $text =~ s/{{featured list removal candidates.+?}}\s*//;
        # Update the class for all projects
        $text =~ s/([^-]class)\s*=\s*(\w+)/$1=List/igs;
        $text = update_article_history ($text, 'FLR', $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}, $nomination, 'removed', $revid, 'FFL');
    } else {
        die "unknown status: '$status'";

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $talk,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$talk'");

sub find_the_removal_nomination_page ($) {
    my ($talk) = @ARG;
    if ($sandbox_test) {
        return $nomination_page;

    my $text = $editor->get_text ($talk) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$talk')");
    die "no bots allowed on '$talk'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    $text =~ /{{featured list removal candidates\|(.+?\/archive\d+)}}/ or do {
        error_exit ("Unable to find nomination page for '$talk'");
    my $nomination = "Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates/$1";
    my $encoded_nomination = $nomination;
    $nomination =~ s/&#([0-9a-f]+);/chr($1)/ige;
    print "\t$nomination\n";
    return ($nomination, $encoded_nomination);

sub remove_nomination_from_removal_candidates_page  ($$) {
    print "\tRemoving the nomination from the removal candidates page\n";
    my ($nomination, $summary) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($removal_candidates) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$removal_candidates'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$removal_candidates'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    $text =~ s/{{\Q$nomination\E}}\s*\n//s;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $removal_candidates,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$candidates'");

sub add_nomination_to_removal_log_page  ($$$$) {
    print "\tAdding the nomination to the log page\n";
    my ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $log) = @ARG;
    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};
    $log =~ s/%M/$timestamp->{MONTH}/;
    $log =~ s/%Y/$timestamp->{YEAR}/;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($log);
    if (!defined $text) {
        $text = "{{Featured list log}}\n{{TOClimit|3}}\n==Keep==\n\n==Delist==\n";  
    die "no bots allowed on '$log'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    if ($status eq 'kept') {
        $text =~ s/(==Keep==\n)/$1\{\{$nomination\}\}\n/s;
    } elsif ($status eq 'removed') {
        $text =~ s/(==Delist==\n)/$1\{\{$nomination\}\}\n/s;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $log,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$log'");

sub remove_star_from_article_page  ($$) {
    print "\tUpdating the article page\n";
    my ($article, $summary) = @ARG;
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($article) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$article'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$article'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

     $text =~ s/\{\{featured list\}\}\s*\n//is;

    $editor->edit ({
        page => $article,
        text => $text,
        summary => $summary,
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$article'");

sub promoted ($$$$) {
    my ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $coordinator = $timestamp->{USER};
    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};

    print "\tpromoting $article\n";
    my $comment = "The list was '''$status''' by $coordinator via";
    my $summary = "$article promoted to Featured List";
    update_talk_page ('promoted', $article, $talk, $nomination, $summary, $timestamp);
    remove_nomination_from_candidates_page ($nomination, $summary);
    archive_nomination ($nomination, $comment, $summary, $timestamp);
    add_nomination_to_log_page ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $promoted_log);
    update_article_page ($article, $summary);
    update_announcements_page ($article, $summary);
    update_goings_on_page ($article, $summary, $timestamp);
    update_featured_list_log ('promoted', $summary, $timestamp);

    print "\tdone\n";

sub failed ($$$$) {
    my ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $coordinator = $timestamp->{USER};
    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};

    print "\tnot promoting $article\n";
    my $comment = "The list was '''$status''' by $coordinator via";
    my $summary = "$article not promoted to Featured List";
    update_talk_page ('failed', $article, $talk, $nomination, $summary, $timestamp);
    remove_nomination_from_candidates_page ($nomination, $summary);
    archive_nomination ($nomination, $comment, $summary, $timestamp);
    add_nomination_to_log_page ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $failed_log);
    update_featured_list_log ('failed', $summary, $timestamp);

    print "\tdone\n";

sub kept ($$$$) {
    my ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $coordinator = $timestamp->{USER};
    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};

    print "\tkeeping $article\n";
    my $comment = "The list was '''$status''' by $coordinator via";
    my $summary = "$article kept as Featured List";
    update_talk_page ('kept', $article, $talk, $nomination, $summary, $timestamp);
    remove_nomination_from_removal_candidates_page ($nomination, $summary);
    archive_nomination ($nomination, $comment, $summary, $timestamp);
    add_nomination_to_removal_log_page ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $removal_log);
    update_featured_list_log ('kept', $summary, $timestamp);

    print "\tdone\n";

sub removed ($$$$) {
    my ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp) = @ARG;
    my $coordinator = $timestamp->{USER};
    my $status = $timestamp->{STATUS};

    print "\tremoving $article\n";
    my $comment = "The list was '''$status''' by $coordinator via";
    my $summary = "$article removed from Featured List";
    update_talk_page ('removed', $article, $talk, $nomination, $summary, $timestamp);
    remove_nomination_from_removal_candidates_page ($nomination, $summary);
    archive_nomination ($nomination, $comment, $summary, $timestamp);
    add_nomination_to_removal_log_page ($nomination, $summary, $timestamp, $removal_log);
    remove_star_from_article_page ($article, $summary);
    update_featured_list_log ('removed', $summary, $timestamp);

    print "\tdone\n";

sub is_older_nomination ($$) {
    my ($nomination, $twenty_days_ago) = @ARG;   

    print $nomination, "\n";

    my @history = $editor->get_history ($nomination) or
        error_exit ("Unable to get history of '$nomination'");

    my $revision = pop @history;
    print "\t", $revision->{timestamp_date};

    my $is_older_nomination = $revision->{timestamp_date} lt $twenty_days_ago;
    print $is_older_nomination ? " is older than twenty_days_ago\n" : " is NOT older than twenty_days_ago\n" ;
    return $is_older_nomination;

sub move_the_daily_marker () {
    my $text = $editor->get_text ($candidates) or
        error_exit ("Unable to find '$candidates'");
    die "no bots allowed on '$candidates'" unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);

    my @input = split /\n/, $text;
    my @output;
    my $nominations = 0;
    my @older_nominations;
    my $older_nominations = 0;
    my $twenty_days_ago = strftime ('%Y-%m-%d', gmtime(time () - 20 * 24 * 60 * 60));
    print "twenty days ago was $twenty_days_ago\n";

    foreach (@input) {
        if (/<!--|-->/) {
        }elsif (/==Nominations==/) {
            $nominations = 1;           
        } elsif (/==Older nominations==/) {
            $older_nominations = 1;
            $nominations = 0;
        } elsif ($nominations) {
            if (/{{(Wikipedia:Featured list candidates.+)}}/) {
                my $nomination = $1;
                if (is_older_nomination ($nomination, $twenty_days_ago)) {
                    push @older_nominations, "{{$nomination}}";
        } elsif ($older_nominations) {
            if (@older_nominations) {
                push @output, @older_nominations;   
                $older_nominations = 0;
        push @output, $ARG;
    return unless (@older_nominations);
    $text = join "\n", @output;
    $editor->edit ({
        page => $candidates,
        text => $text,
        summary => 'update daily marker',
        minor => 0,
    }) or
        error_exit ("unable to edit '$candidates'");

sub featured_list_candidates () {
    my @candidates = $editor->get_pages_in_category ($category);
    foreach my $talk (@candidates) {
        eval {
            my $article = $talk;
            if ($article =~ s/Talk://) {
                print $article, "\n";
                my ($nomination, $encoded_nomination) = find_the_nomination_page ($talk);
                print "\t", $nomination, "\n";
                if (my ($status, $timestamp) = has_been_closed ($article, $nomination)) {
                    print $log "\t$nomination closed on $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}\n";
                    print "\tnomination closed on $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}\n";
                    if ($status eq 'promoted') {
                        promoted ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp);
                    } elsif ($status eq 'not promoted' || $status eq 'failed' || $status eq 'withdrawn' || $status eq 'archived') {
                        failed ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp);
                    } else {
                        print $log "WARNING: $nomination has unknown status '$status'\n";
                        warn "WARNING: $nomination has unknown status '$status'\n";   
                } else {
                    print $log "\tnomination is still current\n";
                    print "\t$nomination is still current\n";
        if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
            warn $EVAL_ERROR;

sub featured_list_removal_candidates () {
    my @candidates = $editor->get_pages_in_category ($removal_category);
    foreach my $talk (@candidates) {
        eval {
            my $article = $talk;
            if ($article =~ s/Talk://) {
                print $article, "\n";
                my ($nomination, $encoded_nomination) = find_the_removal_nomination_page ($talk);

                if (my ($status, $timestamp) = has_been_closed ($article, $nomination)) {
                    print $log "\t$nomination closed on $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}\n";
                    print "\tnomination closed on $timestamp->{DISPLAY_DATE}\n";
                    if ($status eq 'kept') {
                        kept ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp);
                    } elsif ($status eq 'removed') {
                        removed ($article, $talk, $nomination, $timestamp);
                    } else {
                        print $log "WARNING: $nomination has unknown status '$status'\n";
                        warn "WARNING: $nomination has unknown status '$status'\n";   
                } else {
                    print $log "\tnomination is still current\n";
                    print "\t$nomination is still current\n";
        if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
            warn $EVAL_ERROR;

$editor->login ({
    username => $cred->user,
    password => $cred->password
}) or die $editor->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $editor->{error}->{details};

showtime ("========== Commenced ==========\n");
move_the_daily_marker () unless ($sandbox_test);
featured_list_candidates ();
featured_list_removal_candidates ();

exit 0;